School of Wine

Final stop in Crete for the MBA after a year of study trips

Field experiences as close as possible to professionals from all over the world

The year ended recently, for the promotion of the Wine & Spirits Business MBA from the BSB School of Wine, with the fourth edition of the Greek Wineries Project. This immersion in the world of Greek wines offers participants a unique opportunity to carry out international consulting missions in order to develop very concrete export strategies for Greek vineyards. It is the culmination of a journey punctuated by numerous Learning Expeditions, key elements of the curriculum's pedagogy.

Immersion in the world of Cretan wine for 4E Greek Wineries Project

The 22 students from 7 different nationalities of the MBA Wine & Spirits Business at the BSB School of Wine have participated in the fourth edition of the Greek Wineries Project. In partnership with the Hellenic Wine Federation, the main organization of Greek wine producers (65% by volume, 80% of national exports), the program focused this year on Crete.

After an introductory assessment of the Greek wine panorama covering key aspects such as sustainability, wine tourism and the position of Greek wines in the main global markets, the students embarked on a detailed study of a selection of partner producers located in Crete. Four family domains have been studied in detail: Diamantakis Winery, Idaia Winery, Lyrarakis Winery and Titakis Winery. In close collaboration with the owners and winemakers of each of the wineries, a series of comprehensive commercial and marketing plans were compiled by the students.

In addition, another group of students, in partnership with the local interprofession Wines of Crete, studied the unique and rich diversity of terroirs, grape varieties and wine styles that Crete offers and assessed the possibilities of promoting and marketing Cretan wines internationally.

Fruitful exchanges in the field

An intensive 4-day trip to Crete at the end of May allowed the students to present their findings to producers and Wines of Crete, with whom they were able to discuss at length a wide range of issues raised in the framework of the project. The stay was also an opportunity to visit the four areas in question, others across the island such as Zacharioudakis Winery and Paterianakis Winery, and carry out tastings with Douloufakis Winery and Miliarakis Winery.

It is a wonderful opportunity to understand, over a period of several months, the treasures that Crete has to offer in terms of varied terroirs and indigenous grape varieties ”, explains Chris McIndoe, module manager. ” The vineyards of Crete can be proud of their rich heritage but also of the progress made in terms of quality in recent years.

Jacques Thébault, Director of the MBA, adds:” The relationship forged between the School of Wine at BSB and the Hellenic Wine Federation continues to strengthen and all students involved in the Greek Wineries Project have once again shown great commitment. The experiences offered by our friends at Wines of Crete throughout the year and via this trip gave students a fascinating insight into the Greek wine industry, which will prove invaluable in their future activities.

Les Learning Expeditions, the educational pillar of the MBA

The Greek Wineries Project Is one of Learning Expeditions highlights of our MBA ”, continues Jacques Thébault. ” These are a key element of the pedagogy within our program, which aims to give students a very global and complete vision of these highly internationalized markets. ” The others Learning Expeditions From the MBA:

  • Wine Tourism Expedition in November: 4 days of visits to wineries in Maconnais, Beaujolais and the Rhône Valley with very comprehensive discussions on the philosophy of the domains (viticulture, oenology, business) and the place of wine tourism within them;
  • Online UK/London Learning Expedition in February: 2 days of interviews with VIPs in the sector;
  • Germany Prowein-Geisenheim Learning Expedition in March: 3 days at Prowein, to discover the largest B2B wine and spirits exhibition in the world, and meetings with professors from Geisenheim, in particular around the theme of precision viticulture;
  • New York City Learning Expedition in April: 1 week meeting with Top Executives of the sector (importers, wholesalers, retailers, retailers, retailers, sommeliers, producers, communication agencies, etc.);
  • Champagne Wine & Law Seminar in April: 1 week of discovery of Champagne houses and a law and wine seminar in partnership with the University of Champagne;
  • During the year, 5 days take place in the field: wine and perfume workshop in Meursault; viticulture; oenology; visits to prestigious Burgundy domains; distilleries.