
Pierre Cattoire (BSB'13), Activism Strategist

Portrait of a graduate who supports societal and environmental projects towards economic sustainability

Activism strategist, unless Pierre Cattoire is more of a strategy activist?

In any case, his path is built on a double diversion. The hijacking of a career in corporate finance, in the process of being triumphant. The hijacking of a long trip, undertaken with his wife like him in search of something else. “Starting on a whim after 5 years of starting out on a consistent journey, we decided together to never do what is expected of us again. Our 7-month world tour then took on another dimension, in constant contact with the populations of the countries we visited and with nature everywhere damaged.”

On the way back, and ever since, Pierre Cattoire has been fighting. Its playground is the support of projects with a societal and environmental impact towards economic sustainability. A balance between access to finance and access to income. “Within the framework of several structures, and today through my employer LGI, I have invested my know-how in financial strategy for the benefit of the transition carried out by public authorities and private companies — and their stakeholders. The meaning of our action is that responsible innovation finds a market.” An ongoing example is the definition of a sustainable business model for urban forests, the Clearing House Project.

Radical transformation as a middle way

Since joining BSB, Pierre has been driven by a strong conviction. “You can only use an alternative vision if you are unassailable in terms of technical know-how.” So, always, and at least since Dijon, Pierre Cattoire has accumulated expertise. “I joined BSB already with a triple interest in the international dimension, strategic thinking and financial mechanisms.” It is an understatement to say that Pierre took full advantage of BSB's potential, with as many trips as possible, a double degree (MBA) at the University of New Brunswick (Canada) and an internship in the field of microfinance research.

“It was thanks to Arvind Ashta, who introduced me to microfinance, that I in turn joined the BSB faculty with great pride.” In fact, Pierre now teaches at school, in addition to his consulting activities. Economy and critical thinking, digital project management or even entrepreneurship: the titles of the courses vary but the flame is intact. Further strengthened by its integration into the scientific committee of the MSc Green Tech & Sustainable Societies program, its relationship with the school now involves a course on green and sustainable finance and an annual one-week seminar on the Lyon campus (see also the special focus on Lyon).

“To change society, men have always had 2 options: break or transform. I am striving to pursue a middle path of radical transformation, using the most cutting-edge financial techniques to break the codes.” Pierre is sure that the story is in progress. How not to give some credit to someone who is able to shape alternative income and financing models for the ecosystem services provided!