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Full professor & Wine & Spirits Research Axis Coordinator

Département : Wine & Spirits
Équipe disciplinaire : Wine & Spirit Business,
Axe(s) de recherche : Wine & Spirits, ,
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Georgantzis, N., Barreda, I., Garcia Gallego, A. Delegation in Oligopoly: The power of rejection. Conférence ASSET (Association for Southern European Economic Theorists), 27-29 octobre 2022, Crète, Grèce.Conférences académiques2022
Georgantzis, N., Garcia-Gallego, A., Collasant, A., Tedeschi, G. An experiment on herding. EconomiX Workshop - Social behaviour and discrimination, 20 octobre 2022, Nanterre, France.Conférences invitées2022
Georgantzis, N., Hermann, C., Heitz, A. Wine and sustainability. Academy of Wine Business Research Conference 2022,, 5-8 juillet 2022, Dijon, France.Conférences académiques2022
Kazlouskaya, M., Bocin-Dumitriu, A., Van Duivenbode, L., Spyrakos, E., Tiit, K., Georgantzis, N., Agnoli, L., Cillero, C. European and International Policy Drivers in Water Scenarios for Copernicus Exploitation. 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 18-22 septembre 2022, Paris, France.Conférences académiques2022
Georgantzis, N., Agnoli, L., Vasileiou, E. Emotions in Wine and Spirits consumption. 183rd Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economics, 8-9 septembre 2022, Zagreb, Croatie.Conférences académiques2022
Vecco, M., Georgantzis, N., Kroonenberg, P. Is it the firm, the innovator, or the innovation? Determinants of perceived non-imitability leading to unprotected Intellectual Property. International Review of Law and Economics, 2022, vol. 72.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Georgantzis, N., Gutiérrez-Hita, C., Sánchez-Soriano, J. Learning and Applying Cooperative Solutions: A Classroom Experiment on Transportation Games. Axioms, 2022.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Bolatito Ibrahim, S., Srinivasan, C., Georgantzis, N. Agricultural production inefficiency in Nigeria: the contribution of farming households' ill-health disability. Tropical Agriculture, 2022, vol. 99, n°1.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Xefteris, D., Barreda-Tarrazona, I., Garcia-Gallego, A., Georgantzis, N. Catalog competition: Theory and experimental evidence. Economic Inquiry, 2023, vol. 61, n°1, p. 122-137.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2023
Basile, T., Georgantzis, N., Agnoli, L., Perniola, R. Viticoltura Rigenerativa: Come applicarla. Il Corriere Vinicolo, 17 juin 2022.Tribunes de presse2022
Sabater-Grande, G., Georgantzis, N., Herranz-Zarzoso, N. Goals and guesses as reference points: a field experiment on student performance. Theory and Decision, 2023, vol. 94, p. 249-274.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2023
Agnoli, L., Charters, S.J., Georgantzis, N., Tisserand, J-C. The role of risk attitude on old wines purchase decisions. Wine and Spirits Economics Workshop, 9 juin 2022, Dijon, France.Conférences académiques2022
Tisserand, J-C., Georgantzis, N., Akaka, J., Aurora Garcia Gallego, M. Decision support systems in pesticide management: Determinants of adoption and trust in DSS . Conférence scientifique européenne "Vers une agriculture sans pesticides", 2-3 juin 2022, Dijon, France.Conférences académiques2022
Georgantzis, N. An Experiment on Herding. BELIS Seminar (on line), 16 mai 2022, Istanbul, Turquie.Conférences invitées2022
Vasileiou, E., Georgantzis, N., Agnoli, L. The role of feelings in alcohol consumption. Insights from Italy. European Association for Wine Economists Conference (EuAWE), 18-21 mai 2022, Vila Real, Portugal.Conférences académiques2022
Vasileiou, E., Georgantzis, N., Attanasi, G., Llerena, P. Green innovation and financial performance: A study on Italian firms. Research Policy, 2022, vol. 51, n°6.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Agnoli, L., Georgantzis, N. Determinants of the adoption of EO-based technologies for water quality monitoring and forecasting: An analysis of end users’ needs. Blog PrimeWater Website, 31 mars 2022,https://www.primewater.eu/2022/03/30/determinants-of-the-adoption-of-eo-based-technologies-for-water-quality-monitoring-and-forecasting-an-analysis-of-end-users-needs/.Blog2022
Georgantzis, N. Présidentielle 2022 : les Français sont-ils défavorables au RSA et autres aides sociales ?. 20 Minutes, 26 mars 2022,https://actualite.20minutes.fr/economie/3259875-20220326-presidentielle-2022-francais-defavorables-rsa-autres-aides-sociales?fbclid=IwAR1FKcFIbyZa2B6oeIsH0FgrUMATvHwLWbzIE9KB0bAYqCzwtsZ6N_HZX2s.Interviews2022
Martinho, V.J.P.D., Mourao, P.R., Georgantzis, N. Efficiency of the European Union farm types: Scenarios with and without the 2013 CAP measures. Open Agriculture, 2022, vol. 7, n°1, p. 93-111.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Georgantzis, N., Jaber-Lopez, T., Rodriguez-Lara, I. Editorial: Economic Games, (Dis)honesty and Trust, 2022, France.Autres contributions2022
Sabater-Grande, G., Garcia-Gallego, A., Georgantzis, N., Herranz-Zarzoso, N. The effects of personality, risk and other-regarding attitudes on trust and reciprocity. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2022, vol. 96.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Navarro Dols, J., Gonzalez-Pernia, J.L., Georgantzis, N., Ashta, A. Team profiles and roles in Social Gastronomy: A qualitative study in Spain. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 2021, vol. 27.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Georgantzis, N. Expectations and other drivers of happiness during the COVID pandemic. PANORisk, 16 novembre 2021, Le Mans, France.Conférences académiques2021
Balafoutas, L., Garcia-Gallego, A., Georgantzis, N., Jaber-Lopez, T., Mitrokostas, E. Psychopathy and Economic Behavior Among Prison Inmates: An Experiment. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, vol. 12.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Georgantzis, N. Herding as signal of quality?. Workshop on Actions, Contributions and Games, 14-16 octobre 2021, Dijon, France.Conférences académiques2021