Annuaire des professeurs

Professeure associé & Coordinateur de l’axe de recherche Digital Leadership
Département : Marketing
Équipe disciplinaire : Marketing,
Axe(s) de recherche : Finance-Gouvernance-RSE, ,
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publications de
Bardey, A. Sustainable fashion in a gen-z world. Contiki, 21 octobre 2022, | Interviews | 2022 |
Bardey, A. Positive Fashion: Evaluating the positive impact of fashion. Invited talk at Oxford Global (online), 17 octobre 2022, Oxford, Royaume-Uni. | Conférences invitées | 2022 |
Bardey, A. Podcast Old is the new new, 6 septembre 2022, | Interviews | 2022 |
Bardey, A. S’habiller de bien-être : comprendre l’impact de la mode durable sur le bien-être des consommateurs. 5ème Journée Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Décisions des Consommateurs (JIRDC), 22 novembre 2022, Paris, France. | Conférences académiques | 2022 |
Bardey, A., Piccardi, P. Luxe : l’achat de contrefaçon n’est pas qu’une question de prix. The Conversation, 1 septembre 2022, | Tribunes de presse | 2022 |
Super, E., Khadaroo, A., Bardey, A. A Qualitative Study of the Well-Being of Fashion Models. 9th Global Fashion Conference (online), 17-18 novembre 2022, Allemagne. | Conférences académiques | 2022 |
Bardey, A. Comment aimer la mode sans griller notre empreinte carbone ?. Le Soir, 9 mai 2022, | Interviews | 2022 |
Bardey, A. « Fast fashion » : porter des vêtements non éthiques fait désormais culpabiliser le consommateur. The Conversation, 23 mai 2022, | Tribunes de presse | 2022 |
Bardey, A., Turner, R., Piccardi, P. Bargaining fashion: Investigating the consequences of purchasing luxury fashion counterfeit. Strategic Change, 2022, vol. 31, n°5, p. 505-514. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2022 |
James, P., Bardey, A. Assessing the factors mediating the attitude-behaviour gap in sustainable fashion consumerism. In: Barnes, L., Armstrong, K. (coord.). The Palgrave Handbook of Fashion Marketing, 2022. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2022 |
Fixsen, A., Kossewska, M., Bardey, A. I’m skinny, I’m worth more: Fashion models’ experiences of aesthetic labor and its impact on body image and eating behaviors. Qualitative Health Research, 2023, vol. 33, n°1-2, p. 81-91. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2023 |
Bardey, A. Pour réduire votre anxiété, optez pour une garde-robe minimaliste !. The Conversation, 1 février 2022, | Tribunes de presse | 2022 |
Bardey, A. The Surprising Luxury of Handbag Rentals, Byrdie, 2021, France. | Autres contributions | 2021 |
Bardey, A. Abus sexuels, anorexie… Derrière la magie des podiums, le mal-être bien réel des mannequins. The Conversation, 8 novembre 2021, | Tribunes de presse | 2021 |
Bardey, A. Consumer behaviour processes involved in cross-sexual Fashion purchase. FMCD 2nd Colloquium - Manchester Fashion Institute (online), 25 novembre 2021, Manchester, France. | Conférences académiques | 2021 |
Bardey, A., Pejsak, N., Tassell, C., Radclyffe-Thomas, N. “Older people are not allowed to be old anymore”: Assessing the psychological impact of mature consumers’ representation in Fashion media. FMCD 2nd Colloquium - Manchester Fashion Institute (online), 25 novembre 2021, Manchester, Royaume-Uni. | Conférences académiques | 2021 |
Bardey, A. The sound of silence: the need for fashion brands to predict to their consumers’ needs. Guest talk - London College of Fashion, 12 octobre 2021, London, Royaume-Uni. | Conférences invitées | 2021 |
Bardey, A. Eco-guilt: Is it pushing you to be better?. Pretty as you please, 24 septembre 2021, | Tribunes de presse | 2021 |
Tassell, C., Bardey, A., Schat, A. Impact of wearing sustainable and unsustainable clothing on positive and negative feelings. . International Journal of Sustainable Fashion & Textiles, 2022, vol. 18, p. 63-80. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2022 |
Almaguer Buentello, D., Bardey, A., Rogaten, J. Beyond the gender dichotomy in fashion: Exploring the factors involved in cross-sexual fashion consumer behavior . Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 2023, vol. 27, n°4, p. 697-709. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2023 |
Bardey, A., Nessim, Y., Bosah, G. The rise of female empowerment in Egypt: The fashion psychology behind their attire & armour. In: Brooksworth, F., Mogaji, E. (coord.). Fashion Marketing in Emerging Economies – Strategies, Tools, and Insights for Fashion Brands, Londres: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, p. 213-240. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2023 |
Bardey, A., Mehdiratta, U., Turner, R. Fashioning the future generation: Generation Z Indian consumers’ attitudes towards Western and Indian Fashion. In: Brooksworth, F., Mogaji, E., Bosah, G. (coord.). Fashion Marketing in Emerging Economies – Strategies, Tools, and Insights for Fashion Brands, Londres: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, p. 19-48. | Chapitres d’ouvrages | 2023 |
Fortune Super, E., Khadaroo, A., Bardey, A. The Grit in the Glamour: A Qualitative Study of the Well-Being of Fashion Models. Fashion Practice, 2023, vol. 15, n°1, p. 91-112. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2023 |
Bardey, A., Denise, P., Jacquot, L., Millot, J-L. The olfactory sense, the "Madeleine de Proust" for subjects suffering from motion sickness.. European Society for Clinical Evaluation for Balance Disorders, , Nancy, France. | Conférences académiques | 2010 |
Bardey, A., Booth, M., Heger, G., Larsson, J. Finding yourself in your wardrobe: the social and well-being impact of minimalist fashion. International Journal of Market Research, 2022, vol. 64, n°1, p. 113-131. | Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture | 2022 |