étudiante MGE BSB
Non-French Bachelor or 180 ECTS
Dijon or Lyon
Accredited by the French State
French or 100% English track

Why choose the BSB Master Grande Ecole?

The BSB Master Grande Ecole delivers a Master's degree accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, offering high recognition by employers in France and abroad
Gain hands-on experience with our 'Learning by doing' pedagogy: real business case studies, encounters with professionals, field trips, internships...
Study a 100% English-taught programme in a highly international environment: 43% of our faculty is coming from abroad representing 22 different nationalities, and 25% of our students on campuses are international
Personalized tracks: choose from 10 areas of expertise, 4 of which are ranked in the top 3 for French business schools
PathfinderTM, a unique support system throughout its career
Join one of the best Masters in Management in the world

52nd place in the Financial Times ranking of the best Masters in Management

étudiante en train d'être accompagnée par un coach Pathfinder

The BSB Grande Ecole Master Program is a course that prepares you in 2 years for jobs in finance, marketing, management and business development. This program also gives you the essential soft skills to become a curious, agile manager, open to others.

The 4 pillars of the Master Grande École program at BSB:

  • Digitalization : Training in the use of advanced digital tools such as Big Data, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, with particular attention to the ethical implications of these technologies
  • Social Responsibility : Education focused on sustainable development, addressing issues such as climate, natural resources and social justice, to promote responsible management
  • Globalization : Preparation for the challenges of globalization, including the understanding of emerging markets, global financial issues, and international regulations, in order to become an internationally oriented manager
  • The Humanities : Strengthening general knowledge through courses in philosophy, art and political science, to develop critical thinking, the ability to analyze and make informed decisions in the face of global complexity

Each of these pillars aims to provide you with the skills and agility necessary to effectively carry out your professional projects through various educational opportunities such as bootcamps, innovation challenges, and conferences.

During these years, prepare yourself for an academic, professional, international and associative experience.

Tailor-made academic training

At the end of your training, you will be able to:

  • Analyze a complex problem and deploy a commercial and marketing action plan
  • Evaluate the legal, economic and technological environment of the company to define and implement its strategy
  • Understand the principles of financial management and contribute to the development of a company's financial policy
  • Responsibly manage human resources within a company
  • Develop and deploy an intra- or entrepreneurial project
  • Managing the information systems of an organization/company in a context of digitalization
  • Evolve in an international environment

You can personalize your program by choosing your specialization modules.

Pré-master : découverte et exploration

Cette année est consacrée à l'exploration de différents domaines et disciplines, vous permettant d'affiner vos choix de parcours futurs, tout en étant accompagné dans cette démarche.

Pendant votre année de pré-master, vous approfondirez les matières suivantes (extrait) :

  • Principles of marketing
  • Deep dive artificial intelligence
  • Dynamiques industrielles et stratégies des firmes
  • Global business & financial environment
  • Finance d’entreprise
  • Action commerciale
  • Management responsable de l’organisation et des RH
  • Business English
  • ...

Vous aurez également l’opportunité de participer à des bootcamps : Introduction to ecology, Leaderskills training, Data.

Vous choisirez un parcours de pré-spécialisation parmi :

  • Audit Expertise Conseil
  • International
  • Associatif/Professionnel/Entrepreneurial

Vous clôturerez votre année de pré-master par un stage découverte de 2 mois minimum.

Vous avez aussi l’opportunité de partir en semestre à l’international au semestre 2.

Master 1 : approfondissement & pré-spécialisation

La 1ère année de votre Master Grande École est conçue pour approfondir vos connaissances et vous pré-spécialiser, renforçant ainsi votre expertise et vous préparant de manière ciblée à la spécialisation de votre Master 2.

Vous approfondirez les matières suivantes (extrait) :

  • Marketing stratégique
  • Marketing d’études
  • Stratégie de produit et de marque
  • Pilotage de la performance
  • Transformation digitale
  • Management de projet
  • Management de PME et intrapreneuriat
  • Management et développement durable
  • Business English

Vous aurez également l’opportunité de participer à un bootcamp Deep dive entrepreneurship.

