Faculty Directory

Marilena VECCO

Marilena VECCO

Full professor & Arts and Cultural Management Research Axis Coordinator

Département : Humanities and Arts Management
Équipe disciplinaire : Humanities and Arts Management,
Axe(s) de recherche : Arts and Cultural Management, ,
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publications of
Marilena VECCO
NomType de publicationAnnée
De Molli, F., Vecco, M., Pizzetti, M. Space for seduction: the redefining of auction houses’ role in the art market. Consumption, Markets & Culture, 2022, vol. 25, n°2, p. 105-123.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Vecco, M. Animation du séminaire de recherche du 7ème Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Dijon, 23-25 novembre 2021), 2021, Dijon, France.Autres contributions2021
Vecco, M. Comment la Chine a fait de l'art contemporain une arme de soft power. The Conversation, 26 janvier 2022,https://theconversation.com/comment-la-chine-a-fait-de-lart-contemporain-une-arme-de-soft-power-170129.Tribunes de presse2022
Abbate, T., Vecco, M., Vermiglio, C., Zarone, V., Perano, M. Blockchain and art market: resistance or adoption?. Consumption, Markets & Culture, 2022, vol. 25, n°2, p. 105-123.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Vecco, M. Challenging themes in cultural economics. Konstnaeren, 5 octobre 2021.Interviews2021
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Slabe Erker, R. Ex-post econometric verification of the economic effects of the Venice carnival, Cultural Economics Online Seminar Series (CEOS) - ACEI, 8 avril 2021, France.Séminaires de recherche2021
De Molli, F., Vecco, M. Exploring trust development from a spatial perspective. WOA 2021 - Organizing for what? Meaning and Purpose in Human Action, 10-11 septembre 2021, Gênes, Italie.Conférences académiques2021
Vecco, M., Donlon, J., Piesik, S. Panel Discussion - "Circular Business Models For Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse". H2020 Project CLIC "Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse" Final Conference, 22-23 septembre 2021, Online, Italie.Conférences académiques2021
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Verbic, M. Modelling and measuring deaccessioning : a 2SLS-MIMIC and 2SLS-EMIMIC approach. University of Delhi Winter School 2020 (online), 14-17 décembre 2020, New Delhi, Inde.Conférences académiques2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Slabe Erker, R. Ex-post econometric verification of the economic effects of the Venice Carnival: a spatiotemporal autoregressive fuzzy difference-in-differences approach. The 21st International Conference on Cultural Economics - ACEI Conference (online), 6-9 juillet 2021, Lille, France.Conférences académiques2021
De Molli, F., Vecco, M. Trust development through space design. 37th EGOS Colloquium (online), 8-10 juillet 2021, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.Conférences académiques2021
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Verbic, M. Modelling and Measuring Deaccessioning in American Museums. The 2021 TIAMSA Conference (online), 15-16 juillet 2021, Edimbourg, Royaume-Uni.Conférences académiques2021
Presenza, A., Vecco, M., Abbate, T. Michelin-starred chefs’ responses to COVID-19 through the lens of the effectuation paradigm. Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference 2021 (online), 10-11 juin 2021, Palerme, Italie.Conférences académiques2021
De Molli, F., Vecco, M. Cultural and creative organizations’ space: An introduction. In: The Metamorphosis of Cultural and Creative Organizations. Exploring Change from a Spatial Perspective, Londres: Routledge, 2021, p. 5-14.Chapitres d’ouvrages2021
Vecco, M., Nash, M., Srakar, A. Board Size Matters: Fundraising in American Cultural Organizations. International Journal of Arts Management, 2021, vol. 24, n°1, p. 89-102.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
De Molli, F., Vecco, M. The Metamorphosis of Cultural and Creative Organizations. Exploring Change from a Spatial Perspective, Londres : Routledge, 2021, 256 p.Ouvrages2021
Fusco Girard, L., Vecco, M. The “Intrinsic Value” of Cultural Heritage as Driver for Circular Human-Centered Adaptive Reuse. Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, n°6, p. 1-28.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Prieto-Rodriguez, J., Vecco, M. Reading Between the Lines in the Art Market: A Lack of Transparency and Price Heterogeneity as a Signal of Multiple Equilibria. Economic Modelling, 2021, vol. 102.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Zanola, R., Vecco, M., Jones, A. A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place: New York’s Role in the Art Market . Research in Economics, 2021, vol. 75, n°3, p. 215-224.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Vecco, M., Chang, S., Zanola, R. Contemporary Art Fairs in Mainland China: From Local to International Status?. The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 2021, vol. 51, n°5, p. 325-344.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Vecco, M. Case Studies: Music, Museums and Audio-visual sectors, Blockchain in the art market, Seminar on International Cultural Relations in the midst of digital transformation (online), 10 mai 2021, Bruxelles, Belgique.Séminaires de recherche2021
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Classification of Entrepreneurial Regimes: A Symbolic Polygonal Clustering Approach. In: Chadjipadelis, T., Lausen, B., Markos, A., Lee, T., Montanari, A., Nugent, R. (coord.). Data Analysis and Rationality in a Complex World, Bâle: Springer, 2021, p. 261-271.Chapitres d’ouvrages2021
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Verbic, M. Modelling and measuring deaccessioning: A 2SLS-MIMIC and 2SLS-EMIMIC approach. Ninth Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics (ICEEE 2021 Conference) (online), 21-23 janvier 2021, Cagliari, Italie.Conférences académiques2021
Vecco, M., Mcneilly, N. Role of Culture for Building Self-confidence and Empowerment to (re)Enter the Job Market, Report - Workshop for the Experts of the EU Member States on Culture for Social Cohesion. Outcomes and Lessons learned (November 26-27 2021), 2021, p. 39-54.Rapport de recherche pour entreprises ou agences gouvernementales2021
Piazzai, M., Vecco, M. Deaccessioning. Oxford Bibliographies, 2020.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2020