
Trinity College Dublin, 200th international partner

At the time of Brexit, serial agreements with the most prestigious Irish universities

BSB announces the signing of a 200th international partnership, with the prestigious Irish institution of Trinity College, in Dublin. This agreement comes as over the past 18 months, two other partnerships have been established with renowned Irish universities, DCU and University of Limerick.

By also considering the older agreement with NUI Galway (2012), this makes it possible to offer students a remarkable mobility offer in this country — an interesting alternative as Brexit will complicate exchanges with the United Kingdom. More generally, these signatures confirm the growing proportion of (double) accredited international partners of BSB, a school with a long history of internationalization.

Irish hat-trick, post-Brexit alternative

In 18 months, three major agreements have been signed with Irish institutions: DCU (Dublin, September 2019), University of Limerick (December 2020) and Trinity College (Dublin, January 2021). Taking into account the historical partner NUI Galway (2012), with whom a highly sought-after double degree at Bachelor level was developed, this makes it possible to offer BSB students a high quality mobility offer to this destination.

“We are thrilled to be entering into this new partnership with BSB,” explains Andrew Burke, Dean of Trinity Business School. “We have a shared vision to contribute to the improvement of society, through innovative, entrepreneurial and internationally oriented business education and research. Our students are encouraged to demonstrate open-mindedness, cultural curiosity, and professional success in any international environment, so that they in turn can contribute positively to society. In this respect, the exchange experiences offered with BSB are very advantageous.”

“It is a great satisfaction to sign partnership agreements with Trinity College and all these accredited Irish institutions”, says Claudia Sampel, Director of International Relations at BSB. “We want to maintain the best possible level of exchanges with our British partners such as the prestigious business schools of warwick, nottingham, newcastle, Surrey, Hull or Oxford Brookes, but the post-Brexit context also invites us to ensure advantageous alternatives for our students. In this respect, Ireland and its very beautiful universities represent destinations of choice.”

Ancient internationalization, two thirds of accredited partners

Since obtaining AACSB (2014) and EQUIS (2016) accreditations, which strengthened BSB's international influence, the School has considerably increased the share of its accredited partners: in 2011, they were 30%; 10 years later, this proportion has more than doubled, with two-thirds of accredited partners. Among the prestigious signatures of the last few months: Norwegian School of Economics (Bergen, EQUIS & AMBA); Telfer School of Management (University of Ottawa, Canada, AACSB & EQUIS & AMBA); or Sonoma State University (United States, AACSB).

At BSB, internationalization is particularly old, with a third of partnerships between 15 and... 53 years old, the oldest being those signed with Hochschule Pforzheim (Germany, AACSB, 1968) and Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, United States, AACSB, 1993) — a sign of loyalty and close complicity between institutions.

“200 partnerships is a great number that testifies in particular to the rich mobility opportunities that our students have around the world”, specifies Claudia Sampel. “We will obviously continue to develop this offer, but always from a qualitative perspective, by strengthening our double degrees, by strengthening our double degrees and the links with our strategic partners such as Curtin University in Australia, Brock University in Canada, Tec de Monterrey in Mexico or Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan; and by continuing to increase the number of accredited partners.”