Recherche & expertises

Research: BSB involved in the European VALERECO project on the sustainability of agroecosystems

Launch of this project to exploit the potential of legumes

BSB is a stakeholder in the research project VALERECO, funded by the Horizon Europe program, which brings together 15 partners from 11 countries. Among them, the Agricultural University of Athens represented by Ilias Travlos, project coordinator. BSB is involved through its School of Wine & Spirits Business and its Business Research Center (CEREN — EA 7477).

On June 17 and 18, the project launch meeting was held in Athens, which kicked off 4 years of research. More than 40 participants, including the BSB team composed of Lara Agnoli, (scientific manager), Nikolaos Georgantzis, Effrosyni Vasileiou, Magalie Dubois (Wine & Spirits Research Axis) and Cécile Schweitzer (project manager) took part in in-depth discussions around issues of sustainability, productivity and resilience of agricultural systems in direct relation to the objectives of the project.

Behaviour study for BSB

VALERECO aims to highlight the often overlooked benefits of legumes and to encourage their integration into cropping systems, in order to sustainable management of agricultural production. La multidisciplinary nature of the partners will allow a better understanding and adoption of legume crops by quantifying and improving the environmental and economic value of ecosystem services (SE) rendered by these cultures.

The project will support farmers and agricultural advisors in their knowledge and ability to include eight major legumes and four minor legumes in their cultivation programs, while raising their awareness of the positive ecological and economic impact of these crops. BSB is in particular in charge ofidentify the obstacles and the main levers to be activated to induce a change in behavior within the legume sectors.

Why are the ecosystem services provided by legumes important?

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Incorporating legumes into cropping systems offers significant agronomic benefits, which could become a very powerful lever for improve the soil health, contribute to biodiversity and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers. However, many farmers often underestimate their potential or are not aware of it.

VALERECO will identify and measure the SE rendered by legumes within different cropping systems (i.e. the main crops dedicated to human or animal food, and secondary crops such as cover crops or living mulches). The project will assess Three major legumes (soybeans, peas, chickpeas), five major forages (vetch, clover, white clover, red clover, alfalfa), Minor fodder (sulla) and three minor grain legumes (lupin, faba bean, lentil). They can be annual or perennial and can be grown alone or in combination with other crops.

Global approach, multi-actor approach

VALERECO adopts a global approach, based on the triptych” Identify — Promote — Diffuse ” the SE returned by legumes, in order toaccelerate the transfer of knowledge and resources and, their translation into innovative solutions necessary for the efficient cultivation of legumes. This approach includes:

  • Identification : in-depth analyses of existing SEs and search for ways to integrate legumes into the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
  • Valorization : establishment of 9 Living Labs in 6 European countries to promote the adoption of legumes through behavior change strategies, participatory trials and demonstrations of technical and economic solutions.
  • Dissemination : creation of a digital hub on legumes (DLIH), a decision support system (DSS) and an online learning platform to improve knowledge transfer and support farmers and advisors.

VALERECO follows a multi-actor approach involving all actors in the agricultural sector (farmers, agricultural advisors, researchers, industrial sector, policy makers and consumers) during co-creation activities and demonstration events. In addition, it will provide policy recommendations, and disseminate research results to a wide audience.