
A BSB student president of the National Confederation of Junior Enterprises

Emilie Paris takes the lead of one of the most important student associations in France

Emilie Paris, a Grande Ecole Master student at BSB, has just been elected President of the National Confederation of Junior Enterprises (CNJE). She took office on 1 July. It is a prestigious and highly responsible position since it is one of the most important student associations in France, generating more than €9M in turnover, with more than 200 structures — engineering, commercial, academic and specialized — and representing 25,000 students across the country. Emilie's mission will be to pilot the 2024 strategy of the movement, which intends to contribute to the transformations of society, and this in a context of return to face-to-face.

The pride of a President

Aged 22, Emilie Paris took the helm of the CNJE after a preparatory literary class that took her to BSB. At the School, she followed an entrepreneurial career and joined BJC (BSB Junior Consulting), BSB's Junior Enterprise, as business development manager and then as President.

“It is a real honor to represent the J.E. movement,” says Emilie. “Personally, it represents a unique opportunity that will enrich my student career. This will allow me to take a step back, strengthen and expand my networks. I will be able to use my jack of all trades to develop my skills in project management.”

“But above all, I will be able to live a real passion on a daily basis. It is a major challenge to represent junior entrepreneurs. I am proud to be involved in the implementation of actions that have a concrete impact on the student body, for structures that contribute to the professionalization of young people.”

Ambitious and face-to-face challenges

Since taking office on 1Er July, Emilie manages the financial, material and human resources of the CNJE — a team of around thirty volunteers and two employees. “It's a lot of responsibility but even more motivation! ”, enthuses Emilie. “The main mission of my mandate is to manage the movement's 2024 strategy. It is a question of enriching the vision of the CNJE with always in mind the contribution that we can have to the transformations of society. We are very attentive to the impact and interactions of J.E. with their ecosystems, locally and nationally.”

Another challenge and not the least: the return to face-to-face. “After a Covid period where the J.E. adapted very well, our team will pilot this return to face-to-face, an important dimension in promoting our union, and organize the flagship events of the movement by taking into account good practices such as hybridization with distance learning. Our conferences bring together 2,500 students, almost half of whom come on site.”

BJC in the spotlight

Emilie is not the only one to represent BSB in the new CNJE office, since two other members of BJC are there: Matthieu Bianchin takes the position of treasurer and Léa Paysant that of event project manager. And this while a former BSB student, Bastien Nussbaumer, had already taken over the presidency of the CNJE in 2018.

Another illustration of the strong current dynamism of the J.E. of the School. BJC is in fact on the list of the 30 best J.E. in France in 2021, and has just distinguished itself by being among the three finalists of the Prize supported by ENGIE for the Best Higher Education Partner. Next fall, BJC is also opening a branch on the BSB Lyon Campus — which will allow it to address the powerful economic ecosystem of the Rhône-Alpes region while feeding the associative life of the Lyon campus.