Our research axis

Arts and cultural management

The researchers of the Arts and Cultural Management Axis are interested in three main pillars: Creativity, Ethics And the sustainability, which have as a common base the culture.

Around these three pillars, research carried out within the Axis then studies, for example, the art market, the creative and cultural industries, The figure of The artist-entrepreneur or even the cultural policies.

The work is oriented around 3 key themes:


The role of culture

in the field of sustainability and as the 4th “pillar” of sustainable development.


Governance and cultural policies

for the development of cultural ecosystems and cultural and creative entrepreneurship.


The concept of the common good and ethics in the cultural sector

with insights provided by philosophy and phenomenology

Within the academic community, the Axis is present in several editorial committees of academic journals, is involved in international scientific projects and several of its members collaborate with renowned international universities (Glasgow University, HEC Montréal, HEC Montréal, Bocconi University, Bocconi University, BI Norwegian Business School, etc.)

Axis research also includes varied collaborations with networks of professionals.
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Axis members


Mario D'angelo



Marilena VECCO

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the publications of our professors - researchers

Written by members of EENCA — The European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual —, the report Gender Gaps in the Cultural and Creative Sectors is at the heart of one of the five priorities of the European Union's Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022: gender equality.This work aims to provide information and contextual elements relating to the specific challenges faced by women working in cultural and creative sectors.

Based on a literature review and a study identifying the precise situation of women artists and professionals in the cultural and creative sectors, this report aims to provide recommendations to the European Union's WTO Working Group in order to achieve gender equality in these sectors.

The participation of Marilena Vecco, researcher at CEREN/BSB, to this report, is part of one of the key areas of expertise of the Arts and Cultural Management Research Axis, which is particularly interested in cultural and creative entrepreneurship.

This type of research also reflects the ability of our work to have an impact on various stakeholders, such as, in this case, European institutions. Indeed, based on a rigorous work methodology from the academic world, this report aims primarily to establish recommendations to the European Union, in order to be transferable to the cultural and creative sectors.

This work is also recognized within the academic community, since Marilena Vecco was invited in 2020 to present the main results of this report during a workshop organized by the University of Rostock in Germany, dedicated to “Gender data in the creative sector: how to bridge the gap”.

Axis coordinator

For more information, you can contact:

Marinela Vecco

+33 (0) 380 725 855
