Our areas of research

Organizational transformation, behaviors and decisions

The “Organizational Transformation, Behaviors and Decisions” Axis questions the components and parameters of the decisionmaking (analysis of the adaptation mechanisms of individual strategies), through the study of economic, managerial, financial, social choices, carried out by individuals Or the groups.

axe de recherche transformation organisationnelle, comportements et décisions

Research issues are built around the following questions:


How can individuals set the limits of their range of relent/useful information?Does the individual select the reference group and the ways in which interactions can lead to performance rather than a loss of resources?


By what mechanisms can individuals measure effort or attribute merit to the contributions of others as well as to the communication system, working jointly with others to transform the available information into useful information?

How to analyze social and antisocial behaviors ?


What links can be identified between the Common knowledge And the social construction within a team?

Which stereotyping are associated with compliance and proximity standards?What are the factors that facilitate internal communication and the attributes of beliefs (projects associated with the environment, wine and food)?


How do they work rationales, human and digital tools Within undertakings, of teams And markets ?

This Axis hosts a laboratory dedicated to experimental economics — the LESSAC — and a research chair (EMMAS).

Laboratory for experimentation in social sciences and behavior analysis (THE BAG)

Supervised since 2008 by Angela Sutan, LESSAC centralizes the school's experimental economics activities. The data produced in this way provides a qualitative response to the challenges associated with business decision-making.

LESSAC is a platform open to all researchers at the school, who wish to mobilize experimental methods for their research and explore decision-making mechanisms in the fields of management, finance or marketing. Equipped, since 2016, with an experimental room with 100 stations, the LESSAC is among the most efficient experimental economics laboratories in France and Europe.

LESSAC fulfills 4 research missions:

Bringing new insights to various issues relating to decision theory, game theory, psychology or even microeconomic theory by focusing on the adaptation by the individual of his empirical strategies in the presence of substituability/complementarity/anticipated actions of other people.


Dissemination of the work in international publications peer-reviewed, specialized university journals and general or specialized professional journals in economics, decision theory and management.


By introducing experimental methods into pedagogy and teaching and by endeavoring to popularize, we aim at a transfer of knowledge allowing identify relevant solutions for decision-makers, and aimed at a better understanding/regulation of decision-making.


A methodological objective via the implementation of experimental methods, valid for decision-making and data collection, and the expansion of the use of these unbiased methods among professionals and academics.

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Axis members




Guillermo MATEU

Sylvain MAX


Valériane TAVILLA

Research Chair in Medico-Marketing Evaluation of Health Claims (EMMAS)

Created under the leadership of François-André Allaert, the EMMAS Chair's main areas of interest are the evaluation of new products with health claims but also the evaluation of new patient/consumer health behaviors.

The chair's research program is organized around five complementary themes:

The design of methodologies specific to the evaluation of health claims for foods, medications and dietary supplements, which have become mandatory in application of European legislation and their applications to health food products and dietary supplements.

The development of nutri-epidemiological and observational studies designed to objectify the health benefit rendered in the reality of advising functional foods or dietary supplements by doctors and pharmacists in the reality of daily practice.

La managing and securing the collection of personal medical and nutritional information used for the purposes of nutri-epidemiological and observational studies, in particular those that can be extracted from the information systems of public and private health institutions. By extension, the application of security methods to new methods of patient care such as telemedicine.

The study of sociodemographic and hedonic determinants in the choice of food products of people and in identifying the concept of well-being and its evaluation by reproducible quantitative methods.

A new emerging theme, around connected objects.

Our partners

Axis coordinator

For more information, you can contact:

Angela Sutan

+33 (0) 380 725 900
