BSB 45th European Master in Management

Best place in history in this ranking by the Financial Times
The Financial Times (FT) has just published its new ranking of European business schools. This ranking combines a series of rankings published during the year by the media, specific to various programs: Masters in Management (MiM), MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and executive programs (open or tailor-made).
BSB is the 71st European business school according to this ranking. Positioned at 52nd place in the FT MiM 2024 ranking published in September, BSB sees its MiM program be 45th in Europe if we dissect this European Business School Rankings 2024.
This represents a increase of 7 places compared to the School's last position in this ranking.
International recognition
Entering the European Top 50 MiMs is a real recognition for BSB, from the media that is an international reference in terms of business school rankings.
Since a large part of the school evaluation is based on an alumni survey, a big thank you again for the graduates of the class of 2021 who responded massively and positively to the FT survey.
More information and the full European Business School Rankings 2024 ranking: