Annuaire des professeurs
Marilena VECCO
Marilena VECCO
Professeur full & Coordinatrice de l’Axe de Recherche Arts and Cultural Management
Département : Humanités et Management des Arts
Équipe disciplinaire : Humanités et Management de la Culture,
Axe(s) de recherche : Arts and Cultural Management, ,
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publications de
Marilena VECCO
Vecco, M., Chang, S., Zanola, R. The more you know, the better: A Heckman repeat-sales price index. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2022, vol. 85, p. 194-199. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2022 |
Fusco Girard, L., Vecco, M. Genius loci: the evaluation of places between instrumental and intrinsic values. BDC. Bollettino del Centro Calza Bini, 2019, vol. 19, n°2, p. 307-336. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2019 |
Vecco, M., Montagner, E., Srakar, A. Genius loci: between handcrafts, cultural heritage and local development. European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, 2020, vol. 10, n°2, p. 64-75. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Assessing the Validity of Cultural Policy Typologies for Central-Eastern European Countries. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2021, vol. 27, n°2, p. 218-232. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2021 |
Vecco, M. Gender gaps in the Cultural and Creative Sectors - European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA). Workshop "Gender data in the creative sector: how to bridege the gap", 11 décembre 2020, Rostock, Allemagne. | Conférences invitées | 2020 |
Sinapi, C., Vecco, M., Borin, E., Jolivet, C., Jourda, M. Mutations des formes de l'emploi dans la création en France; État des lieux et perspectives économiques; Etude 1 : Repères théoriques et contexte général. Rapport d'étude au SYNDEAC, Rapport d'études remis au SYNDEAC, Syndicat National des Entreprises artistiques et culturelles, 2018, p. 1-44. | Rapport de recherche pour entreprises ou agences gouvernementales | 2018 |
Vecco, M. Presentation of the report on Culture as means for confidence-building and emporwerment to re-enter the job market. Workshop on culture and social cohesion, Open Method Organisation Group, DG EAC in collaboration with the Portuguese Ministry of Culture (online), 26-27 novembre 2020, Bruxelles, Belgique. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Vecco, M. Some economics of cultural heritage, Online seminar - Master students in art management, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, 5 juin 2020, Lecce, Italie. | Séminaires de recherche | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Verbic, M. Granger Mediation Analysis of Multiple Time Series for Multiple, Multilevel and Functional Mediators. 28th Annual Virtual Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 23-25 septembre 2020, Zagreb, Croatie. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Vecco, M. Gender gaps in the creative and cultural sectors. Presentation of the report to the cultural experts of the state members - Cultural Affairs Commitee, Council of EU, 6 octobre 2020, Bruxelles, Belgique. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Buerger, T., Vecco, M. Cultural Incubators as creative collaborative spaces. 18th IECER Conference, 12-15 octobre 2020, Covilhã/Fundão, Portugal. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Are Investments in the Digital Transformation of Cultural Heritage Effective? A program evaluation approach. In: Digital Transformation in the Creative and Cultural Industries: Production, Consumption and Entrepreneurship in the Digital and Sharing Economy, Londres: Routledge, 2020, p. 114-130. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2020 |
Massi, M., Vecco, M., Lin, Y. Digital transformation in the cultural and creative sectors. In: Digital Transformation in the Creative and Cultural Industries: Production, Consumption and Entrepreneurship in the Digital and Sharing Economy, Londres: Routledge, 2020, p. 8-20. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2020 |
Vecco, M. Digitalization and new business models for cultural institutions. ENCATC Congress 2020 "Cultural management and policy in a post-digital world – navigating uncertainty" (online), 3-11 novembre 2020, Autres pays. | Conférences invitées | 2020 |
Vecco, M., De Molli, F. Encouraging and hindering participation through organizational space, 6ème Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture en Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 6 novembre 2020, Dijon, France. | Séminaires de recherche | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Are investments in the digitization of cultural heritage in organizations effective? A program evaluation approach. IECER 2020 unCONVENTIONal live event, 13-16 octobre 2020, Covilha/Fundao, Portugal. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Grafenauer, P., Vecco, M. Slovenian women visual artists and their role throughout history: a network analysis perspective. In: Jankovic, N., Drobnjak, B., Nikolic, M. (coord.). Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of abstracts, Belgrade: University of Belgrade, 2019, p. 410-411. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2019 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Modelling adverse deaccessioning under different legislative frameworks. International Workshop "Tools for the Future: Researching Art Market Practices From Past to Present", 7-8 septembre 2020, Ljubljana, Slovénie. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Slabe Erker, R. The competing events problem in ex-post econometric verification: economic effects of the Venice Carnival. Conférence invitée - Université de Lille, 5 décembre 2019, Lille, France. | Conférences invitées | 2019 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. New clustering approach for symbolic polygonal data: application to the clustering of entrepreneurial regimes ( - 24 juillet 2020),, 2020, France. | Autres contributions | 2020 |
Burger, T., Vecco, M. Cultural Entrepreneurship Incubators as Collaborative Spaces: A systematic Review of Cultural Entrepreneurship Incubation. In: Montanari, F., Mattarelli, E., Scapolan, A.C. (coord.). Collaborative Spaces at Work - Innovation, Creativity and relations, Londres: Routledge, 2020, p. Chapitre 11. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Verbic, M., Garibay, M.G., Sambt, J. MIMIC modeling with instrumental variables: a 2SLS-MIMIC approach ( - 26 juillet 2020),, 2020, France. | Autres contributions | 2020 |
Konrad, E., Vecco, M. Editorial : Anatomy of Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: past, present and future, pour le Volume 40, n°2 de l'International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2020, France. | Autres contributions | 2020 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Ex-ante vs. Ex-post: A Reassessment of Economic Impact Studies in Arts and Culture., 12 novembre 2019, | Blog | 2019 |
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Are investments in the digitalization of cultural heritage effective? A program evaluation approach. Rethinking Culture and Creativity in the Technological Era International Workshop, 20-21 février 2020, Florence, Italie. | Conférences académiques | 2020 |