A tailor-made wellness programme

For BSB, What matters even more than your success is your personal development.

With our One Health Center programme, You find real answers and an attentive ear to questions relating to your well-being. To address the stress management, sleep or nutrition, but also to talk about more sensitive issues such as addiction, harassment or discrimination, we organize information and prevention workshops for our students.

Build your own wellness programme
BSB encourages you to take a moment for yourself... To take care of yourself.

From the start of the school year at BSB, you will be able to create your own programme : workshops, training courses, conferences, individual appointments...

Fight against harassment and discrimination

Conferences on diversity, living together, listening unit, harassment...

Sleep and recovery

Workshops “Taking care of your sleep”, sophrologic, yoga, & meditation...

Physical health

Sports lessons with possible registration for the session, sports coaching, collective sports challenge...


Cooking workshops, dietary coaching, events during Taste Week...

Mental health

Yoga workshop, psychological unit, mental health first aid training...

Lutte contre le harcèlement et les discriminations

Conférences sur la diversité, le vivre ensemble, cellule d'écoute harcèlement...

Sommeil et récupération

Ateliers « Prendre soin de son sommeil », sophrologie, yoga, & méditation...

Santé physique

Cours de sport avec inscription possible à la séance, coaching sportif, challenge sportif collectif...


Ateliers cuisine, coaching en diététique, événement durant la Semaine du Goût...

Santé mentale

Atelier yoga, cellule psychologique, formation aux premiers secours en santé mentale...

Lutte contre le harcèlement et les discriminations

Conférences sur la diversité, le vivre ensemble, cellule d'écoute harcèlement...

Sommeil et récupération

Ateliers « Prendre soin de son sommeil », sophrologie, yoga, & méditation...

Santé physique

Cours de sport avec inscription possible à la séance, coaching sportif, challenge sportif collectif...


Ateliers cuisine, coaching en diététique, événement durant la Semaine du Goût...

Santé mentale

Atelier yoga, cellule psychologique, formation aux premiers secours en santé mentale...

Mission handicap

BSB pays particular attention to inclusion, promoting inclusion and accessibility for all students. We offer personalised support adapted to each profile:

  • organisation of courses and exams
  • preparing for a semester abroad
  • help to find internships and apprenticeships

If you have a disability and have questions about student support at BSB, please contact:

Orlane Reboux

+33 (0) 380 191 219
