
#InterviewAlumni — Lisa Humeau (BSB'20) looks forward to seeing you at the Maddy keynote by Maddyness

Event Project Manager at Maddyness

Who are you, before being Event Project Manager at Maddyness?

My name is Lisa, I am 24 years old and I am originally from Angers. Before joining BSB, I did a DUT in Marketing Techniques.Lisa Humeau

And if not, what do you do for a living... professionally?

So I am an event project manager at Maddyness. In this case, I organize events for our clients that relate to innovation, new technologies or startups. The type of events is very varied. The organization thus includes design, production, consulting, animation and screenwriting. We also have our own event, the Maddy Keynote, which will take place on January 30 and 31 in Paris. It is an event that brings together more than 10,000 innovation actors around various themes, with the aim of providing keys to understanding the economy of tomorrow. But before that I joined Maddyness as an editorial project manager for my final internship. In particular, I had the opportunity to write articles and to do project management in brand content, that is to say for content sponsored by our customers. The editorial part, and therefore the writing of articles, was a big novelty for me. Having a background as a business school student, I had never really done that. And I am very happy to have been trained in these fields, I sincerely encourage students who have an interest in editorial content to not be afraid to take the plunge if the opportunity arises, which is a real plus!

A word about your background between BSB and your current job?

If I had been asked this question 4 years ago, I would have been a million miles away from imagining doing the job I am doing today! I arrived at school without having a specific project in mind. So like many people I imagined myself working for a large group, and why not in HR. In the end, I found myself in the startup world by pure chance, following a “failure”. Indeed, at the beginning of my gap year, I joined a company for my first internship of the year, as an HR assistant. A very bad experience. Photocopies, emails to sort, letters to post, or Monoprix errands to do... a daily life that left little room for what I was there for: HR. It was quite humbling, especially since this extra year in my career was a choice. But now I no longer felt like wasting my time. So I resigned after two months. And then one day, while looking for another internship, my roommate sent me an internship offer “communication and startup relationships manager” in a startup incubator. I thought it sounded cool and I was lucky enough to get the job. And it was a great internship! Thanks to this failure, I discovered the universe in which I wanted to evolve.

If you had to introduce Maddyness to a kid?

Maddyness is an online media that was created in 2012 in Paris. It defines itself as “the reference magazine for entrepreneurs and innovation players in France” and aims to promote the French entrepreneurial ecosystem. Around the media — which is in some ways “the company's window” — there are three other services: the studio center (Maddy Studio), the event center (Maddy Event) and the recruitment platform (Azerty Job). Having several services allows the company to offer complete offers to its customers: whether to help them communicate on their innovation policy, to produce videos, to create an event (or all three at the same time!) , each team offers a particular expertise.

The biggest challenge you've experienced so far with Maddyness?

I don't have a specific moment in mind. But more generally, I work in a very “challenging” universe where you have to know how to multitask, and always question yourself. This is what makes the work difficult, but it is also what makes it super stimulating, and why I learn a lot of things.

An actor of change who inspires you?

An example that speaks to a lot and represents a great evolution in terms of the fight against food waste is Too Good To Go. Today, the use of this application has been democratized in large and medium-sized cities. The unsold items of the day in some restaurants and businesses are sold at bargain prices, instead of being thrown away. It's a great idea, so Lucie Basch, its founder, is an actor of change who inspires me.

Your morning routine to have the energy to change things every day?

She is not really exemplary... I am more of those who “snooze” their alarm until it is REALLY time to get up... But it's a good idea for a 2020 resolution anyway!

The event that made you want to contribute to change?

If I say “the Maddy Keynote”, that's a bit biased isn't it? It's okay, I'm going to say it anyway. Because ultimately it is an event where all those who contribute to change meet (startups, corporations, media and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in general), to be inspired and build the world of tomorrow.

What kind of student were you?

I enjoyed spending time with my friends, participating in school events, and getting involved in the Bureau des Sports association that I was a part of. The relatively classic path for quite a few students after all.

If you could relive your student days, what would you do differently?


Your next big ambition?

No idea. I am just starting my career, so for now I am mainly trying to learn as much as possible with my work. We'll see a little later for one of the big ambitions.

Any advice or a message for a BSB student?

I am not sure that I am experienced enough and that I have enough perspective to be able to give “great advice.” However, maybe I can just say that I think it's important to allow yourself the right to fail. We are part of a society that judges those who make mistakes quite harshly. And yet it is something that can teach us to know ourselves better, to question ourselves, and to be better in the future.

Any last words?

Maddyness is growing, so there are many offers (internship and permanent contract) to be filled. Do not hesitate to go take a look at the site and write to me if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them! And if not, of course, I'll see you on January 30 and 31, 2020 for the Maddy Keynote!

More info on Maddyness

Maddyness website:

Maddy Keynote website:

Twitter: @bymaddyness

Facebook: @bymaddyness
