VAE - Validation of acquired knowledge through experience

The VAE allows anyone with at least one year of professional experience to Have your skills validated in order to obtain a certification (diploma, title or professional qualification certificate) registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP). The certification requested must be related to the candidate's field of professional activity.

The VAE is based on a competency assessment procedure Acquired of the candidate, by a jury, on the basis of a detailed and substantiated file.

Who is the VAE for?

The candidate must benefit fromat least 1 year of professional experience carried out continuously or not, in France or abroad as an employee, non-employee or volunteer.

Anyone regardless of age, nationality, level of training and with at least one year of experience in the field of the certification in question can be a candidate for the VAE.

Why commit to a VAE?

An eBike is recommended if you want to:

Have your skills recognized, and your professional experience valued
Consistent your level of responsibility and your professional degree or certification
Obtaining a diploma or a professional qualification allowing career development
Take a step back from your professional experience to better consider the future

How does a VAE take place?

The VAE is an individual project that is built in stages.

Project validation

The school advises you to check the coherence between your project and your professional experience


Booklet 1

Composition and submission of the admissibility file (Booklet 1)



Examination of the admissibility file and decision of the admission board


Booklet 2

Composition of the VAE file (booklet 2) by the candidate and submission of the file



Oral defense of the VAE file before an academic and professional jury



Final evaluation of the elements by the diploma jury

BSB courses eligible for the VAE

The following BSB courses, registered at the RNCP, are eligible for the VAE.

Bachelor in Management

Bac +3
Dijon Lyon
icône FRicône EN
This is some text inside of a div block.

Master Grande École

Bac +5
Dijon Lyon
icône FRicône EN
This is some text inside of a div block.

BSB rates

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Our prices for accessing the VAE are as follows:

  • Admissibility study of the file (booklet 1): 500€ excluding tax
  • Study of the VAE file (booklet 2), defense of your file and diploma jury: 1500€ excluding tax

BSB does not provide support to candidates who wish to benefit from the VAE.

Financing your VAE

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The VAE can be financed by vocational training funding organizations and is accessible to the following devices:

  • CPF: Personal Training Account
  • Validation of Acquired Experience Leave
  • Supported by your company according to current regulations

Mission disability

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Our school is accessible to people with disabilities. BSB pays particular attention to equal opportunities, promoting inclusion and accessibility for all students.

We offer support adapted to each profile: organization of courses and exams, preparation for the international semester, help in your search for internships/apprenticeships, which you can find in detail on the page /of alternations, which you can find in detail on the page Mission disability.