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Sutan A. Dubart D. Vranceanu R. Trust and financial trades: Lessons from an investment game where reciprocators can hide behind probabilities. Documents de recherche du Centre de recherche de l’ESSEC 2010 n°10007 p. 1-20.
Angela SUTAN
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Working papers
Ashta A. Assadi D. Should online micro-lending be for profit or for philanthropy ? DhanaX and Rang De 2010 vol. 2 n°6 p. 123-146.
Djamchid ASSADI
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Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta A. Mobile Payment Expo: Understanding the Mobile Payments Landscape. Microfinance Focus 2010.
Arvind ASHTA
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Papers/digital media in professional journals
Ashta A. Guest Editorial Preface With Some Directions for Future Research in Microfinance and Technology. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations 2010 vol. 8 n°3 p. i-iii.
Arvind ASHTA
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Articles in peer refereed journals
Attuel-Mendes L. Microcredit and religion : complementarity or incompatibility?. 1st Conference Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance 7-8 janvier 2010 New-Delhi Inde.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Dubart D. Sutan A. Vranceanu R. Trust and financial trades : Lessons from an investment game where reciprocators can hide behind probabilities. Conférence annuelle de l’Association Française d’Economie Expérimentale 23-24 septembre 2010 Grenoble France.
Angela SUTAN
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. Social Business: How niche players can have a real impact. Microfinance Focus 2010.
Arvind ASHTA
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Papers/digital media in professional journals
Barrère C. Ditter J.G. Brouard J. La compétitivité des modèles de terroir dans le contexte de la globalisation des marchés du vin. Colloque ASRDLF - AISRe 20-22 septembre 2010 Aoste Italie.
Jean-Guillaume DITTER
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Truche M. Reboud S. L’enfermement stratégique de l’entreprise de terroir : une étude de cas. 10ème congrès CIFE PME 26-29 octobre 2010 Bordeaux France.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Havard C. Poirot M. Les comportements déviants à la règle : l’impact des conditions de travail et de rémunération – une application à une salle de marché. 21ème congrès national de l’Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources humaine 17-19 novembre 2010 Saint-Malo France.
Christelle HAVARD
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Barbe O. Didelot L. Ashta A. Is there need for totally disconnected tax and financial systems ? A post-IFRS evaluation of evolution of Tax and Financial Reporting relationships based on the French case. 1st Joint Research Conference 26 mai 2010 Oxford Royaume-Uni.
Arvind ASHTA
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. Africa prefers microfinance route to reach Millennium goal. Microfinance Focus 2010.
Arvind ASHTA
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Papers/digital media in professional journals
Ashta A. Assadi D. Microfinance: Towards a financial approach or a Return to a social approach. Microfinance Focus 2010.
Djamchid ASSADI
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Papers/digital media in professional journals
Ashta A. Demay I. L’histoire de Microfinance au Togo. 2nd Conference Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance 9-10 décembre 2010 Dijon France.
Arvind ASHTA
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Assadi D. P2P Interaction Orientation and Brand Value Building in Online Social Lending Startups. 6th colloquium of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand corporate identity and reputation special intere 9-10 avril 2010 Barcelone Espagne.
Djamchid ASSADI
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Gallaud D. Martin M. Reboud S. Tanguy C. Les territoires de coopération des entreprises : une application aux secteurs agroalimentaires. Colloque ASRDLF - AISRe 20-22 septembre 2010 Aoste Italie.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. Attuel-Mendes L. Microfinance research workshop CEREN-CERMi. Microfinance Focus 2010.
Arvind ASHTA
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Papers/digital media in professional journals
Mazzarol T. Reboud S. Soutar G. Developing a Strategic Management Assessment Framework for Small Firms. 24th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 7-10 décembre 2010 Adélaïde Australie.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Barbe O. Didelot L. Maîtriser les IFRS. 5ème éd. Paris : Groupe Revue Fiduciaire 2010.
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Textbooks/educational books
Assadi D. Does Improvement of ’Human Capital’ mean improvement of social conditions ? Case of Iranian Women in Iran. 1st European PGN (Persian and Persianate Gender Network) roundtable World Bank initiative 25-26 juin 2010 Breukelen Pays-Bas.
Djamchid ASSADI
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Papers in Academic Conferences
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