
A trendy double-degree Bachelor

A student stands out in Ireland, new agreement in Brazil

Dual Degree StudentsBSB and NUI (National University of Ireland) Galway signed a double degree agreement at the end of 2017 which allowed for the first time this year for a student from each institution to receive two degrees, the “Bachelor in Marketing & Business” from BSB, and the “Bachelor of Commerce” from NUI Galway.

Thus, Maëva Hivert is the first BSB student to graduate with a double degree under this agreement. “My experience in Galway was amazing!” she confides. “The rain is no match for the welcome and benevolence of the Irish and their wonderful landscapes. NUI is a great place to study with quality courses and a great reputation. Galway is full of experiences and outings to do and do again. I have only one piece of advice for my Bachelor classmates who are wondering about their third year: if Ireland tempts you, don't hesitate for a second! ”

On the Irish side, Katie Whelehan is the first student at NUI Galway to graduate with a double degree. As such, she was awarded a French government award, honoring at the same time the collaboration between BSB and NUI Galway and this double degree, considered an important initiative to prepare students for international careers.

A 7th double-degree agreement for the Bachelor, heading to Brazil

In addition, BSB has just formalized a 7th double-degree agreement for its Bachelor's degree: students in the program will now have the opportunity to study for one year at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), in Curitiba, Brazil. There, they will be able to obtain the Diploma in International Administration (entirely in English with a mandatory Portuguese course). Beyond the economic and geostrategic importance of Brazil, Curitiba is considered to be the greenest city in the country and represents a privileged environment for studying.

It is the 7th possible destination for Bachelor students wishing to obtain a double degree, with University of Quebec (Canada), University of North Texas (United States), Hochschule Harz (Germany), Università Carlo Cattaneo (Italy), Italy), Nottingham Trent University (Italy), Nottingham Trent University (Italy), Nottingham Trent University (Canada) (United Kingdom) and therefore National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland).