Master of Science

Corporate Finance & Investment Banking

An international Bachelor's degree in mathematics, statistics, economics or equivalent subject or a French Master 1 (240 ECTS)
Master degree
12 months full-time
Taught in English

Why choose BSB's Master of Science (MSc) Corporate Finance & Investment Banking?

International graduate programme (Master's level) leading to high-level positions in management and international finance
Program offered in partnership with the Banque Populaire and the Caisse d'Epargne, trading room sponsored by Bloomberg
Training at the prestigious and international CFA certification — Chartered Financial Analyst
Numerous conferences in the fields of finance and investment banking & Field Trips (Bank of France, international banks...)
Programme part of the CFA Institute University Affiliation Programme, a strong signal showing alignement with industry-leading standards to enhance your finance career.
A one-year, full-time program taught entirely in English on the Dijon campus
Immersive pedagogy based on the unique method Chrono Diagnosis : learning to strategic analysis on a concrete business case, writing a research report on M&A actions and pitching in front of investment bankers
Join our program and take advantage of a trading room sponsored by Bloomberg

In a rapidly changing financial world under the impact of digitalization, new regulations and a globalized economy, Understanding market dynamics in depth is crucial.

The BSB MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking is designed for train you to become a financial expert able to navigate this complex and constantly changing landscape.

You have a solid background in mathematics and technical skills and you want to dive into the mysteries of corporate finance on a global scale. If you want to become a key player in strategic financial decisions, this program offers you the ideal setting to achieve your ambitions.

You will learn techniques for evaluating acquisitions, managing cash flow, analyzing market risks, and raising capital in financial markets.

During this year of specialization, prepare yourself for an experience that is both academic and practical.

An academic experience

The MSc - Corporate Finance & Investment Banking comprises 475 hours of instruction entirely in English in the following subjects:

  • Corporate finance and financial planning
  • Institutional Markets Dynamics
  • Derivatives, risks and hedging
  • Financial strategy
  • Merger and acquisition
Semester 1
  • Applied Quantitative Methods
  • Financial Reporting
  • Advanced Corporate Finance
  • Green Equity and Green Bonds
  • Merger and Acquisition
  • Green Chrono Diagnosis
  • Research Methods
Semester 2
  • CFA certification
  • Socially Responsible Investment and Financial Analysis
  • Green Investment Strategy & Portfolio Management
  • LBO, Private Equity & Valuation
  • Advanced Corporate Finance
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Tax aspects of transactions and restructuring
  • Professional seminar
  • Strategy and Business Modeling
Semester 3
  • Professional thesis
  • Internship (if applicable)
In our brochure, discover all the details of the courses created in partnership with 2 major French banks

Banque Populaire and Caisse d'Épargne

A professional experience

Over 50 hours of professional insights are included in the program, in the form of:

  • Seminars and conferences
  • Meetings with professionals from the world of Corporate Finance

An internship to become professional

(not mandatory)

At the end of your year of study at the MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking, you can complete an internship. This professional experience, which is particularly valued by recruiters, allows the practical application of the lessons learned during the year and opens up new professional opportunities for you even before graduating in investment banks, management companies, financial consulting firms, fintech startups...

The companies that recruited our students

Nos accréditations

Skills developed in the MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking

Through the preparation of the CFA — Chartered Financial Analyst certification in investment, you develop advanced expertise in investment, asset management and ethics analysis. This certification is one of the highest distinctions in the profession investment management. Globally recognized, this certification shows employers an advanced level of expertise.

During this year at BSB, you are invited to get other certifications like the Bloomberg certification, recognized in the world of work, which will facilitate your integration. Obtaining this certification is free for BSB students as part of the partnership with Bloomberg.

The aim is to give you the tools to identify sources of capital and optimize investment choices. At the end of the MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking, you are able to support and analyze the risks of a bank investment as well as the consequences of decisions taken on debtors.

The MSc courses also deliver techniques for evaluating acquisitions and managing cash flows, proceed with a risk analysis and raising capital on the financial markets.

The MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking is based on Unique Chrono Diagnosis method. In groups of six, you will learn strategic analysis on a concrete case corporate. You will also discover how to write a research report on M&A actions, and learn how to pitch to an audience of investment bankers in a professional environment.

Passionate about the world of finance?

Launch your career in the fields of corporate finance and market finance in France or internationally.

How do you integrate BSB's MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking?

Prerequisites : hold a French Master 1, or an International Bachelor degree in mathematics, statistics, economics or equivalent subject, or be in Master 2 from the Master Grande Ecole program at BSB.

To apply, you must complete an online application form. To learn more about you, your experiences, your interests in BSB and your expectations, you will be asked to record a 30-minute one-way video interview that will take place on a specific platform for our admissions team to view and assess later.

For a start in September 2025, you can apply online starting on November 4, 2024.

All our admission requirements can be found in the brochure

What are the opportunities after BSB's MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking?

MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking graduates will be in a position to work in a variety of positions, Internationally, in the fields of corporate finance and market finance in investment institutions and banks.

  • Investment banking analyst
  • Finance/financial products consultant
  • Investment Analyst (sell-side)
  • Investment Analyst (buy side)
  • Portfolio manager
  • Bank finance analyst for businesses
  • Cash Management Controller
L'insertion en quelques chiffres
Enquête CGE 2024 - Master Grande Ecole
de nos diplômés trouvent un emploi en moins de 4 mois
de nos diplômés ont un poste à dimension internationale
42 à 45k€
salaire brut annuel moyen de sortie en France
48 à 54k€
salaire brut annuel moyen en France avec primes, 3 ans après l’obtention du Master Grande École BSB
de nos étudiants ont obtenu leur diplôme
sont satisfaits de la formation reçue à BSB
we are
Yazid Lafdili Alaoui
Regional Financial Controller- Parts & Services- Middle East & Africa
Omar Senhaji
Asset Management & Alternative Investment Advisor
logo KPMG
Agostina Laprovitta
Foreign Trade Director

Join the MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking on our Dijon campus

Students of the MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking join the BSB campus located in the Dijon city center, easily accessible in public transport (5 minutes by tram from the station).

A stimulating environment

Our campuses are designed to provide a stimulating experience and to prepare for a rich and exciting career.

learning center BSB

What are the tuition fees for the MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking?

For the start of the school year in September 2025, the tuition fees for the Master of Science Corporate Finance & Investment Banking are €16,000.

Find all the details of tuition fees and all the services they include in our brochure.

Additional information

Objectives of the programme

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The MSc Corporate Finance & Investment Banking aims to help you develop an advanced knowledge of international management and finance. This program has been specifically designed around the requirements of CFA certification, providing you with the skills and expertise you need to thrive in a variety of fields: investment banking, corporate banking, financial advice, etc.

If you have strong mathematical and technical skills and are looking to gain in-depth knowledge in global entrepreneurial decision-making, this is the program for you. You will learn techniques for evaluating acquisitions, managing cash flow, analyzing market risks, and raising capital in financial markets.

Programme evaluation criteria

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Chaque module fait l’objet d’une évaluation qui est définie en fonction des objectifs et des compétences recherchées. Ces évaluations doivent être le plus en rapport avec les tâches demandées durant la vie professionnelle.

Elles ont lieu soit en cours ou fin de module, ou en fin de semestre et prennent différentes formes :

  • Epreuve écrite sur table
  • Travail individuel sous forme de dossier
  • Travail de groupe
  • Présentation orale individuelle ou en groupe

Le travail de fin d’étude est éliminatoire si une note de 10 minimum n’est pas atteinte. Le programme dispense 475 heures de cours sur l'année.

Mission disability

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Our school is accessible to people with disabilities. BSB pays particular attention to equal opportunities, promoting inclusion and accessibility for all students.

We offer support adapted to each profile: organization of courses and exams, preparation for the international semester, help in your search for internships/apprenticeships, which you can find in detail on the page /of alternations, which you can find in detail on the page Mission disability.

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