Bachelor in Management

At least, a non-French high/secondary school diploma
Dijon or Lyon
180 ECTS credits
Alternance en 3ème année
French or English

Why choose the BSB Bachelor in Management?

Recognized general education: diploma that confers the degree of Bachelor, diploma approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. A guarantee of academic excellence, the Bachelor in Management BSB is recognized by the State
Professional training: up to 9 months of professional experience that will boost your employability
3rd year alternating possible
Strong international openness : the choice of a 100% English track, start possible from 1st year, expatriation 1 semester in 2nd year and/or a semester to a full year in 3rd year with one of our 83 partners, 80 nationalities on campus
Prepare for the Master Grande Ecole entrance exam to obtain a recognised Marter's
PathfinderTM, a unique support system throughout your entire journey

Our Bachelor in Management program is at the same time general, internationally oriented and adapted to the needs of businesses. It will allow you to reveal your potential, build your own trajectory and acquire both professional and relational skills. You are thus guaranteed to boost your employability.

During your 3 years, prepare yourself for an academic, professional, international and associative experience.

An academic experience

3 years to discover the company, learn the basics and acquire general skills.

With the BSB Bachelor in Management program you develop essential soft skills in a company : agility, open-mindedness, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, sense of the collective...

At the end of your training, you will be able to:

  • Design a marketing strategy and propose appropriate commercial actions
  • Behave as a responsible and internationally open manager
  • Analyze the socio-economic, legal and organizational environment of the company and define its strategy
  • Develop and manage an entrepreneurial project
  • Conduct an accounting and financial analysis of the company

Each year you will deepen the following subjects:

  • Marketing, Communication and Business Development...
  • Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship...
  • Economy and Social Sciences
  • Finance, Accounting and Law
  • General knowledge
  • Languages, to develop your linguistic knowledge
    • English
    • 2nd foreign language = German, Spanish, Italian, or Chinese

In 3rd year, you can choose one of our 7 specializations.

Wine Tourism

Taught in English

International Business Management

Taught in English

Business Development

Taught in French

Digital Management

taught in French or English

Luxury Marketing

Taught in French

Web & Data

Taught in English (opening in sept26)
Initial (as of Sept26)

International Sustainable Management

Taught in English (opening in sept26)
Initial (as of Sept26)


taught 50% French/50% English

Achieve your 3rd Bachelor in Management year on a work-study basis!

I want to do some work-study
étudiante BSB

An international experience

Being curious, being open to other cultures and understanding international issues are qualities expected in business. At BSB, you will be able to build a solid international experience on campus (80 nationalities present, 45% of international professors) and in expatriation:

  • One month of intensive Business English course starting in 1st year in one of our 13 universités partenaires (Ireland, United Kingdom, Malta, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa...) or French language seminar in Nice for English speakers
  • Semester abroad possible as early as the 2nd year
  • Double-degree programme at one of our 83 partner universities possible in the 3rd year
  • You follow the 100% English track programme
étudiante BSB en argentine, pendant son expatriation

A solid professional experience

You will have the opportunity to accumulate up to 9 months of professional experience Through internships carried out at the end of the year in companies to boost your employability.

The companies that recruited our students

Our accreditations

An associative experience

By joining one of our 20 associations, you test your management skills by working as a team on the organization of student events : integration weekend, Christmas Gala, inter-school competitions...

vie associative BSB avec des étudiants pendant une color run

How to join the Bachelor in Management?

In 1st Bachelor year

The registrations for BSB Bachelor competition will be done via the platform Parcoursup. It is open to students in Terminale or to holders of the baccalaureate.

Postponed start

If, however, during the year, you are looking for a reorientation, BSB offers a staggered start, in January, to integrate the 1st year of the Bachelor in Management.ère année de Bachelor in Management.

