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Djamchid ASSADI
Digital Management
Disciplinary team:
Digital Management
Research axis:
Digital Leadership


Discover the
Djamchid ASSADI
's publications.
icône tri année
Biot Paquerot G. Assadi D. Ashta A. Value Creation of FinTech in the Banking and Financial Services Offer: Between Rehumanization and Dehumanization. EURAM 2021 Conference - Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world (online) 16-18 juin 2021 Montréal Canada.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. Assadi D. Duran N. Recapturing innovations: The case of a French neobank offering financial inclusion. 8th Uniglobe International Management Conference (online) 17-18 mars 2021 Katmandou Népal.
Invited keynote speeches
Ashta A. Assadi D. Duran N. Capture d’innovation : étude de cas d’une néo-banque à mission sociale et défis pour les pays en développement. Science Technologie Développement 2021 vol. 1 n°1 p. 1-21.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Assadi D. Ashta A. Duran N. Is an Offline Sharing Economy Innovation Transmissible Online?: Exploring the Role of Conformity in The Group Lending. In: Vicente Negrão C.S. Furtado Brito J.A. (coord.). Multidisciplinary Approaches to Crowdfunding Platforms Hershey Pennsylvanie: IGI Global 2021 p. 134-162.
Book chapters
Benali M. Assadi D. El Bouhadi A. Taghzouti A. Guest editor of a Special Issue on Finance and “Sharing Economy” in “Finance Technology and Sustainability” (International Journal of Business Performance Management Vol. 22 nos 2/3) International Journal of Business Performance Management 2021 France.
Other contributions
Assadi D. Wroldson J. Financial Inclusion through Corporate Governance: The “Sphere of Solidarity”. In: Artificial intelligence and Fintech: Challenges for Alternative Finance and Financial Inclusion Boca Raton Floride: CRC Press - Taylor & Francis 2021.
Book chapters
Assadi D. Benali M. El Bouhadi A. Taghzouti A. Editorial. International Journal of Business Performance Management 2021 vol. 22 n°2-3 p. 93-99.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Assadi D. Modes de gouvernance alternatifs et privés pour l'inclusion financière. CRSF'20: International Conference of Research and Studies in Finance 3-4 mars 2020 Fès Maroc.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Assadi D. Member of the Editoral Board - Optimization: Journal of Research in Management 2020 France.
Other contributions
Assadi D. From the Desk of the Chief Editor. Optimization Journal of Research in Management 2020 vol. 12 n°1.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Diani A. Assadi D. Mission Drift in Microfinance institutions: the Moroccan Case. EURAM 2020 Online Conference - The Business of Now: The Future Starts Here 4-6 décembre 2020 Dublin Irlande.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Assadi D. Membre du comité scientifique du CIREF (Fès Maroc) 2020 France.
Other contributions
Assadi D. Lankoande G. La typologie attitudinale des non-bancarisés envers la téléphonie mobile comme moyen d'accès aux services financiers. In: Benali M. El Bouhadi A. (coord.). Accès aux services financiers inclusion et durabilité économique en Afrique Paris: L'Harmattan 2020 p. 195-214.
Book chapters
Assadi D. What Is a P2P Business Model?. In: Khosrow-Pour M. (coord.). Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge Administration and Technologies Hershey Pennsylvanie: IGI Global 2020 p. 758-774.
Book chapters
Assadi D. Founder and principle proponent - “The Sharing Economy Business Models: Ecosystems from Human P2P to artificial intelligence driven interactions” (EURAM 2020 Dublin Irlande) 2020 Irlande.
Other contributions
Assadi D. Academic Advisory Board Member - Bajaj Institute of Management and Research (Greater Noida) 2020 Inde.
Other contributions
Assadi D. Président du track "Finance and sharing economy" et membre du comité scientifique (CSRF'20: International Conference of Research and Studies) 2020 Fès Maroc.
Other contributions
Duran N. Assadi D. Ashta A. Le prêt de groupe : innovation sociale transmissible en ligne ?. Journée de recherche - Innover pour une finance responsable et durable 27 novembre 2020 Champs-Sur-Marne France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Assadi D. Ashta A. Duran N. Is an Offline Sharing Economy Innovation Transmissible Online? Exploring the Role of Conformity in The Group Lending. EURAM 2020 Online Conference - The Business of Now: The Future Starts Here 4-6 décembre 2020 Dublin Irlande.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Assadi D. Jabbouri R. Benali M. Exploring Artificial Intelligence-Based Business Models for the Sharing Economy. EURAM 2020 Online Conference - The Business of Now: The Future Starts Here 4-6 décembre 2020 Dublin Irlande.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Assadi D. Founder and principle proponent - “Sharing Economy: Entrepreneurship Business Models and Ecosystems” (EURAM 2020 Dublin Irlande) 2020 Irlande.
Other contributions
Assadi D. Member of Advisory / Technical Program Committee - International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering" (Goa Inde 18-21 janvier 2021) 2020 Inde.
Other contributions
Assadi D. Chair de la session "Sharing economy from efficacy to efficiency” (EURAM 2020 Dublin Irlande) 2020 Dublin Irlande.
Other contributions
Assadi D. Session Chair du track "The sharing (P2P) economy: from offline to online" (19th EURAM Conference "Exploring the Future of Management") 2019 Lisbonne Portugal.
Other contributions
Assadi D. From the Desk of the Chief Editor. Optimization Journal of Research in Management 2019 vol. 11 n°2.
Articles in peer refereed journals