Our research axis

Wine & Spirits

The Wine & Spirits Axis, both in connection with the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region and with prestigious international partners, is interested in the concept of terroir, analysis sustainable and resilient dynamics in the field of wine and spirits and study the consumer behaviors in this area.

The themes addressed by this axis are as follows:


From the vine to the bottle, from the bottle to the consumer's table

Analysis of the various components of production and consumption of wines and spirits


Links between vines and wine and the natural environment

Better understand the environmental externalities caused in particular by the use of pesticides and the hydrological and meteorological effects on the efficiency, quality and sustainability of wine production


Determinants of consumer decision making

Study the diversity of wine consumption attitudes, including questions of price, denomination or related to legal and legal aspects

Wine & Spirits Business LAB

Our research laboratory is the only one in the world dedicated to behavioral studies in the wine and spirits sector.

The structure uses experimental economics methodologies to discover the emotions, cognitive processes, and decision-making biases that are involved in the actions and opinions of consumers, producers, and experts.

The team works closely with partners in the wine industry, students and academics from around the world — an openness that generates a academic research that is both stimulating and useful to society.

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Axis members



Stephen John CHARTERS

Claude Chapuis

Magalie DUBOIS

Jérome GALLO




Jean-François OUTREVILLE


Jean-Christian TISSERAND

Our partners

Axis coordinator

For more information, you can contact:

Nikolaos Georgantzis

+33 (0) 380 725 900
