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Marilena VECCO
Arts and Cultural Management Research Axis Coordinator
Humanities and Arts Management
Disciplinary team:
Humanities and Arts Management
Research axis:
Arts and Cultural Management


Discover the
Marilena VECCO
's publications.
icône tri année
Vecco M. Genius loci: Between handcrafts and local development. In: Costa P. Guerra P. (coord.). I'll be your mirror": Creative milieus and cultural scenes in contemporary urban 2018.
Book chapters
Vecco M. Srakar A. De visitus non est disputandum: How Visitors to Public Museums Cluster Towards Deaccessioning. International Journal of Arts Management 2018 vol. 20 n°2 p. 46-65.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Vecco M. Imperiale F. Cultural heritage in times of armed conflicts in the Middle East: Much more than material damage? Introduction. Journal of Cultural Heritage 2018 vol. 33 p. 262-263.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Vakharia N. Vecco M. Srakar A. Janardhan D. Knowledge centricity and organizational performance: An empirical study of the performing arts. Journal of Knowledge Management 2018 vol. 22 n°5 p. 1124-1152.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Vecco M. Genius loci: between handcrafts and local development. Cultural Management: Science and Education 2018 vol. 2 n°2 p. 43-56.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Vecco M. Lazzeretti L. Creative industries and entrepreneurship: paradigms in transition from a global perspective. 1ère éd. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2018 352 p.
Vecco M. Srakar A. The Unbearable Sustainability Of Cultural Heritage: An Attempt To Create An Index Of Cultural Heritage Sustainability In Conflict And War Regions. Journal of Cultural Heritage 2018 vol. 33 p. 293-302.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Vecco M. Srakar A. Blue Notes: Three Slovenian jazz festivals and their contribution to the economic resilience of the host cities. In: Cooke P. Lazzeretti L. (coord.). The Role of Art and Culture for Regional and Urban Resilience. 1ère éd. Londres: Routledge 2018 p. Chapter 7.
Book chapters
Vecco M. Srakar A. Effects of cultural policy on nascent cultural and creative entrepreneurship in the EU countries. 16th IECER 26-28 septembre 2018 Innsbruck Autriche.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Vecco M. L’artisan : entre entrepreneuriat traditionnel et entrepreneurial. Une perspective historique Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture en Bourgogne Franche-Comté 23 novembre 2018 Dijon France.
Research seminars
Vecco M. A New Approach to Teach and Learn Cultural Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Netherlands. In: Wroblewski L. Dacko-Pikiewicz Z. Liu J.C.Y. (coord.). Cultural Management. From Theory to Practice. ISBN 978-0-9954618-7-1ème éd. Londres: London Scientific 2018 p. 67-84.
Book chapters
Vecco M. Srakar A. Enhancing the potential of cultural entrepreneurship: Connecting regional development and performance of cultural firms in Europe. In: Innerhofer E. Pechlaner H. Borin E. (coord.). Entrepreneurship in Culture and Creative Industries. Perspectives from Companies and Regions. 1ère éd. Berlin: Springer 2018 p. 213-227.
Book chapters
Vecco M. Some economics of conservation of cultural heritage: the key questions . In: Ngulube P. (coord.). Handbook of Research on Heritage Management and Preservation Hershey Pennsylvania: IGI GloBal 2018 p. 299-319.
Book chapters
Konrad E. Vecco M. Innovation and Creativity in the Arts and Cultural Sectors: Theories Strategies and Tools Londres : Routledge 2018.
Vecco M. Value and Values of Cultural Heritage. In: Campelo A. Reynolds L. Lindgreen A. Beverland M. (coord.). Cultural Heritage. A Research Anthology. 1ère éd. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge 2018 p. 23-38.
Book chapters
Sinapi C. Vecco M. Borin E. Jolivet C. Jourda M. Mutations des formes de l'emploi dans la création en France; État des lieux et perspectives économiques; Etude 1 : Repères théoriques et contexte général. Rapport d'étude au SYNDEAC Rapport d'études remis au SYNDEAC Syndicat National des Entreprises artistiques et culturelles 2018 p. 1-44.
Research reports for companies or government agencies
Vecco M. The Economic Calculation of Conservation. In: Campelo A. Reynolds L. Lindgreen A. Beverland M. (coord.). Cultural Heritage. A Research Anthology. 1ère éd. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge 2018 p. 139-154.
Book chapters
Vecco M. Artpreneur's Lessons to Traditional Business. EURAM 18th Conference "Research in Action" 19-22 juin 2018 Reykjavik Islande.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Vecco M. Srakar A. Breaking Boundaries - Building Dimensional Relations. On why and how to include culture as a fourth dimension of sustainable development. In: Creative Economy Report 2017. 1ère éd. Genève: UNCTAD 2017.
Book chapters
Vecco M. Zanola R. Don’t let the easy be the enemy of the good. Returns from art investments: What is wrong with it?. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 2017 vol. 140 p. 120-129.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Vecco M. Srakar A. Participatory funding of cultural projects: case study of the BeArt platform . International conference "Participatory governance in culture: exploring practices theories and policies - do it together 22-24 novembre 2017 Rijeka Croatie.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Vecco M. Handcrafts places and local development. Economia Azienda e Sviluppo 2017 p. 1-10.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Srakar A. Slabe-Erker R. Vecco M. Economic effects of Venice Carnivals: An ex-post econometric verification approach. In: Cuffy V. (coord.). Carnival Culture & Tourism Wallingford: CABI 2017.
Book chapters
Vecco M. Deaccessioning and capitalisation in museums from an international perspective . Cultural Management: Science and Education 2017 vol. 1 n°2 p. 17-32.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Vecco M. Konrad E. Die kraft der partnerschaft notwendigkeit oder luxus in den kulturellen und kreativen sektoren? Dortmund : European Center for Creative Economy 2017 60 p.