Vous choisirez l’un des parcours de pré-spécialisation :

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Audit Expertise Conseil
  • Data science
  • Culture
  • Wine management
  • Management de la RSE et du développement durable

Puis, vous choisirez un parcours approfondissement :

  • Marketing
  • Data Science
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Cultural & Creative Industries
  • Change Management

Vous aurez l’opportunités de découvrir notre International Excellence Programme avec 30 professeurs du monde entier qui seront à BSB pendant 5 semaines pour vous enseigner leurs expertises : Luxury Branding Management, Value Co-creation in Sport Management, Leadership & Strategy, Investing in Stock Market, Fashion Society, Business Intelligence…

Vous clôturerez votre année de master par un stage Fonction de 4 mois minimum.

Vous avez aussi l’opportunité de partir en semestre à l’international au semestre 1 ou 2.

Master 2 : spécialisation & expertise

La 2ème année de votre Master Grande Ecole est l'année de la spécialisation. Vous choisissez une filière et développez une expertise pointue dans votre domaine. Cette dernière année met également un fort accent sur votre insertion professionnelle.

Vous pourrez choisir un double diplôme à BSB ou à l’international.

Doubles diplômes à BSB :

Doubles diplômes à l’international (extrait) :

  • MBA, Brock University – Canada
  • MBA, Oklahoma State University – USA
  • MBA in International Business, National Sun Yat Sen University - Kaohsiuang, Chinese Taipei, Taiwan
  • Museumsmanagement und -Kommunikation, HTW Berlin MA – Germany
  • MSc in Data Analytics and Business Economics, Hong Kong Baptist University - Hong Kong, China
  • MSc specialisation in Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation, SolBridge International School of Business - Daejeon, South Korea
  • MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance, Hong Kong Baptist University - Hong Kong, China
  • Maestría en Finanzas, EGADE Business School – Mexico, Campus Santa Fe
  • MSc International Finance and Investment, Northumbria University - Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

Vous aurez également l'opportunité de réaliser un semestre à l'international, suivi d'un stage en management d'une durée minimale de 6 mois.

Master 1: deepening & pre-specialisation

The first year of your Master Grande Ecole is designed to deepen your knowledge and pre-specialise you, thus strengthening your expertise and preparing you in a targeted manner for the specialisation of your Master 2.

You will deepen the following subjects (extract):

  • Strategic marketing
  • Research marketing
  • Product and brand strategy
  • Performance management
  • Digital transformation
  • Project management
  • SME management and intrapreneurship
  • Management and sustainable development
  • Business English
  • ...

You will also have the opportunity to participate in a Deep Dive Entrepreneurship Bootcamp.

You will choose one of the pre-specialization courses:

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Audit Expertise Advice
  • Data science
  • Culture
  • Wine Management
  • CSR and sustainable development management

Then, you will choose an in-depth course:

  • Marketing
  • Data Science
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Cultural & Creative Industries
  • Change Management

You will have the opportunity to discover our International Excellence Programme with 30 professors from all over the world who will be at BSB for 5 weeks to teach you their valuations : Luxury Branding Management, Value Co-creation in Sport Management, Leadership & Strategy, Investing in Stock Market, Fashion Society, Business Intelligence...

You will end your master year with a function internship of at least 4 months.

You also have the opportunity to go to International semester in semester 2.

Master 2: specialization & expertise

The Master 2 is the specialization year. You choose a sector and develop advanced expertise in your field. This final year also places a strong emphasis on your professional integration.

You will be able to choose a double degree at BSB or internationally.

Dual degrees at BSB :

International double degrees (extract):

  • MBA, Brock University — Canada
  • MBA, Oklahoma State University — USA
  • MBA in International Business, National Sun Yat Sen University - Kaohsiuang, Chinese Taipei, Taiwan
  • Museum Management and Communications, HTW Berlin MA — Germany
  • MSc in Data Analytics and Business Economics, Hong Kong Baptist University - Hong Kong, China
  • MSc specialization in Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation, SolBridge International School of Business - Daejeon, South Korea
  • MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance, Hong Kong Baptist University - Hong Kong, China
  • Master's degree in Finance, EGADE Business School — Mexico
  • MSc International Finance and Investment, Northumbria University - Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

You will also have the opportunity to do a semester abroad, followed by a management internship lasting at least 6 months.

