Accreditations and labels

The recognition of BSB through accreditations and rankings positions the School in the Top 15 French management schools, and in the Top 1% of business schools in the world.


N°1 des Grandes Ecoles de Management où les étudiants sont les plus heureux

Pour la 2ème année consécutive, BSB a été élue en 2023 la Grande Ecole de management française n°1 en satisfaction des étudiants, en figurant à la première place du classement HappyAtSchool®.

En 4 éditions, BSB a été 4 fois sur le podium de ce classement basé sur 5 critères : l’installation et l’environnement, l’enseignement, la vie étudiante, les relations avec des entreprises et la confiance en l’avenir.

14ème Grande Ecole de Management, +7 places en 10 ans

Sigem 2023
Classement des Grandes Ecoles post-prépa en France

62ème au classement du Financial Times 2022

+1 place

BSB figure à la 62ème place du nouveau classement 2022 des meilleurs Masters in Management du monde du Financial Times. Parmi les 100 institutions qui ont été classées dans cette édition 2022, BSB se distingue particulièrement sur trois dimensions :

  • Une place de 7ème école française en progression de carrière (+1 place)
  • Une 11ème place mondiale en expérience internationale (+9 places)
  • Une diversité à l’École remarquée, avec une stricte parité femmes/hommes au sein des étudiants, de la faculté et de la gouvernance

Our international accreditations

BSB holds the triple crown and is thus part of the very closed circle of top management schools. holders of the three international reference accreditations that are AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.

Less than 1% of business schools in the world are triple accredited, or barely 130 institutions out of 15,000. BSB is one of the 19 major schools in this case in France out of around 400 listed. This triple accreditation testifies to the excellence of the School according to very high international standards in academic, institutional and pedagogical terms.

logo AACSB

BSB obtained American accreditation in 2014 AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) for 5 years. The School was first re-accredited for the same duration in 2019, then for 6 years in 2024.

logo EQUIS

BSB picked up EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) in 2016, then was re-accredited twice for 3 years, in 2019 and in 2022. Around the world, just over 200 universities and management schools hold EQUIS, an accreditation issued by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development).

logo AMBA

In 2023, BSB was accredited by AMBA (Association of MBA's) for its Wine & Spirits Business MBA. It thus became the French Grande École de Management crowned with this distinction. French Grande École de Management awarded this distinction.

Certificates and labels

Our academic certifications

BSB is certified Qualiopi, which guarantees the quality of the process implemented in its training courses. This recognition validates the school's ability to identify and meet the expectations of beneficiaries and businesses, to use appropriate educational, technical and supervisory resources, and to engage in a process of continuous improvement.
BSB is a member of the Chapter of Management Schools of Grandes Ecoles Conference (CGE), which brings together 38 major French management schools recognized by the state and authorized to issue a bac +5 diploma conferring the degree of Master.

These institutions represent in France and internationally the reference in their fields of training.
BSB holds the Quality Label Specialized Master® from the CGE for its specialized masters in International Wine and Spirits Trade (MS CIVS) and in Management of Cultural Businesses and Creative Industries (MS MECIC). This label is awarded to a 12-month course awarding a post-master's degree (Bac+6).
La CEFDG (Commission d'Evaluation des Formations et Diplomas de Gestion) is the only national body competent for the evaluation of courses delivered by major business schools recognized by the state.

CEFDG's opinions are available on its website.
The National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP), established and updated by France Compétences, lists diplomas, professional titles and qualification certificates recognized by the state.

It ensures the correspondence between the courses offered and the needs of the labor market, guaranteeing their quality and relevance.
BSB holds the label Welcome to France. Awarded by Campus France, it guarantees international students a national standard in terms of the quality and accessibility of information, reception facilities, training offers, housing, campus life and the quality of post-graduate follow-up.

