Vie de l'École

BSB re-accredited by AACSB for 6 years

BSB has just been re-accredited by AACSB for a period of 6 years. The American label AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) is one of the leading international accreditations for Business schools — with EQUIS, whose BSB also obtained re-accreditation for 3 years in 2022, and AMBA, which won in 2023.

BSB thus confirms its place among the best Business schools French and international — less than 1% of Business schools of the world are triple accredited AACSB/EQUIS/AMBA. Obtaining this re-accreditation is the result of a rigorous audit that assessed the School's compliance with high academic, institutional and educational standards.

The audit team was thus able to highlight some salient elements of BSB's excellence:

  • The quality of governance of the school according to an original model that allows real autonomy of the institution.
  • The model ofaccompanying students with the various systems put in place: Pathfinder, which supports students in their academic career and in the construction of their professional project until their first job; the One Health Center, which ensures the harmonious personal development of students (physical and mental health as a basis for a better quality of studies); the BSB Foundation as a support for students. The auditors emphasized BSB's fundamentally student-centered vision.
  • The quality and commitment of faculty, in accordance with the values of the school and the quality of educational developments and innovations at the service of students.
  • The quality and commitment of Alumni who have remained close to the school and are involved on a daily basis in the systems put in place to serve students, both within the framework of the BSB Foundation and for the sharing of experience or business expertise.
  • The quality of researching of the school, which reflects BSB's commitment to a dynamic of sustainable development and social responsibility.

This re-accreditation validates the efforts we have continued to make in recent years to develop the School.”, welcomes Stéphan Bourcieu, CEO of BSB. ” It reinforces our ambition and in this sense supports the UP 2027 strategic plan presented at the end of 2022.. It also rewards the commitment of all our stakeholders: employees, students, graduates, partners and shareholders.