
Cécile Mortureux (BSB'09), the game of listening and empathy

Portrait of the Ubisoft HR Manager

For Cécile Mortureux, professional life is a game! A video game, even, since she is leading an international career in the HR department of the French giant Ubisoft. “At the head of a team of 5 people, I manage the human resources of the two British studios, i.e. just under 400 people.”

Thanks to Cécile, we quickly discovered that the publisher of Assassin's Creed Odyssey was very invested in the subject of well-being at work. ” We pay a lot of attention to the psychological dimension of professional balance. For example, in the Ubisoft production studios in the UK there is a program, Well-being Champion, which brings together some thirty volunteer employees trained to listen to and detect signs of discomfort in their colleagues ”.

Seen from the United Kingdom, employer branding is first and foremost a territory of empathy, where everything is done to free speech and avoid stigma. “We all benefit, with tighter teams, managers who are very committed to these issues and rules that make it easier to distance ourselves when we are a little less well.”

How do you become a champion of HR innovation? By elimination, at the beginning. Not particularly attracted to trade or finance but certain ofappreciate the relationship with others, Cécile chose BSB for her work-study opportunities and found her way into the international program. “For the first time in my life, I had to leave my comfort zone, take risks and move forward into the unknown. It transformed me and made me want to support others even more.”

“Trainer brand”

Remaining very close to her classmates who left with her for 6 months in Berlin with her, Cécile obviously feels in tune with the school's DNA. The idea of” Trainer brand ”, as there is an employer brand, she was particularly attracted to him. “I really believe in the idea that the strength of our school is in helping us discover ourselves and not in forcing us to fit into a mold.” Beyond academic training and the incentive to take up a bit of geographical scope, it is not impossible that a bit of BSB culture can still be infused into Cécile's initiatives. To the greatest happiness at the work of Ubisoft designers and artists!

“I think the turning point came with the Covid crisis. We all had to invent new ways of interacting and became aware of both the value and the fragility of collective life in business. Even if the United Kingdom seems to me to be more advanced on these issues of vigilance in relation to mental health, we at Ubisoft have innovated a lot since this crisis and built a more protective corporate culture ”.

Is this sincere and well-equipped attention a recruiting argument? “No doubt, but I would dare to pretend that the Ubisoft brand is our best agent. The work we do in HR is primarily based on a strong conviction for the benefit of the community. All the better if it attracts us in addition to profiles for whom openness to others is a strong value! ”.