Our CSR labels

In 2024, BSB won the label DD&RS (Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility), certification which is the main tool for recognizing the societal commitment of higher education and research institutions in France.
In 2024, BSB is in the world's Top 50 of Positive Impact Rating (PIR) with a “Transforming School” status, which is the second most efficient level of this international evaluation.

It expresses how students perceive the positive impact of their business school on the economic and societal world.
BSB is certified HappyIndex® atSchool since 2020. This label assesses student satisfaction with their school experience based exclusively on their certified opinions. Among the certified schools, BSB is at the top of the ranking developed by ChooseMyCompany in 2022 and 2023, and is therefore the No. 1 school where it is good to study in France.
BSB is certified Best School Experience by Speak & Act since 2022. The mission of this label is to highlight the schools and universities where the students are the happiest.

Visas and ranks

logo grade de licencelogo diplôme visé par l'état

Bachelor in Management

The BSB Bachelor in Management is Bac Vise +3 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and grants the License grade. It gives access to the continuation of studies in Master Grande École (Bac +5).

RNCP Level 6 Title No.39100
Postgraduate Diploma in Management and International Business
Certifier: ESC Dijon Bourgogne.
Date of registration: 01/09/2024

logo diplôme visé par l'état

Master Grande Ecole

The BSB Grande École Master is Bac Vise +5 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and is recognized Master's degree.

RNCP Level 7 Title No. 35019: Grande École Program35019 : Programme Grande École
Certificateur : ESC Dijon Bourgogne. Date d’enregistrement : 01/09/2022

Our partners

BSB is owned by Conference of Grandes Écoles which brings together 41 major Management Schools, all recognized by the State and awarding a Master's degree.

Our school is a member of the Common Test Bank ECB, a competition intended for students in preparatory classes and wishing to join a Grande Ecole Master.

BSB is a member of the competition walkway Grande Ecole program, a bank of common tests bringing together 10 Grandes Ecoles in France.

BSB is a member of the CDEFM (Conference of Directors of French Schools of Management) whose mission is to represent its member schools before the State, the European Union, student and employer associations, national and international accreditation bodies and other international bodies competent in the field of teaching and research.

BSB is a member ofAACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), an American professional and accreditation organization with over 1900 members around the world.

BSB is a member ofEFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), an international organization dedicated to management development and accreditation body, with nearly 1000 members worldwide.

BSB is a member of Campus France, a French national agency in charge of promoting French higher education abroad and welcoming international students in France.

BSB is committed to the program Erasmus+, which gives students the opportunity to stay abroad to strengthen their skills and increase their employability.

BSB is a full member of the Latin American Council of Business Schools (CLADEA), an international organization that brings together both higher education institutions and international organizations involved in management education and research.

BSB is a member ofAGERA (Alliance des Grandes Ecoles Rhône-Alpes Auvergne), a network of 38 colleges aimed at strengthening cooperation between its members and promoting academic and professional excellence within the AURA region. Since 2023, Jean-Christophe Cattane, Director of the BSB Lyon Campus, has been President of AGERA.

BSB is associated with the University of Burgundy and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Bourgogne Franche-Comté within the CFA Supérieur de Bourgogne, an apprenticeship training center specializing in higher education.

BSB is part of the CFA FormaSUP ARL, an association developing apprenticeship in higher education in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

BSB is a stakeholder in Strings of success, which aim to make orientation support a real lever for equal opportunities.

BSB is a signatory to the six principles of the international PRME initiative: Principles for Responsible Management Education. Supported by the United Nations, it engages business schools to ensure that they provide future leaders with the skills they need to balance economic, environmental, and social goals, while drawing attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

BSB is a member of Responsible campuses, the first network of French Grandes Écoles and Universities committed to sustainable development.

BSB is part of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Côte-d'Or Saône-et-Loire, a public institution representing the interests of businesses in these departments.

BSB is a partner of Just Dijon, a territorial brand aimed at promoting the city of Dijon and its surroundings.

BSB is at the heart of the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region.