Faculty Directory
Jean-François OUTREVILLE
Jean-François OUTREVILLE
Emeritus professor &
Département : Wine & Spirits
Équipe disciplinaire : ,
Axe(s) de recherche : Wine & Spirits, ,
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publications of
Jean-François OUTREVILLE
Outreville, J-F. Does the Market Structure of Grape Varieties Impact Exports Performance?. 1st International Workshop on Innovations and the Wine Industry, 21-22 janvier 2016, Montpellier , France. | Conférences académiques | 2016 |
Outreville, J-F. Uncertainty, Ambiguity and Conflict: an experimental investigation of consumer behavior and demand; Risk-taking when buying wine. WRIEC meeting , 2-6 août 2015, Munich, Allemagne. | Conférences académiques | 2015 |
Lecat, B., Le Fur, E., Outreville, J-F. Consumer Risk Perception of Corked Wines. 22nd Annual Conference VDQS, 27-30 mai 2015, Brno, Tchèque (La République). | Conférences académiques | 2015 |