
#InterviewAlumni — Céline Koubaa (BSB'15): “through perseverance, I was able to thrive in Japan at Valeo”

Project manager at Valeo Spain

Who are you, before being Project Manager at Valeo Spain?

My name is Céline Koubaa, I am 28 years old, I love life and people — it may be a shame but for me it's important!

And if not, what do you do for a living... professionally?

So today I am Project Manager for Valeo Martos, in Andalusia (Spain). It's a bit like a conductor: I have a small team and we're all working together towards a common goal, namely to deliver innovative headlights for a new vehicle model from a famous French brand, which should be released in 2021. The headlights must be of impeccable quality, delivered on time and within budget. My job is to coordinate the team and solve the problems encountered on a daily basis... and there are plenty of them! We can't imagine the level of detail that the manufacturer requires...

A word about your background between BSB and your current job?

A word? Discovery! My last year of the BSB Master was an apprenticeship at Valeo Paris in a purchasing department, I was then hired in this department where I worked for two years. The call of the sea being felt, I continued my career at Valeo en VIE, in Tokyo (Japan), with my boyfriend. Two incredible years as a buyer. To live in Japan is to be a child again and to relearn the habits and customs of a society. 100% culture shock! Professionally, it was a leap forward: I had to buy all the components that form the steering wheel controls to change the music. These controls will very soon be entirely tactile: the challenge was to find suppliers in Asia capable of adapting to this innovation, which required a lot of travel and meetings. After two years in the Land of the Rising Sun, we wanted to come back to Europe and learn a third language, heading for Spain. Radical change of atmosphere and, by the way, a professional height gain!

If you had to introduce Valeo to a child?

Valeo manufactures the components that make up a car (headlights, interior buttons, engine parts, etc.) and then sells them to car manufacturers (Audi, BMW, Renault, PSA, etc.) .A striking anecdote to tell? If I was able to join Valeo as an apprentice, it was thanks, among other things, to the BSB network. An alumnus of the school passed my resume and I got an interview.

The great pride that you should have celebrated more?

Valeo Martos has 50 project managers, I am the youngest and we are only three women!

The biggest challenge you've experienced so far with Valeo?

My departure to Japan. My manager at the time wanted me to do one more year in Paris. But I stayed persistent, didn't give up and got what I wanted.

What is an actor of change for you?

A person who manages to make a living from his passion or who questions our way of being, thinking, consuming.

An actor of change who inspires you?

I don't have a name to mention in particular but I am always touched by these people who embark on projects to consume differently, or who give up everything to follow a passion. Hats off!

Your morning routine to have the energy to change things every day?

Especially nothing sweet for breakfast!

The event that made you want to contribute to change?

Living in the country of Fukushima where earthquakes are regular made me aware of our vulnerability. Since then I have been trying to stop overconsumption. In Japan, the second-hand market is very developed: let's hope that Europe will also reach this level!

What kind of student were you?

I liked being with my friends, going out, but we also had to guarantee zero catch-up!

If you could relive your student days, what would you do differently?

I would work more as a Spaniard because today it's hard!

What was the choice of path or the action taken when you were a student that served you the most?

Learn to work quickly and well, alone or in a team.

An encounter that particularly inspired you during your time at BSB?

Stéphan Bourcieu of course, how not to be? Bursting energy, incredible presence.

Your next big ambition?

First succeed in my new position, then find a way to contribute to my own definition of change.

Any advice or a message for a BSB student?

Go and discover the world: gap year, exchange, internship, internship, internship, life, life, travel, woofing, workaway, as you want, but go for it! One last word: why did you choose this photo of pagodas? I wanted to highlight a photo of Japan to end this interview: living abroad, dealing with different people, discovering other ways of doing things, it changes the mind!

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