Faculty Directory

Guillermo MATEU

Guillermo MATEU

Expert professor &

Département : Finance, Accounting, Law
Équipe disciplinaire : Finance Governance,
Axe(s) de recherche : Decisions and Behaviors, ,
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publications of
Guillermo MATEU
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Tisserand, J-C., Hopfensitz, A., Blondel, S., Loheac, Y., Mantilla, C., Mateu, G., Rosaz, J., Rozan, A., Willinger, M., Sutan, A. Management of common pool ressources: a nation-wide experiment. Ecological Economics, 2022, vol. 201.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Mateu, G., De La O, D., Caballero, J.P. The effect of internal and external audit on ethics: a cheating experiment with scratch lotteries, Research seminar at the University of Malaga, 29 septembre 2023, Malaga, Espagne.Séminaires de recherche2023
Sutan, A., Mateu, G., Brañas-Garza, P., Cabrales, A., Sánchez, A. Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2023, vol. 102.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2023
Mateu, G., Escobar, A., Ripoll, M. Knowledge management and SME financial performance: the mediating role of the interactive use of management control systems and innovation. XX Congreso Iberoamericano de Control de Gestión - CIBEC, 3-7 juillet 2023, Valence, Espagne.Conférences académiques2023
Mateu, G. The effect of internal and external audit on ethics: a cheating experiment with scratch lotteries. 13th Conference of the French Experimental Economics Association (ASFEE 2023), 25-26 mai 2023, Montpellier, France.Conférences académiques2023
Mateu, G. Redistribute enough or don’t redistribute at all: how effectively can public policies reduce destruction (envy)? A cross cultural experiment. 2022 ESA Bologna, 31 août-3 septembre 2022, Bologne, Italie.Conférences académiques2022
Mateu, G. The performance effects of multiple sources of stress: the case of math anxiety. 12th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE 2022), 30 juin-1er juillet 2022, Lyon, France.Conférences académiques2022
Mateu, G., Monzani, L. Qu’est-ce qui pousse les entrepreneurs à adopter des comportements frauduleux ?. The Conversation, 26 avril 2022,https://theconversation.com/quest-ce-qui-pousse-les-entrepreneurs-a-adopter-des-comportements-frauduleux-181735?fbclid=IwAR0tvIsgz6vK_ydi3oe2Uijkc8O-ed9GcO59w-0zBBRrpm5q8G9ytd2vEeg.Tribunes de presse2022
Mateu, G., Sanz, A. Public Policies to Promote Sustainable Transports: Lessons from Valencia. Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, n°3.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Mateu, G. Innovative education management: an empirical study. TEC Empresarial, 2021, vol. 15, n°3, p. 2-17.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Monzani, L., Mateu, G., Hernandez Bark, A.S., Martinez Villavicencio, J. Reducing the cost of being the boss: Authentic leadership suppresses the effect of role stereotype conflict on antisocial behaviors in leaders and entrepreneurs. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, vol. 12.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Mateu, G., Van Der Meij, L., Monzani, L., Munoz-Navarro, R. Salivary testosterone and cortisol in social dilemmas: effects of cooperation and punishment. 11th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), 2-3 septembre 2021, Dijon, France.Conférences académiques2021
Mateu, G., Donaldson, C. New Venture Creation: A Systematic Review of the Associated Literature. TEC Empresarial, 2021, vol. 15, n°1, p. 56-79.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Sutan, A., Brañas-Garza, P., Cabrales, A., Mateu, G., Sánchez, A. Does pre-play social interaction improve negotiation outcomes?, Behavioral Research in Organizations (BRiO) External Research (EM Lyon) (online), 1er décembre 2020, Lyon, France.Séminaires de recherche2020
Sutan, A., Mateu, G., Aimar, T., Boudaoui, Y. Entrepreneurial Alertness in Eustress Complex Environments: an Experimental Approach of the Exploitation/Exploration Dilemma. Strategic Change, 2020, vol. 29, n°3, p. 301-309.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2020
Mateu, G., Spiegelman, E. How to avoid errors in work environments: an exploratory investigation of mathematical anxiety. 11th Southern Europe Experimental Team’s Meeting (SEET Workshop 2020), 6-8 février 2020, Naples, Italie.Conférences académiques2020
Mateu, G., Monzani, L., Munoz, R. The role of the brain in financial decisions: A viewpoint on neuroeconomics. Mètode Science Studies Journal, 2018, vol. 8, p. 6-15.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2018
Mateu, G. Salivary testosterone and cortisol in social delimmas: effects of cooperation and punishment. ESA European Meeting, 4-7 septembre 2019, Dijon, France.Conférences académiques2019
Sutan, A., Cabrales, A., Branas, P., Mateu, G., Sanchez, A. Around a table: Social facilitators for negotiations. Vox CEPR Policy Portal, 22 mai 2019,https://voxeu.org/article/social-facilitators-negotiations.Tribunes de presse2019
Sutan, A., Mateu, G., Branas, P., Cabrales, A., Sanchez, A. Does Pre-play Social Interaction Improve Negotiation Outcomes?, 6 février 2019, Bordeaux, France.Séminaires de recherche2019
Mateu, G. Salivary testosterone and cortisone in social dilemmas: effects of cooperation and punishment. 10th SEET Conference, 6-8 février 2019, Ibiza, Espagne.Conférences académiques2019
Chen, X., Mateu, G. Bounded Rationality in Financial Markets: Experimental Evidence of Social Dominance Oriented Agents. Cahiers du CEREN, 2016, n°48, p. 109-130.Cahiers de recherche2016
Biot-Paquerot, G., Chaboud, M-C., Mateu, G., Lentz, F. Diluted interest: the rationales of lenders and entrepreneur participation decision in crowdfunding campaign for cultural projects. The Performing Arts Through Sustainable Development, 8-10 mars 2017, Paris, France.Conférences académiques2017
Biot-Paquerot, G., Chaboud, M-C., Mateu, G. Fully-diluted interest: the rationales of lender and entrepreneur participation decision in crowdfunding campaigns. 3rd International Governance Workshop, 7-8 juin 2016, Barcelone, Espagne.Conférences académiques2016
Loheac, Y., Alia, H., Bazart, C., Bchir, M.A., Blondel, S., Bonescu, M., Bornier, A., Brouard, J., Chappe, N., Cochard, F., Flage, A., Galeotti, F., Hollandts, X., Jacquemet, N., Le Lec, F., Lefebvre, M., Leplat, M., Peterle, E., Petit, E., Rozan, A., Villeval, M-C., Willinger, M., Zylbersztejn, A., Sutan, A., Hopfensitz, A., Peron, G., Mantilla, C., Mateu, G., Rosaz, J., Raiber, E., Tisserand, J-C. Mise en place d'une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie. Revue Économique, 2017, vol. 68, n°5, p. 941-953.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2017