BSB, 52nd business school in the world!

Dijon & Lyon

BSB is ranked 52nd in the new ranking of the world's best Masters in Management published on Monday 9 September by the Financial Times.

This is the School's best ever ranking in this benchmark international ranking.

BSB, No. 1 in student satisfaction!

Dijon & Lyon

BSB is proud to be ranked No. 1 in student satisfaction according to the ranking HappyAtSchool® 2023-2024.

This success reflects our commitment to supporting our students throughout their career, by offering them a stimulating environment and opportunities for academic and professional development.

BSB, in the Top 1% of business schools in the world!

Dijon & Lyon

Alone 1% of Business Schools in the world are triple accredited by AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA.

This represents 120 institutions out of 15,000, testifying to their academic excellence and the international recognition of their quality standards.

International Business School in France

Dijon & Lyon

BSB is more than a major international management school, it is a renowned experience during which each student is challenged and supported in an innovative way to find their own career path.

PathfinderTM Support

Join the leading school for customised student support

BSB distinguishes itself through its unique student centred support. The Pathfinder™ programme offers a personalised coaching and continued support from day 1 of school to day one on the job.

étudiante BSB en train d'être accompagnée grâce au dispositif pathfinder
étudiants bsb

Enjoy a stimulating student experience on our Dijon and Lyon campuses

Key BSB figures


in student satisfaction

(Happy At School 2023 & 2024)

Top 1%

of business schools around the world

Triple accredited AACSB/EQUIS/AMBA

(120 out of 15000 institutions)


Master in Management in the world

(Financial Times 2024)

En alternance, vivez une expérience professionnalisante

À BSB, apprenez en entreprise votre futur métier tout en bénéficiant du soutien pédagogique de l’École.

92% de nos alternants ont décroché un CDI en moins de 3 mois !

étudiante BSB

I am an international student

How do I join BSB for an exchange semester or a diploma course?

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Wine & Spirits

Découvrir notre School of Wine
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Join a network of 19,000+ graduates!

Join the BSB community around the world: share experiences or ideas, create partnerships, accelerate recruitment and employability.The BSB Alumni network supports you during your studies and throughout your career.

Hanyu Yan
Business Development Executive
Melissa Bidounga
Contrôleur de gestion
Patrycja Kolner
Project Coordinator
Tara Saroufim
Communications & Project Manager
Yazid Lafdili Alaoui
Regional Financial Controller- Parts & Services- Middle East & Africa
Omar Senhaji
Asset Management & Alternative Investment Advisor
logo KPMG
Agostina Laprovitta
Foreign Trade Director
Vivek Pandya
Junior Data Analyst
Valeriia Danilkina
IT Risk Assurance - Associate
logo pwc
Robert Atwell
Data Analyst
Mijun Liu
Operations Manager
Xingyu Long
International Sales and Marketing Executive

Meet-up inspiring Leaders

Designed for you to develop your economic geopolitical culture, and to meet unique and inspiring personalities, our “Meet-up Inspiring Leaders” conference cycle opens the doors to discovering other visions of the world.

meet-up inspiring leaders bsb