Faculty and research

BSB has a faculty made up of more than 80 permanent professors representing more than 20 nationalities — 40% are international. Among them, more than 80% have a PhD, which makes it possible to offer a teaching enriched by research.

At the same time, nearly 400 professionals and experts, coming from the finance, marketing and management sectors, also work at the School to train our students and share their business experience. A complementarity of profiles that values the connection between theoretical knowledge and professional applications.

salle de cours avec étudiants et professeur

The teacher directory

The center of research: CEREN

Created in 2003, the BSB Business Research Center (CEREN) brings together the school's research activities and brings together French and international research professors, around six axes relating to Management Sciences and Economic Sciences. Centre de Recherche sur les Entreprises (CEREN) de BSB rassemble les activités de recherche de l’école et regroupe des enseignants-chercheurs français et internationaux, autour de six axes relevant des Sciences de Gestion et des Sciences Économiques. The mission of BSB is to train enlightened managers who are able to put their own actions into perspective.. In this sense, research is a great way of learning since it cultivates critical analysis, the structuring of reasoning and the ability to gain perspective.

Beyond our students, the production of new knowledge through research is aimed at the academic community, via the publication in the best national and international journals in Management Sciences and Economic Sciences. It is also open to public and private organizations that wish to be supported in their decision-making and prepared for future challenges, as well as to civil society, since we consider that our research must Enlighten the public debate.

The CEREN by BSB has been certified Welcome Team (EA 7477) by the Directorate-General for Higher Education and Professional Integration in 2017.

For more information, you can contact:

portrait camille talpin

Camille Talpin

Research Development Officer

+33 (0) 380 725 885

Our areas of research

Research at BSB revolves around 6 key axes, in line with the orientation and assets of the school. Discover our research themes below:

axe de recherche art

Arts and Cultural Management

Coordinator : Marilena Vecco
axe de recherche transformation organisationnelle, comportements et décisions

Decisions and behaviors

Coordinator : Fabio Petani
salariés autour d'une table

Digital Leadership

Coordinator : Vivien Blanchet
the entrepreneurial garden, l'incubateur BSB

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Coordinator : Sophie Reboud
homme d'affaires


Coordinator : Nicolae Stef
salle de classe school of wine & spirits business

Wine & Spirits

Coordinator : Nikolaos Georgantzis

Research projects

BSB's Centre de Recherche sur les Entreprises (CEREN) carries out research projects funded by the European Commission in the context of the European Research and Innovation Programme, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region.

The impact of research on organisations is also one of CEREN's objectives, which is why it undertakes research projects within the framework of partnerships and Chairs, with the added aim of making a contribution to the region. With the ENSP (École Nationale Supérieure de la Police), the Coheliance company and the C&C Notaires notary's office, the Vitagora agri-food competitiveness cluster, the Orange company and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB), to name but the most recent examples, our researchers are mobilising their expertise to formulate responses to the issues raised by these partners and to shed light on current challenges.


European projects

including 1 as coordinator


ANR project

(National Research Agency)


BFC Region Projects

(Bourgogne Franche-Comté)


Projects with private or other funds

In progress

Green Nudge for Sustainable Forestry and Agricultural Practices post 2027

ForestAgriGreenNudge is a HEU funded research project that aims at identifying effective green nudges, together with the key features that make them suitable to different stakeholders in different scenarios. It will engage with policy makers to ensure green nudges are effectively incorporated into policy and establish an “iNUDGE Academy” to support any stakeholder interested in selecting, applying and benefiting from green nudges.

In progress

Breeding and integrated pest management strategies to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides in grapevine

Shield4Grape (S4G) is a HEU funded research project that aspires to implement sustainable agroecological approaches contributing to the improvement of resilience of the grapevine agri-food systems against pest diseases in a context of climatic changes.

In progress

Resilient, sustainable and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons

GLAMMONS is a HEU funded research project that is framed conceptually by the commons theory to explore the potential of GLAMs to function as part of commons social systems in the field of cultural production.

In progress

Valorization of legumes related ecosystem services

VALERECO is a HEU funded research project that aimsto develop an EU wide legume ecosystem that will identify barriers and enablers of legume adoption and provide services on the economic and environmental benefits of their widespread inclusion into EU agricultural systems to promote biodiversity.

In progress

Projects financed by the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region (BFC)

COOPS — BFC cooperatives (banking, winemakers,...): recommendations and reflections on governance and CSR.

In progress

Bringing environmental issues closer to the public with augmented reality

The project Be·aware funded by the ANR explores how augmented reality (AR) systems can reduce the spatial and temporal distance between people's choices and their environmental impacts.

Laboratories dedicated to experimental research

Created in 2008, LESSAC makes it possible to conduct experiments that mobilize behavioral economics. The data from these experiments provide a qualitative response to the challenges related to decision-making in business.le LESSAC permet de conduire des expérimentations qui mobilisent l’économie comportementale. Les données issues de ces expérimentations fournissent une réponse qualitative aux enjeux liés à la prise de décision en entreprise.

Our research laboratory is the only one in the world dedicated to behavioral studies in the wine and spirits sector.

The structure uses experimental economics methodologies to discover the emotions, cognitive processes, and decision-making biases that are involved in the actions and opinions of consumers, producers, and experts.

The team works closely with partners in the wine industry, students and academics from around the world — an openness that generates a academic research that is both stimulating and useful to society.

For more information, you can contact:

Cécile Schweitzer

National and European scientific project manager

+33 (0) 380 191 230

Research newsletter

The Burgundy School of Business Research Ethics Committee (CER-BSB) is intended to promote ethical reflection in research practices, to support project leaders in this regard, and to issue, at the request of project leaders, ethical compliance opinions for the implementation of any research protocol in the Human and Social Sciences involving human participants or personal data.

Any person undertaking research at the BSB may refer the matter to the CER-BSB in order to obtain an ethical compliance opinion and/or recommendations on the ethical issues raised by the said research.

Procedure for requesting a Notice of Ethical Compliance

  1. Complete the monitoring questionnaire

The answers to this questionnaire will immediately determine whether the researcher will need to submit a full application for an ethics compliance notice to the BSB-REB If you answered NO to all the questions in the control questionnaire, step 1 is sufficient Your study is automatically approved and can begin immediately

2. In all other cases, you must explain why it is necessary for your research project to be carried out in this way, and the measures you are taking to remedy any potential ethical problems. This complete application will then be submitted to the ERC-BSB.

Two rapporteurs will examine your application within two weeks. If the two rapporteurs approve the application, you will be informed and you can start your study. If the rapporteurs issue differing opinions or consider that there are grounds for issuing an unfavourable opinion and that further examination is necessary, then a third rapporteur will be consulted for an expert opinion. This person has a further two weeks to examine the application. Candidates will be informed in writing of the CER-BSB's decision at the end of the assessment procedure.

*For the examination of ethical questions that may arise in areas of research other than those within the remit of the CER-BSB, you may refer the matter to the Comité d'Éthique pour la Recherche d'Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (CER UBFC).‍** Teacher portal on E-CAMPUS, Research Ethics Committee icon

Support procedure

Any BSB member who has a question related to ethics can contact the CER-BSB using the contact form.

Please declare any research using personal data to the BSB Data Protection Officer at the following address: dpo@bsb-education.com

Researchers must also submit a free and informed consent form to each study participant.

Newsletter de la recherche
