Faculty Directory
Associate professor & Head of the Wine Business Department
Département : Wine & Spirits
Équipe disciplinaire : Wine & Spirit Business,
Axe(s) de recherche : Wine & Spirits, ,
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Agnoli, L., Outreville, J-F. Perceived risk, gender behaviour and the effect of bottle closure type on consumer purchase decision and price expectations. 25th EuAWE Conference - European Association of Wine Economists, 23-25 mai 2018, Dijon, France. | Conférences académiques | 2018 |
Agnoli, L. Il vino biologico: Mercati a confronto. Conférence "La filiera del vino biologico dal reperimento fondi all’etichettatura" organised by Verona Province and Veneto Region., 15 décembre 2017, Verone, Italie. | Conférences invitées | 2017 |
Corsi, A., Crouch, R., Lu, V., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J. US and UK markets: Ties that bind: building strong importer and retailer relationships to drive premium wine export sales. . Wine and Viticulture Journal, 2017, vol. 32, n°6, p. 58-59. | Articles dans des revues/supports digitaux professionnelles | 2017 |
Outreville, J-F., Agnoli, L. The macroeconomics of wine consumption and culture: A cross-country analysis. INFER-INSEEC-AAWE-LAREFI Workshop on Wine Macroeconomics And Finance, 29-30 novembre 2018, Lyon, France. | Conférences académiques | 2018 |
De Salvo, M., Signorello, G., Cucuzza, G., Begalli, D., Agnoli, L. Estimating preferences for controlling beach erosion in Sicily. Aestimum, 2018, vol. 72, p. 27-38. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2018 |
Annunziata, A., Agnoli, L., Vecchio, R., Charters, S.J., Mariani, A. Health warnings on wine labels: a discrete choice analysis of Italian and French Generation Y consumers. Wine Economics and Policy, 2019, vol. 8, n°1, p. 81-90. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2019 |
Annunziata, A., Agnoli, L., Vecchio, R., Charters, S.J., Mariani, A. Health warnings on wine labels: a discrete choice analysis of Italian and French Generation Y consumers. 25th EuAWE Conference - European Association of Wine Economists, 23-25 mai 2018, Dijon, France. | Conférences académiques | 2018 |
Cogan-Marie, L., Agnoli, L., Blanck, J.L. Importance of tasting room activities and staff training in emerging wine regions: the case of Northern Virginia. In: Sigala, M., Robinson, R.N.S. (coord.). Wine Tourism Destination, Management and Marketing, Volume 2. Theory and Cases. 1ère éd., Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, p. 497-513. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2019 |
Agnoli, L., Boeri, M., Scarpa, R., Capitello, R., Begalli, D. Behavioural patterns in Mediterranean-style drinking: Generation Y preferences in alcoholic beverage consumption. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2018, vol. 75, p. 117-125. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2018 |
Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Tavilla, V. Influence of different terroir stimuli on consumer preferences towards wine and food: A multi-country analysis. XXIV Conference of the European Association of Wine Economists, 7-10 juin 2017, Bologna, Italie. | Conférences académiques | 2017 |
Tavilla, V., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J. Raconte-moi une histoire de terroir : évaluer l'importance des signes de terroir aux yeux des Millennials. In: Yengué, J-L., Stengel, K. (coord.). Terroir viticole: espace et figures de qualité, Tours: Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, 2020, p. 207-224. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2020 |
Charters, S.J., Agnoli, L., Tavilla, V. Tell me a story about terroir. Analysing the appeal of different terroir stimuli for consumers. 11th Annual AAWE (American Association of Wine Economists) Conference, 28 juin-2 juillet 2017, Padua, Italie. | Conférences académiques | 2017 |
Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Tavilla, V. More than wine. Analysing the importance of terroir for different products in different markets. 10th Academy of Wine Business Research Conference, 26-28 juillet 2017, Sonoma, Etats-Unis. | Conférences académiques | 2017 |
Blanck, J., Cogan-Marie, L., Agnoli, L. Wine Tourism and Staff Training in a Novice Wine Region: the Case of Northern Virginia. 10th Academy of Wine Business Research Conference, 26-28 juillet 2017, Sonoma, Etats-Unis. | Conférences académiques | 2017 |
Capitello, R., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Begalli, D. Exploring the Role of Wine in Destination Marketing: The Case of Verona. In: Rossi, P. (coord.). Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, Cham: Springer, 2017, p. 1497-1501. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2017 |
De Salvo, M., Begalli, D., Capitello, R., Agnoli, L., Tabouratzi, T. Determinants of Winegrowers’ Profitability: Evidence from an Eastern Europe wine region. EuroMed Journal of Business, 2017, vol. 12, n°3, p. 300-315. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2017 |
Capitello, R., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Begalli, D. Exploring place image from visitors' expected and lived experiences: A discrete choice approach. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 2017, vol. 16, n°1, p. 19-34. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2017 |
Capitello, R., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Begalli, D. Assessing the role of wine in shaping destination image: A discrete choice model approach. 10th AAWE Conference, 21-25 juin 2016, Bordeaux, France. | Conférences académiques | 2016 |
Agnoli, L., Capitello, R., De Salvo, M., Longo, A., Boeri, M. Food fraud and consumers' choices in the wake of the horsemeat scandal. British Food Journal, 2016, vol. 118, n°8, p. 1898-1913. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2016 |
Capitello, R., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Begalli, D. Wine as a dimension of city image: Preferences of Chinese tourists for an old world wine destination. In: The Wine Value Chain in China: Consumers Marketing and the Wider World, Kidlington: Elsevier, 2016, p. 229-249. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2016 |
Capitello, R., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Begalli, D. Exploring the role of wine in destination marketing: the case of Verona. 19th AMS World Marketing Congress. Academy of Marketing Science, 19-23 juillet 2016, Paris, France. | Conférences académiques | 2016 |
Agnoli, L., Capitello, R., Begalli, D. Behind intention and behaviour: factors influencing wine consumption in a novice market. British Food Journal, 2016, vol. 118, n°3, p. 660-678. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2016 |
Capitello, R., Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Begalli, D. How important is the carbon claim in Generation Y Italians’ wine choice?. 9th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, 16-19 février 2016, Adelaide, Australie. | Conférences académiques | 2016 |