Master 1: deepening & pre-specialisation

The first year of your Master Grande Ecole is designed to deepen your knowledge and pre-specialise you, thus strengthening your expertise and preparing you in a targeted manner for the specialisation of your Master 2.

You will deepen the following subjects (extract):

  • Strategic marketing
  • Research marketing
  • Product and brand strategy
  • Performance management
  • Digital transformation
  • Project management
  • SME management and intrapreneurship
  • Management and sustainable development
  • Business English
  • ...

You will also have the opportunity to participate in a Deep Dive Entrepreneurship Bootcamp.

You will choose one of the pre-specialization courses:

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Audit Expertise Advice
  • Data science
  • Culture
  • Wine Management
  • CSR and sustainable development management

Then, you will choose an in-depth course:

  • Marketing
  • Data Science
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Cultural & Creative Industries
  • Change Management

You will have the opportunity to discover our International Excellence Programme with 30 professors from all over the world who will be at BSB for 5 weeks to teach you their valuations : Luxury Branding Management, Value Co-creation in Sport Management, Leadership & Strategy, Investing in Stock Market, Fashion Society, Business Intelligence...

You will end your master year with a function internship of at least 4 months.

You also have the opportunity to go to International semester in semester 2.

Master 2: specialization & expertise

The Master 2 is the specialization year. You choose a sector and develop advanced expertise in your field. This final year also places a strong emphasis on your professional integration.

You will be able to choose a double degree at BSB or internationally.

Dual degrees at BSB :

International double degrees (extract):

  • MBA, Brock University — Canada
  • MBA, Oklahoma State University — USA
  • MBA in International Business, National Sun Yat Sen University - Kaohsiuang, Chinese Taipei, Taiwan
  • Museum Management and Communications, HTW Berlin MA — Germany
  • MSc in Data Analytics and Business Economics, Hong Kong Baptist University - Hong Kong, China
  • MSc specialization in Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation, SolBridge International School of Business - Daejeon, South Korea
  • MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance, Hong Kong Baptist University - Hong Kong, China
  • Master's degree in Finance, EGADE Business School — Mexico
  • MSc International Finance and Investment, Northumbria University - Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom

You will also have the opportunity to do a semester abroad, followed by a management internship lasting at least 6 months.

Discover all the double degree options in the brochure

Choose work-study programs from Master 1

Follow your Master 1 and/or Master 2 training in work-study program, 100% of your tuition fees Are then supported by your host company. and you will be paid.

BSB vous accompagne pour trouver votre contrat d’apprentissage grâce à un coaching de préparation aux entretiens, une mise en relation avec notre réseau d’entreprises partenaires.

Complete your Grande Ecole Master on a work-study basis!

I want to do some work-study
étudiante BSB

Enjoy an international experience

BSB invites you to immerse yourself in an international experience, both on campuses (with 81 nationalities represented and 43% international professors) and, if desired, by studying abroad for a semester or year to pursue a double degree.

BSB is a partner of + 200 partner institutions present in Italy, Australia, United Kingdom, Sweden, United States, South Korea, China...

BSB also invites you to follow the program 100% English speaking from Master 1.

étudiante BSB en argentine, pendant son expatriation

A solid professional experience

Internships in companies, field trips, business cases and meetings with professionals are an integral part of our programmes. At BSB you will have the opportunity to gain professional experience and boost your employability.

The companies that recruited our students

Our accreditations

An associative experience

Join an association and Test your management skills ! By actively engaging in community life, you are carrying out significant projects. This commitment is a real training in the professional world, it allows you to develop and apply your skills as future managers.

From culture to sport, via the media or even solidarity, the sectors in which the twenty or so BSB associations on our 2 campuses operate are as rich as they are varied.

vie associative BSB avec des étudiants pendant une color run

How to join BSB's Master Grande Ecole?

Post Prepa

Post-prep access with the support of the ECB, Banque d'Étests Communes for 20 management schools in France. More information and registration on the BCE competition.

Post Bac +2/ Bac+3

Access to initial or work-study training in post Bac +2/+3 via the Passerelle competition, Parallel admissions to 3 Grandes Écoles of Business and Management in France. More information and registration on the Passerelle competition. Pour une rentrée en septembre 2025, vous pouvez candidater entre le 20 novembre 2024 et le 27 juin 2025.

For international students

Students with a 3 or 4-year international Bachelor, or 180 ECT can apply to join the Master Grande Ecole programme.

All our admission requirements can be found in the brochure

What are the opportunities for the Master Grande Ecole?

The insertion in a few figures
CGE 2024 survey - Master Grande Ecole
of our students have graduated
BSB work-study students get a CDI in less than 4 months
of our graduates have a position with an international dimension
42-45k €
Average annual gross output salary
48 to 54k €
Average annual gross salary in France with bonuses, 3 years after obtaining the Master Grande École BSB

Le Master Grande Ecole prépare nos étudiants à différents métiers dans le marketing, la communication, le management, le business development ou dans des directions financières. Les principaux postes disponibles en sortie d’école sont :

  • Marketing manager
  • Communication and events manager
  • Project manager
  • Media manager
  • Digital manager
  • Sales manager
  • Business unit manager
  • Purchasing manager
  • International Development Manager
  • Business developer
  • Administrative and financial manager, management controller
  • Auditor, consultant
  • Wealth manager
  • Entrepreneur or Business Acquirer

At the end of the studies, the sectors of employment are divided as follows: Sales (29%), Marketing (13%), Administration, Management, Finance, Accounting (14%), Communication (7%), Studies, Advice and Expertise (5%), Studies, Consulting and Expertise (5%), Audit (5%), Audit (5%), Audit (5%), Audit (5%), Human Resources (5%), Human Resources (9%), General Management (2%), Others (16%).

we are
Carlo Enrico Gallavresi
Management Consultant
Melissa Bidounga
Contrôleur de gestion
José Antonio Jimenez Monroy
Strategy and Transformation Analyst

Join the Master Grande École on our Lyon or Dijon campuses

In Lyon or Dijon, join one of our campuses designed to offer a setting conducive to well-being and stimulating student experience.

A stimulating environment

Our campuses are designed to provide a stimulating experience and to prepare for a rich and exciting career.

learning center BSB

What are the tuition fees for the Master Grande Ecole?

Pour une rentrée en septembre 2025, pour les Bac +2 en initial, les frais de scolarité pour la 1ère année (Pré-Master) sont de 14 200€, 14 600€ pour la 2ème année (Master 1) et 15 000€ pour la 3ème année (Master 2).

Pour une rentrée en septembre 2025, pour les Bac +3 en initial, les frais de scolarité pour la 1ère année (Master 1) sont de 13 800€, 13 800€ pour la 2ème année (Master 2). 

Find all the details of tuition fees and all the services they include in our brochure.

Additional information

Training evaluation criteria

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Each component of your training is evaluated throughout your time at BSB in the form of modules. Each Grande Ecole Master year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System), each course validating a certain number of ECTS credits. Academic knowledge, internships, international study semesters, personal development modules, professional thesis: all components of the program are evaluated.

Academic courses are evaluated through continuous and final checks, individual and collective. Assessments can take the form of partials, oral presentations, oral presentations, case studies, knowledge checks... and are specific to each module.

Your professional experiences (internships or work-study programs) and the corresponding reports or defenses are evaluated by the teaching team and also by the company.

To obtain your diploma, each course module, each internship or mission in a company and international experience must be validated by obtaining an average of at least 10/20 to obtain the 60 ECTS credits. You must also validate your professional thesis and an external English test (TOEIC minimum score 785 or equivalent).

The school does not offer block of skills certification for this course but offers the passage of 1 TOEIC per year to each student.

The program provides 678 hours of courses over the year.

Mission disability

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Our school is accessible to people with disabilities. BSB pays particular attention to equal opportunities, promoting inclusion and accessibility for all students.

We offer support adapted to each profile: organization of courses and exams, preparation for the international semester, help in your search for internships/apprenticeships, which you can find in detail on the page /of alternations, which you can find in detail on the page Mission disability.

logo diplôme visé par l'état
Diploma recognized by the State
The BSB Grande École Master is Bac Vise +5 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and is recognized Master's degree.

RNCP Level 7 Title No.35019 : Grande École Program
Certifier: ESC Dijon Bourgogne. Date of registration: 01/09/2022

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