
#InterviewAlumni — Louis Viennet (Bachelor'11, MGE'14)

Social Media & Influence Manager for Reebok France

Who are you, before being Social Media & Influence Manager for Reebok France (via the StudioM agency)?

My name is Louis, I am originally from Dijon and I have been living in Paris for 6 years now. I spent all my years of studies at BSB by joining the Grande Ecole Master after 3 years of Bachelor. I am passionate about sports, photography and travel!

And if not, what do you do for a living... professionally?

I am a Social Media & Influence Manager at the StudioM agency (GroupM/WPP) with the particularity of being in charge of the client, Reebok (Adidas Group). I am directly integrated into the “Brand” Department within the brand's Marketing & Communication teams. My main mission is to ensure the presence and visibility of Reebok on social networks, in particular through the influence and support of the various teams in optimizing digital campaigns.

A word about your background between BSB and your current job?

Just after my last semester at BSB in 2014, I joined Sport Market, a communication consulting agency specialized in sports marketing. I spent 3 years as a Project Manager for many clients and various issues (consulting, brand content, events, digital etc.), it was a very formative and rewarding period. Having always had an interest in digital and social networks, I then joined the Isobar agency (Dentsu Aegis Network Group) to manage Reebok's social networks in France. After a year and a half and following a call for tenders, I followed the Reebok brand within my current agency StudioM (GroupM/WPP) to deal with Social Media and influence.

If you had to introduce Reebok to a kid?

Reebok (pronounced “ri-boque” and not “ri-bouque”) is a sports and lifestyle brand. Basically a brand that makes sneakers and clothing for sports and for everyday life!

A striking anecdote to tell?

Working with influencers and celebrities also means having a few surprises or meeting people, such as finding yourself one meter away from Booba in a private concert or receiving a phone call from an unknown number who happens to be Leïla Bekhti.

The latest or greatest achievement that you should have celebrated more?

I would say the launch in 2018 of the Reebok Classic Megastore, an ephemeral space dedicated to the 90s (a period of splendor of the brand) where consumers could find both Reebok products of course but also a multitude of products of the time (Polaroid, Nokia 3310, Walkman, discs, video games, etc.). The objective was really to provide unique experiences for consumers, influencers, journalists, with the opening of this place during the days (with different themes and activities), but also the organization of 6 private evenings with artists such as Oxmo Puccino, Rim'k, DJ Cut Killer, Dinos or Booba in closing this operation. We celebrated it very well at the time but in retrospect we should have enjoyed it even more!

What is an actor of change for you?

He is someone who breaks the rules, who dares, who will assume to be different, who inspires, who is creative and who is proud of it.

Your morning routine to have the energy to change things every day?

No particular routine (except that of delaying my alarm as long as possible...). Otherwise, I like to walk to work, I try to take as little transport as possible, and I always have music in my ears.

The event that made you want to contribute to change?

In view of the news, we will say Covid-19... I think that the situation will make tomorrow's society change a lot, and its modes of consumption, communication, and interaction! Obviously the economic impact will be colossal, the current crisis will cause a very significant loss of income for economic actors, therefore a reduction in budgets, advertising investments, etc. However, as in any crisis or difficult situation, there will be positive things to remember, I am thinking precisely of the resurgence of activity on digital and social networks with the lockdown, of the creativity shown by brands and all people on social networks and of course also a general awareness , a rise in altruism, solidarity, a development of the local economy, etc.

What kind of student were you?

A “smart” student I would say, attentive and serious when needed, more relaxed and stupid at other times. In general, I was taking full advantage of my student life and all that it had to offer. Whether it's international exchanges, the gap year, student associations, student associations, courses offered, speakers, evenings, etc. It really allowed me to build myself and create my current group of friends.

If you could relive your student days, what would you do differently?

Almost nothing!

What was the path choice when you were a student that served you the most?

My career as a whole, the fact that I took my time, I am thinking for example of my gap year where I was able to do an internship in a company where I was later hired (Sport Market).

An encounter that particularly inspired you during your time at BSB?

I would say the meeting and the presence of Stéphan Bourcieu, an inspiring person who has always been able to get everyone on board and boost everyone at school thanks to his speeches, his vision and his energy (and his legendary haka! Ex-qualifiers will understand).

Any advice or a message for a BSB student?

To make the most of this period of your life! To explore all the paths, all the opportunities, to make the right choices and above all to have fun so as not to have any regrets!

Learn more about Reebok and GroupM


Instagram: @ReebokEurope/@StudioMFranceTwitter: @Reebok/@GroupMFrance