Vie de l'École

BSB (re) connect is expanding for its 3rd edition

Now lasting 5 months, this refugee inclusion program will welcome 18 participants, including 14 women, starting in January 2024.

Starting on January 8, BSB will welcome a new promotion of (Re) Connect, its program dedicated to the inclusion of refugees. For its third edition, 18 participants will be immersed in the business world by benefiting from the School's network, for about twenty hours per week. For the first time, the program will last 5 months instead of 3.

14 women, mainly from Afghanistan and Syria, are registered this year. Beyond the solidarity initiative for reinsertion, the fight against discrimination and the promotion of diversity, (Re) Connect meets the needs of the territory and is in total harmony with BSB's values of support and excellence.

Reconnecting with life paths

As of January 8, the new promotion of the (Re) Connect program welcomes 18 participants including 14 women, mainly Syrian and Afghan. Among them, personal and professional destinies impacted by geopolitical vicissitudes or natural disasters: a Ukrainian with a master's degree in sports pedagogy who was a boxing coach; a Russian with an architectural diploma who is a designer; a young Sudanese woman who was in charge of banking; a young Afghan who was a bank advisor; or even a young Syrian who was an agronomist.

Among them also: mothers who have never been able to work despite their studies, because of family life and the weight of traditions; arrivals in France in 2021 and 2022 with the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan or the earthquakes in Syria. ” These people lack resources, recognition and opportunities in the world of work: it is fundamental to contribute to their professional but also social reintegration. We help them to work on their employability by offering this key that is the School network, and by also relying on women's networks, for example ” explains Céline Soulas, professor at BSB and program manager.

5 months to open up to the world of work

For the first time this year, the program will last 5 months rather than 3, which will make it possible to capitalize on learning and go even further. Each week, participants will have 24 hours of French courses and mainly corporate culture, which will allow them to acquire the essential codes.

The program is thus based on the strong voluntary involvement of students, collaborators, collaborators, professors, speakers and even BSB graduates. Each participant is accompanied by a “business mentor”, most of the time a BSB alumni. Participant/student pairs are formed, the latter having the role of coaching, advising, exchanging in French, etc.

The program, perfectly aligned with the values of openness and solidarity of the School, is 100% funded by the Departmental Directorate of Employment, Work and Solidarity; the budget is entirely allocated to the courses and activities offered to participants.