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Marilena VECCO
Coordinatrice Axe de recherche Arts and Cultural Management
Axe de recherche :
Arts and Cultural Management
Département :
Humanités et Management des Arts
Equipe disciplinaire :
Humanités et Management de la Culture (HMA)
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Découvrez les
publications de
Marilena VECCO
icône tri année
Vecco M. Presentation of the report on Culture as means for confidence-building and emporwerment to re-enter the job market. Workshop on culture and social cohesion Open Method Organisation Group DG EAC in collaboration with the Portuguese Ministry of Culture (online) 26-27 novembre 2020 Bruxelles Belgique.
Conférences académiques
Srakar A. Vecco M. Verbic M. Granger Mediation Analysis of Multiple Time Series for Multiple Multilevel and Functional Mediators. 28th Annual Virtual Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 23-25 septembre 2020 Zagreb Croatie.
Conférences académiques
Srakar A. Vecco M. Are investments in the digitization of cultural heritage in organizations effective? A program evaluation approach. IECER 2020 unCONVENTIONal live event 13-16 octobre 2020 Covilha/Fundao Portugal.
Conférences académiques
Massi M. Vecco M. Lin Y. Digital transformation in the cultural and creative sectors. In: Digital Transformation in the Creative and Cultural Industries: Production Consumption and Entrepreneurship in the Digital and Sharing Economy Londres: Routledge 2020 p. 8-20.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Vecco M. Genius loci as a meta-concept. Journal of Cultural Heritage 2020 vol. 41 p. 225-231.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Srakar A. Vecco M. The effects of cultural policy on nascent cultural entrepreneurship: A Bayesian nonparametric approach to longitudinal mediation. AIMAC 2019 23-26 juin 2019 Venise Italie.
Conférences académiques
Fusco Girard L. Vecco M. Genius loci: the evaluation of places between instrumental and intrinsic values. BDC. Bollettino del Centro Calza Bini 2019 vol. 19 n°2 p. 307-336.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Crépin D. Nash M. Chang S. Favotto A. Borin E. Vecco M. Human and Financial Sustainability in Art and Cultural Sector Forum Entreprendre dans la Culture en Bourgogne Franche-Comté 29 novembre 2019 Dijon France.
Séminaires de recherche
Vecco M. Caust J. UNESCO Cultural Heritage Sites and Tourism: a paradoxical relationship. In: Pechlaner H. Innerhofer E. Erschbamer G. (coord.). Overtourism – Tourism Management And Solutions. 1ère éd. Londres: Routledge 2019 p. Chapitre 5.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Vecco M. Gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors. Open Method of Coordination of European Union 9 septembre 2019 Bruxelles Belgique.
Conférences professionnelles
Srakar A. Vecco M. Ex-ante vs. Ex-post: A Reassessment of Economic Impact Studies in Arts and Culture. 12 novembre 2019
Srakar A. Vecco M. Slabe Erker R. The competing events problem in ex-post econometric verification: economic effects of the Venice Carnival. Conférence invitée - Université de Lille 5 décembre 2019 Lille France.
Conférences invitées
Vecco M. Chair of the Session 3: "Managing Diversity: The Case of Music" (12th Annual Conference of the Fachverband für Kulturmanagement) 2019 Vienne Autriche.
Autres contributions
Vecco M. Why do we need cultural entrepreneurs?. Mainz Cultural Entrepreneurship Day 4 juillet 2019 Mayence Allemagne.
Conférences invitées
Vecco M. Facilitator du Track 2 "Entertainment" du symposium doctoral de l'AIMAC Conference 2019 (22 juin 2019) 2019 Venise Italie.
Autres contributions
Vecco M. The "artpreneur": Between traditional and cultural entrepreneurship. A historical perspective. In: Byrnes W.J. Brkic A. (coord.). The Routledge Companion to Arts Management Londres: Routledge 2019 p. Chapitre 7.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Vecco M. Membre du jury d'experts indépendants dans le cadre des Abu Dhabi Sustainable Business Leadership Awards 2019 2019 Abu Dhabi Emirats Arabes Unis.
Autres contributions
Vecco M. Imperiale F. Determinants of Network Effectiveness: Evidence from European Cultural Networks. Cultural Management: Science and Education 2019 vol. 3 n°2 p. 9-32.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Vecco M. Vroonhof P. Clarke M. Van Der Graaf A. De Haan L. Gender gaps in the cultural and creative sectors (with the exception of the audio-visual sector) 2019.
Rapport de recherche pour entreprises ou agences gouvernementales
Vecco M. Imperiale F. Determinants of network effectiveness: evidence from the European cultural networks. AIMAC 2019 23-26 juin 2019 Venise Italie.
Conférences académiques
Bürger T. Volkmann C. Ache F. Vecco M. Boosting the next wave of cultural entrepreneurs. A systematic review of cultural entrepreneurship incubation. AIMAC 2019 23-26 juin 2019 Venise Italie.
Conférences académiques
Srakar A. Grafenauer P. Vecco M. Slovenian women visual artists and their role throughout history: a network analysis perspective. In: Jankovic N. Drobnjak B. Nikolic M. (coord.). Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history geography and media : book of abstracts Belgrade: University of Belgrade 2019 p. 410-411.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Vecco M. Meet the editors - For the International Journal of Arts Management (12th Annual Conference of the Fachverband für Kulturmanagement) 2019 Vienne Autriche.
Autres contributions
Srakar A. Vecco M. Slabe-Erker R. The competing events problem in ex-post econometric verification: Economic effects of the Venice Carnival. Ninth European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics 5-7 septembre 2019 Copenhague Danemark.
Conférences académiques
Vecco M. Comprendre le marché de l'art contemporain. Xerfi Canal 12 septembre 2018