Annuaire des professeurs

Marilena VECCO

Marilena VECCO

Professeur full & Coordinatrice Axe de recherche Arts and Cultural Management

Département : Humanités et Management des Arts
Équipe disciplinaire : Humanités et Management de la Culture,
Axe(s) de recherche : Arts and Cultural Management, ,
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publications de
Marilena VECCO
NomType de publicationAnnée
Vecco, M. Strategies of Art Fairs: How to merge in Mainland China and beyond?. Global Youth Multicultural Forum - Value of Art in Contemporary Society (online), 12 mai 2023, Pékin, Chine.Conférences invitées2023
Jung, Y., Vakharia, N., Vecco, M. The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023.Ouvrages2023
Bardey, A., Vecco, M., Mehdiratta, U. Empathise Fashion: Assessing the impact of empathy and framing message on sustainable fashion consumption. 4ème Journée sur le Marketing et Développement Durable, 3 février 2023, Paris, France.Conférences académiques2023
Konrad, E.D., Vecco, M. Entrepreneurship in Culture: Concepts, Perspectives, Success Factors. In: The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.Chapitres d’ouvrages2023
Vecco, M., Campbell, M., Zanola, R. Gender pay gap in the early-stage careers of Canadian creative workers. International Journal of Arts Management, 2024, vol. 26, n°3, p. 4-17.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2024
Vecco, M., Prieto, J., Teerink, S. Climbing the ladder? The gender gap in art prices across artists’ cohorts in the Dutch art market. European Economic Review, 2024, vol. 163.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2024
Konrad, E., Vecco, M. Co-chairs for the track Cultural and creative entrepreneurship (CCE), IECER, Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (Maastricht, 26-28 octobre 2022), 2022, Pays-Bas.Autres contributions2022
Srakar, A., Vecco, M., Slabe-Erker, R. Econometric estimation of economic effects of cultural and tourism events with network interference: a fuzzy DiD approach to panel spatiotemporal treatment estimation. AECR International Conference 2022. Challenges, policies and governance of the territories in the post-covid era, 19-21 octobre 2022, Grenade, Espagne.Conférences académiques2022
Srakar, A., Grafenauer, P., Vecco, M. To be central and productive?: evidence from Slovenian visual artists in the 19th & 20th centuries. Digital Art History IV. Methods, Practices, Epistemologies, 3-4 octobre 2022, Zagreb, Croatie.Conférences académiques2022
De Molli, F., Vecco, M., Balachandran, N. Materializing the process of trust development: a case study in the cultural secto. XXIII Workshop dei Docenti e Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA), 26-27 mai 2022, Brescia, Italie.Conférences académiques2022
Vecco, M., Rosinus, A., Konrad, E. Co-chairs for the track Wine Business and Entrepreneurship, IECER, Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (Maastricht, 26-28 octobre 2022), 2022, Pays-Bas.Autres contributions2022
De Molli, F., Vecco, M. “Let’s meet at our new digs!”: Materializing the process of trust development with the help of organizational space. British Academy of Management, 31 août-3 septembre 2022, Manchester, Royaume-Uni.Conférences académiques2022
Vecco, M. Bridging the gap between natural and cultural capital accounting. Workshop "Valuing Cultural Capital - Accounting for the hidden value of heritage, 14-16 septembre 2022, Rome, Italie.Conférences académiques2022
Vecco, M., Georgantzis, N., Kroonenberg, P. Is it the firm, the innovator, or the innovation? Determinants of perceived non-imitability leading to unprotected Intellectual Property. International Review of Law and Economics, 2022, vol. 72.Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture2022
Vecco, M. Comment le secteur audiovisuel mondial a été radicalement bouleversé par le Covid-19. The Conversation, 30 juin 2022, de presse2022
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Pricing Paintings: The Power of the Prior. 10th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, ACEI, 8-10 septembre 2022, Turin, Italie.Conférences académiques2022
Meleddu, M., Vecco, M. Exploring Frontiers of European Wine-Related Research Activity: A Text Mining Approach. 20th IECER Conference, 26-28 octobre 2022, Maastricht, Pays-Bas.Conférences académiques2022
Vecco, M., Prieto-Rodriguez, J. Climbing the ladder: How the gender gap is vanishing in the Dutch art market. 10th European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics, ACEI, University of Turin, 8-10 septembre 2022, Turin, Italie.Conférences académiques2022
Vecco, M. Cultural Heritage: from Tangible to Intangible. Literature as Cultural Heritage Conference, 28-30 juillet 2022, Heidenberg, Allemagne.Conférences invitées2022
Vecco, M. L’innovation comme source de transformations des créations et pratiques artistiques : Focus sur la Blockchain et le marché de l’art . Forum Entreprendre dans la culture 2022, 27-30 juin 2022, Paris, France.Conférences académiques2022
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Adaptive wavelet estimation of a latent variable model. V Meeting of the Working group on structural equation modelin, 9-11 mars 2022, Tillburg, Pays-Bas.Conférences académiques2022
Srakar, A., Vecco, M. Adaptive wavelet estimation of a latent variable model. International Symposium on NonParametric Statistics, 20-24 juin 2022, Paphos, Chypre.Conférences académiques2022
Meleddu, M., Vecco, M. Small Is Beautiful: Visitors’ and Firms’ Willingness To Commit To A Protected Area. The 10th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE) – 1st Annual MED-IAERE Conference, Cagliari on April 21st-23rd, 2022., 21-23 avril 2022, Cagliari, Italie.Conférences académiques2022
Vecco, M., Vroonhof, P., Clarke, M., Van Der Graaf, A., De Haan, L., Komorowski, M., Asardag, D., Milosavljevic, M. Gender gaps in the Cultural and Creative Sectors, Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2022, 110 p.Ouvrages2022
Vecco, M. Overview on the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Creative Industries . 42nd Session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR/42), 9-13 mai 2022, Genève, Suisse.Conférences invitées2022