Annuaire des professeurs

Marilena VECCO

Marilena VECCO

Professeur full & Coordinatrice Axe de recherche Arts and Cultural Management

Département : Humanités et Management des Arts
Équipe disciplinaire : Humanités et Management de la Culture,
Axe(s) de recherche : Arts and Cultural Management, ,
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publications de
Marilena VECCO
NomType de publicationAnnée
Vecco, M., Chang, S., Zanola, R. The more you know, the better: A Heckman repeat-sales price index. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2022, vol. 85, p. 194-199.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Fusco Girard, L., Vecco, M. Genius loci: the evaluation of places between instrumental and intrinsic values. BDC. Bollettino del Centro Calza Bini, 2019, vol. 19, n°2, p. 307-336.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2019
Vecco, M., Montagner, E., Srakar, A. Genius loci: between handcrafts, cultural heritage and local development. European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, 2020, vol. 10, n°2, p. 64-75.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Assessing the Validity of Cultural Policy Typologies for Central-Eastern European Countries. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2021, vol. 27, n°2, p. 218-232.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2021
Vecco, M. Gender gaps in the Cultural and Creative Sectors - European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA). Workshop "Gender data in the creative sector: how to bridege the gap", 11 décembre 2020, Rostock, Allemagne.Conférences invitées2020
Sinapi, C., Vecco, M., Borin, E., Jolivet, C., Jourda, M. Mutations des formes de l'emploi dans la création en France; État des lieux et perspectives économiques; Etude 1 : Repères théoriques et contexte général. Rapport d'étude au SYNDEAC, Rapport d'études remis au SYNDEAC, Syndicat National des Entreprises artistiques et culturelles, 2018, p. 1-44.Rapport de recherche pour entreprises ou agences gouvernementales2018
Vecco, M. Presentation of the report on Culture as means for confidence-building and emporwerment to re-enter the job market. Workshop on culture and social cohesion, Open Method Organisation Group, DG EAC in collaboration with the Portuguese Ministry of Culture (online), 26-27 novembre 2020, Bruxelles, Belgique.Conférences académiques2020
Vecco, M. Some economics of cultural heritage, Online seminar - Master students in art management, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, 5 juin 2020, Lecce, Italie.Séminaires de recherche2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Verbic, M. Granger Mediation Analysis of Multiple Time Series for Multiple, Multilevel and Functional Mediators. 28th Annual Virtual Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 23-25 septembre 2020, Zagreb, Croatie.Conférences académiques2020
Vecco, M. Gender gaps in the creative and cultural sectors. Presentation of the report to the cultural experts of the state members - Cultural Affairs Commitee, Council of EU, 6 octobre 2020, Bruxelles, Belgique.Conférences académiques2020
Buerger, T., Vecco, M. Cultural Incubators as creative collaborative spaces. 18th IECER Conference, 12-15 octobre 2020, Covilhã/Fundão, Portugal.Conférences académiques2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Are Investments in the Digital Transformation of Cultural Heritage Effective? A program evaluation approach. In: Digital Transformation in the Creative and Cultural Industries: Production, Consumption and Entrepreneurship in the Digital and Sharing Economy, Londres: Routledge, 2020, p. 114-130.Chapitres d’ouvrages2020
Massi, M., Vecco, M., Lin, Y. Digital transformation in the cultural and creative sectors. In: Digital Transformation in the Creative and Cultural Industries: Production, Consumption and Entrepreneurship in the Digital and Sharing Economy, Londres: Routledge, 2020, p. 8-20.Chapitres d’ouvrages2020
Vecco, M. Digitalization and new business models for cultural institutions. ENCATC Congress 2020 "Cultural management and policy in a post-digital world – navigating uncertainty" (online), 3-11 novembre 2020, Autres pays.Conférences invitées2020
Vecco, M., De Molli, F. Encouraging and hindering participation through organizational space, 6ème Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture en Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 6 novembre 2020, Dijon, France.Séminaires de recherche2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Are investments in the digitization of cultural heritage in organizations effective? A program evaluation approach. IECER 2020 unCONVENTIONal live event, 13-16 octobre 2020, Covilha/Fundao, Portugal.Conférences académiques2020
Srakar, A., Grafenauer, P., Vecco, M. Slovenian women visual artists and their role throughout history: a network analysis perspective. In: Jankovic, N., Drobnjak, B., Nikolic, M. (coord.). Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of abstracts, Belgrade: University of Belgrade, 2019, p. 410-411.Chapitres d’ouvrages2019
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Modelling adverse deaccessioning under different legislative frameworks. International Workshop "Tools for the Future: Researching Art Market Practices From Past to Present", 7-8 septembre 2020, Ljubljana, Slovénie.Conférences académiques2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Slabe Erker, R. The competing events problem in ex-post econometric verification: economic effects of the Venice Carnival. Conférence invitée - Université de Lille, 5 décembre 2019, Lille, France.Conférences invitées2019
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. New clustering approach for symbolic polygonal data: application to the clustering of entrepreneurial regimes ( - 24 juillet 2020),, 2020, France.Autres contributions2020
Burger, T., Vecco, M. Cultural Entrepreneurship Incubators as Collaborative Spaces: A systematic Review of Cultural Entrepreneurship Incubation. In: Montanari, F., Mattarelli, E., Scapolan, A.C. (coord.). Collaborative Spaces at Work - Innovation, Creativity and relations, Londres: Routledge, 2020, p. Chapitre 11.Chapitres d’ouvrages2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Verbic, M., Garibay, M.G., Sambt, J. MIMIC modeling with instrumental variables: a 2SLS-MIMIC approach ( - 26 juillet 2020),, 2020, France.Autres contributions2020
Konrad, E., Vecco, M. Editorial : Anatomy of Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: past, present and future, pour le Volume 40, n°2 de l'International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2020, France.Autres contributions2020
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Ex-ante vs. Ex-post: A Reassessment of Economic Impact Studies in Arts and Culture., 12 novembre 2019,
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Are investments in the digitalization of cultural heritage effective? A program evaluation approach. Rethinking Culture and Creativity in the Technological Era International Workshop, 20-21 février 2020, Florence, Italie.Conférences académiques2020