Our CSR commitments
Committed to a more responsible future, BSB integrated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into the heart of its development strategy in 2003 through a transversal and systemic approach.

Act for Change
Formalising 20 years of commitment, the Act for Change strategy is based on three axes :
Act for Respect
Guarantee a respectful and responsible living environment on our campuses, promoting environmental management and social justice.
Act for Sustainability
Promote innovative and responsible models of organisations and governance, based on the concepts of ethics, sustainability and diversity.
Act for Empowerment
Train and support our stakeholders to become responsible citizens, aware of economic, social and environmental issues.
At BSB, CSR is a compass for moving towards a better world.
(Happy at School 2024)
CSR report
Indicateur égalité BSB 2023-24
Our actions

BSB Equality

Diversity barometer

Professional equality action plan


Mission disability

(Re) Connect

Eco-responsible events


The strings of success

BSB Equality

Diversity barometer

Professional equality action plan


Mission disability

(Re) Connect

Eco-responsible events


The strings of success

BSB Equality

Diversity barometer

Professional equality action plan


Mission disability

(Re) Connect

Eco-responsible events


The strings of success
CSR pillars
Responsible education
BSB students are trained specific modules to have an in-depth understanding of all it encompasses. Transversal methods are used and CSR is integrated into more than 50% of our courses to cover crucial topics such as the environment, ethics, responsible leadership and sustainable finance, etc.
Engaged research
To make concrete impact on society, the work of the Center for Business Research (CEREN) works to meet economic, social and environmental challenges. Several CSR research chairs have been created since 2003: microfinance, corporate governance, responsible management, evolution of economic models in the food industry.
Inclusive social policy
BSB's social policy encompasses values of global responsibility: equal opportunities, solidarity, diversity, well-being, etc. It is based on One Health Center with several measures for personalised student support at different stages of their studies, Mission Handicap to support students with disabilities and BSB Foundation for students facing financial difficulties.
Environmental management
BSB is fully committed to a global approach to reduce its environmental footprint.
This is achieved through recycling, responsible purchasing, and constant improvements in energy performance. A carbon assessment is in progress in order to develop a reduced energy consumption plan.
Professional equality
BSB's commitments to professional equality between women and men are measured via Its professional equality index, established by the Law for the freedom to choose one's professional future.
For BSB, this index for 2023 is 87 points out of 100.
This indicator is composed as follows:
- Pay gap: 27 points
All other indicators are at maximum
- Difference in individual increases: 35 points
- Percentage of employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave: 15 points
- Number of employees of the underrepresented sex among the 10 highest paid employees: 10 points
This value demonstrates the reality of the commitments made by BSB, in particular during the professional equality action plans between women and men over the past several years. BSB will continue its progress in the field by deploying a collective agreement for professional equality between women and men over the period 2024-2027.l'accord collectif pour l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes sur la période 2024-2027.
Commitment and governance
BSB takes part in national and international initiatives to meet current societal challenges and by sharing the results of its actions. In particular, it is a signatory of:
To act in favor of diversity and thus go beyond the legal and legal framework of the fight against discrimination

Commitment of management schools to apply 6 principles to provide future leaders with the skills to balance economic and sustainability goals.

Commitment of educational institutions to achieve the 17 UN SDGs

To act in favor of the inclusion of LGBT+ people in the academic world.