Vie de l'École

BSB launches work on its new campus in Lyon

Designed to enhance the student experience, the next 8,200m2 BSB Lyon Campus will open in September 2025 and will accommodate 2,500 students

BSB announces the launch of work on its future campus in Lyon. Located near the Grange Rouge — Santy tram stop in the 8th arrondissement, its 8,200m2 will be able to accommodate 2,500 students from September 2025. The real estate project, which represents a total investment of more than €40M, is supported by a pool of financial partners.

It is carried out in collaboration with Carré d'Or, a builder and creator of living environments from Lyon, whose commitment guarantees responsible construction — perfectly aligned with the values and the will of BSB. JLL is supporting BSB and Carré d'Or in this project.

Established in Lyon for 10 years, the School's ambition with this new campus is to assert itself as the second business school in the city, by duplicating the model that has made it successful so far, based on support and student experience.

A Lyon-based and international ambition

“Present in Lyon for 10 years, our School aims to continue its strong development in the heart of the city and this new campus is a great lever for this,” says Stéphan Bourcieu, CEO of BSB. “Most French management schools rely on Paris; for our part, we want to distinguish ourselves and strengthen our commitment to Lyon, with the ambition of establishing ourselves as the second business school in France's second largest metropolis..”

“We are convinced of the relevance of our strategic choice. This is reinforced both by the economic strength of the Lyon ecosystem, with its numerous headquarters of national and international companies, and its entrepreneurial and digital prism, to which we are particularly sensitive; a choice also reinforced by the dynamics of our School, which won the famous triple crown this year, thus joining the very closed circle of management schools holding the three international reference accreditations that are AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA — less than 1% in the world.”

Student experience and user experience

“This new campus is located in the heart of a rapidly changing district with a strong demographic and student dynamism,” continues Stéphan Bourcieu. “It will allow us to expand our program portfolio and in particular to develop a School of Creative Industries, based on our decades of expertise in cultural management. We will also continue to increase our focus on work-study programs, a method that is increasingly popular with students and businesses. In the long term, we will thus have two balanced pillars with 2,500 students in Dijon and the same number in Lyon. By maintaining a human-sized model, we will above all be able to duplicate our know-how in terms of support and student experience — we are No. 1 in France in this field according to ChooseMyCompany in 2022 and 2023 — within a campus close to the Dijon model.”

Naturally, this campus will also welcome around a hundred employees, half of whom will be permanent professors and researchers. Its layout will be based on a strong resolution: that of being a unique third place that integrates hybrid workspaces, thus meeting the needs of students, collaborators and visitors at the same time, by integrating a connection to nature, spaces for socialization, spaces for socialization, spaces for learning and development and flexible spaces.

A responsible campus open to the city

The project is supported financially by a pool of partners close to the School. BSB is associated with Carré d'Or in the implementation of the real estate project, which offers it the assurance of a global vision materialized by an economic, environmental, ethical and societal requirement — a trademark of the company. “It was important for us to be able to work with an entity like Carré d'Or, whose values of responsibility and the quality of the user experience are perfectly aligned with ours”, specifies Stéphan Bourcieu.

Thus, the construction will benefit from a series of environmental devices and standards guaranteeing true campus energy efficiency: connection to the urban heating network, wood-frame walls, wooded and accessible patio as an island of freshness and a peripheral garden, photovoltaic panels on the roof, photovoltaic panels on the roof, photovoltaic panels on the roof, E3C1 certification and BREEAM Excellent certification, or even commitment via the Carrément Hexagonal © approach, which values local skills and short circuits. in order to create high quality living spaces and aiming at 100% French.

This large-scale project was thought out and shaped through long-term collaborative work with the city of the 8th arrondissement, the city of Lyon, the city of Lyon, the metropolis and all the services concerned. The building, designed by Sud Architects, is part of a desire to carry the memory of the site by combining the modernity of cutting-edge equipment with a historic and vigorous industrial tradition.

“The essential concept of modularity and adaptability led us to design a building composed of free floors, linked together by glass corridors, and placed on a base in which the functions of reception and conviviality will easily find their place while opening up as widely as possible to the space of the city”, explains Patrick Bowdler, one of the architects of the project. “This form is also the way to leave, through gardens, transparent views of the industrial site that marks the history of the neighborhood and keep in place the beautiful existing trees that punctuate the campus street.”