In 2nd and 3 Bachelor year

Pour les titulaires d’un Bac +1, une entrée en Bachelor 2 (initial) est possible via une étude de votre dossier et un entretien de motivation.For holders of a Bac +1 or Bac +2, entry into Bachelor 2 (initial) or Bachelor 3 (initial or alternating) is possible via a


En 3ème année de Bachelor

Pour les titulaires d’un Bac +2, une entrée en Bachelor 3 (initial ou alternance) est possible via le concours Passerelle Bachelor 3.

For international students

For international students, it is possible to join the Bachelor in Management at any stage — Year 1, 2, or 3 — depending on their academic background.

All our admission requirements can be found in the brochure

What are the opportunities after the Bachelor in Management?

Entering the job market

If you want to directly enter the job market after graduation, the professional integration opportunities are numerous.

The insertion in a few figures
CGE 2024 Survey - Bachelor in Management
of our students have graduated
of our students are satisfied with their education
of our students (initial and work-study) continue their studies in Master
of our Bachelor in Management graduates got a job in less than 6 months
30 to 35k€
Average starting french salary after obtaining the Bachelor in Management
40 to 45k€
Average exit french salary obtained by our Master Grande École graduates

Continue your studies

At the end of the Bachelor in Management program, you will be able to continue your studies with a Master Grande École (postgraduate diploma), also offered at BSB.

What professional careers are possible with this training?

Among the opportunities available after the Bachelor in Management, we find:

  • Business Developer
  • Business Manager
  • Communications Officer
  • Marketing Project Manager
  • Export Assistant
  • Store Manager
  • Inventory Management Analysis/Procurement Analyst
  • Procurement Analyst
  • Area Manager
  • Export Zone Manager
  • Buyer/Buyer Marketing Assistant
  • Marketing assistant
  • CSR Project Manager
  • Community manager
  • Assistant Product Manager
we are
Nicole Hopfer
Campaign Manager, Apparel
BSB'14 and BSB'18
Business Development Executive
thibault benhamiche diplomé BSB
Jennifer Henne
Country Manager Spain

Join the Bachelor in Management on our Lyon or Dijon campuses

In Lyon or Dijon, join one of our campuses for a stimulating student immersion during your studies. If you want to visit our campuses, book-a-call.

A stimulating environment

Our campuses are designed to provide a stimulating experience and to prepare for a rich and exciting career.

learning center BSB

What are the tuition fees for the Bachelor in Management?

For the start of the school year in September 2025, the tuition fees for Bachelor 1 are €9,500, €9,800 for Bachelor 2 and €10,100 for Bachelor 3.

Find the details of the services included in our brochure.

Additional information

Programme evaluation criteria

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Each component of your training is evaluated throughout your career at BSB: academic knowledge, internships, missions, academic stays abroad.

Academic courses are evaluated on the basis of continuous checks and final checks. Evaluations can take the form of individual exams, individual or group case studies, oral presentations... Your professional experiences (internships or work-study assignments) and, where applicable, the corresponding reports or defenses, are evaluated by the teaching team and by the company.

To obtain your diploma, all course modules, internships or company missions must be validated (an average of 10/20 at least). The school does not offer competency block certification for this course.

The program provides 1,177 hours of courses over the 3 years.

Mission disability

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Our school is accessible to people with disabilities. BSB pays particular attention to equal opportunities, promoting inclusion and accessibility for all students.

We offer support adapted to each profile: organization of courses and exams, preparation for the international semester, help in your search for internships/apprenticeships, which you can find in detail on the page /of alternations, which you can find in detail on the page Mission disability.

logo grade de licencelogo diplôme visé par l'état
Diploma recognized by the State
The BSB Bachelor in Management is Bac Vise +3 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and grants the License grade. It gives access to the continuation of studies in Master Grande École (Bac +5).

RNCP Level 6 Title No.39100
Postgraduate Diploma in Management and International Business
Certifier: ESC Dijon Bourgogne.
Date of registration: 01/09/2024

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