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Stephen John CHARTERS
Axe de recherche :
Wine & Spirits
Département :
Wine & Spirits
Equipe disciplinaire :
Wine & Spirit Business (WS)
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Découvrez les
publications de
Stephen John CHARTERS
icône tri année
Charters S.J. Georgantzis N. Song H. Yip L. The Relationship between Perceived and Revealed Attitudes towards "Complexity" and "Flavor Development in the Glass": A Case of Inconsistency. 3rd Annual Wine and Hospitality Management Workshop 6-7 juin 2019 New York Etats-Unis.
Conférences académiques
Kunc M. Torres J. Barrera J. Charters S.J. Wine tourism in Chile: Drivers affecting the development of wine tourism and its impact on price. AWBR Conference 14-16 janvier 2019 Stellenbosch Afrique du sud.
Conférences académiques
Lewis G. Charters S.J. Lecat B. Zalan T. Mcgarry Wolf M. The impact of setting on wine tasting experiments: Are wine tasting experiments inherently flawed?. International Journal of Wine Business Research 2019 vol. 31 n°4 p. 578-590.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Georgantzis N. Max S. Charters S.J. Is Wine Testing (Perceived as) a Male Skill?. 13th AAWE Conference 14-18 juillet 2019 Vienne Autriche.
Conférences académiques
Charters S.J. Le contexte culturel de la prohibition. Colloque international "Prohibition 1919-2019" 5-9 novembre 2019 Reims France.
Conférences académiques
Kunc M. Menival D. Charters S.J. Champagne: the challenge of value co-creation through regional brands. International Journal of Wine Business Research 2019 vol. 31 n°2 p. 203-220.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Joy A. Charters S.J. Wang J. Grohmann B. Sensory Perceptions and Embodiment in Wine Consumption. 13th AAWE Conference 14-18 juillet 2019 Vienne Autriche.
Conférences académiques
Annunziata A. Agnoli L. Vecchio R. Charters S.J. Mariani A. Health warnings on wine labels: a discrete choice analysis of Italian and French Generation Y consumers. Wine Economics and Policy 2019 vol. 8 n°1 p. 81-90.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Charters S.J. Wines: does terroir matter?. Xerfi Canal 3 septembre 2018
Joy A. Belk R. Charters S.J. Wang J. Pena C. Performance Theory and Consumer Engagement: Wine tourism experiences in India and South Africa. In: Research in Consumer Behavior Somerville MA: Emerald 2018 p. 163-189.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Yip L. Song H. Charters S.J. The millennial Chinese preferences on domestic against imported wines. 12th AAWE Conference - American Association of Wine Economists 11-14 juin 2018 Ithaca Etats-Unis.
Conférences académiques
Annunziata A. Agnoli L. Vecchio R. Charters S.J. Mariani A. Health warnings on wine labels: a discrete choice analysis of Italian and French Generation Y consumers. 25th EuAWE Conference - European Association of Wine Economists 23-25 mai 2018 Dijon France.
Conférences académiques
Yip L. Georgantzis N. Song H. Charters S.J. On the relationship between perceived and revealed attitudes towards “complexity” and “flavor development in the glass”: a case of inconsistency?. 25th EuAWE Conference - European Association of Wine Economists 23-25 mai 2018 Dijon France.
Conférences académiques
Thach E. Charters S.J. Cogan-Marie L. Core tensions in luxury wine marketing: the case of Burgundian wineries. International Journal of Wine Business Research 2018 vol. 30 n°3 p. 343-365.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Menival D. Charters S.J. How can you improve the reputation of a territorial brand?. 10th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research 25-28 juillet 2017 Sonoma Etats-Unis.
Conférences académiques
Agnoli L. Charters S.J. Tavilla V. More than wine. Analysing the importance of terroir for different products in different markets. 10th Academy of Wine Business Research Conference 26-28 juillet 2017 Sonoma Etats-Unis.
Conférences académiques
Thach E. Charters S.J. Cogan-Marie L. Trends in Burgundian wine: going back to the future. 2017.
Articles dans des revues/supports digitaux professionnelles
Charters S.J. Agnoli L. Tavilla V. Tell me a story about terroir. Analysing the appeal of different terroir stimuli for consumers. 11th Annual AAWE (American Association of Wine Economists) Conference 28 juin-2 juillet 2017 Padua Italie.
Conférences académiques
Capitello R. Charters S.J. Menival D. The Wine Value Chain in China: Consumers Marketing and the Wider World London : Elsevier 2017 299 p.
Yip L. Song H. Charters S.J. Exploring the meaning of wine to the Chinese and French wine consumers. 11th AAWE (American Association of Wine Economists) Conference 28 juin-2 juillet 2017 Padua Italie.
Conférences académiques
Ditter J.G. Charters S.J. Location-specific advantages in the wine industry – from terroirs to territories. Academy of Wine Business Research Conference and Education Summit 23-25 juillet 2017 Sonoma State University Etats-Unis.
Conférences académiques
Joy A. Belk R. Sherry J. Charters S.J. Wang J. Pena C. Wine tourism experiences: South Africa and India. Consumer Culture Theory Conference 9-12 juillet 2017 Anaheim Etats-Unis.
Conférences académiques
Agnoli L. Charters S.J. Tavilla V. Influence of different terroir stimuli on consumer preferences towards wine and food: A multi-country analysis. XXIV Conference of the European Association of Wine Economists 7-10 juin 2017 Bologna Italie.
Conférences académiques
Corsi A. Crouch R. Lu V. Agnoli L. Charters S.J. US and UK markets: Ties that bind: building strong importer and retailer relationships to drive premium wine export sales. . Wine and Viticulture Journal 2017 vol. 32 n°6 p. 58-59.
Articles dans des revues/supports digitaux professionnelles
Capitello R. Agnoli L. Charters S.J. Begalli D. Exploring place image from visitors' expected and lived experiences: A discrete choice approach. Journal of Customer Behaviour 2017 vol. 16 n°1 p. 19-34.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture