
A BSB family business

Two graduates founded Apertio, an original and transparent family office

Entrepreneurship and finance are often stories of passion, but for Jennifer Lagrange Aurelle and Laura Bentegeat, co-founders of Apertio, it's also a family business... BSB! These two graduates of the School (promo2001 for Jennifer and 2011 for Laura) have in fact combined their experiences and expertise to create a family office dedicated to managing shareholder families.

Founded in December 2022, Apertio offers global and personalized wealth management, with an emphasis on transparency and independence, values that are sometimes rare in the family office universe.


A crossed path at the heart of the BSB network


Their joint adventure starts thanks to BSB's powerful alumni network. Laura, looking for an apprenticeship in 2010, contacted Jennifer, who was then working at the CIC. This first exchange marked the start of a fruitful collaboration: Laura won her work-study contract and joined the middle office team under Jennifer's supervision.


Their professional relationship was strengthened a few years later, when their paths crossed again in Lyon, this time in the Key Accounts department of the CIC. It is this strong bond, crystallized by this common belonging to the BSB family, that will lead them to co-found Apertio.


Excellence at the service of family assets


Apertio is distinguished by its high-end approach, aimed at families with more than 30 million euros in assets to manage. But where Jennifer and Laura are truly innovating is in their compensation model.


Unlike many family offices, they have chosen to be paid primarily through fees based on a percentage of assets under management, and not via retrocommissions. A guarantee of transparency and impartiality that allows them to perfectly align their interests with those of their customers.


This approach reflects a clear desire: to support families in the growth, preservation, and transmission of their assets across generations, by relieving them of the complex decisions that accompany the management of family assets.


We are at the heart of family decisions, and our objective is not to develop at all costs, but to be as close as possible to those we support ” explains Jennifer.


A family office with an innovative vision


Apertio, which means “openness” in Latin, perfectly reflects the philosophy of this family office. Jennifer and Laura decided to break out of traditional banking patterns, which are often siloed, to offer a holistic, interprofessional and innovative approach.


We understood that working in silos was not always the most efficient solution for our customers. With Apertio, we wanted to offer a 360° vision of their challenges ”, underlines Laura.


This vision quickly found an echo: Apertio was recognized by the “100 who make up French heritage” award, awarded by the FICAD group, and joined the French Family Office Association (AFO) in 2023.


Expertise shaped by rich backgrounds


The two founders of Apertio are not at their first successes. Jennifer accumulated 16 years of experience in corporate banking support, particularly at CIC and Deloitte, before embarking on this new adventure.


For her part, Laura also has a remarkable background, with varied experiences ranging from auditing at Ernst & Young to roles in investment banking, particularly at the CIC and at Groupama.


Unwavering support for the BSB community


True to their roots, Jennifer and Laura have never stopped valuing the BSB network, whether through their own collaboration or by contributing to the support of young graduates looking for opportunities.


The BSB network has played a critical role in our journey, and we want to continue to give back by helping the next generation ”, concludes Jennifer.


Apertio thus embodies the perfect illustration of what a top management school like BSB can offer: rewarding careers, sustainable networks, and the possibility of creating a real impact in the business world.


Photo: Jennifer Lagrange Aurelle (center) and Laura Bentegeat, with Pierre-Alban Guezo, Co-founder of Apertio