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photo professeur
Arvind ASHTA
Axe de recherche :
Département :
Finance, Comptabilité, Droit
Equipe disciplinaire :
Finance Gouvernance (FG)
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Découvrez les
publications de
Arvind ASHTA
icône tri année
Ashta A. Towards a Realistic Theory of Social Entrepreneurship: Selling dreams to the crowd. The 1st PHD Conference 15-16 juillet 2016 New Delhi Inde.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Sinapi C. The Greek Crises: a Gandhian perspective. Cahiers du CEREN 2016 n°48 p. 42-66.
Cahiers de recherche
Ashta A. Does Microfinance help build and / or develop local capacities where they are needed most?. Mi-fi Day University of Zurich 19 avril 2016 Zurich Suisse.
Conférences professionnelles
Alijani S. Assadi D. Ashta A. Can Social Dynamics Be Channeled from Offline to Online Communities? Commitment Compliance and Cooperation from Microfinance to Crowdfunding. In: Strategic Approaches to Successful Crowdfunding Hershey PA: IGI Global 2016 p. 210-227.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Jayashankar P. Ashta A. Rasmussen M. An evolutionary analysis of Microfinance and Slow Money: which life strategies enable organizations to flourish?. CERMi Research Day 24 octobre 2016 Mons Belgique.
Conférences académiques
Jayashankar P. Ashta A. Rasmussen M. Positioning Slow Money Impact Investors' business model: Between Traditional Entrepreneurial Finance and Microfinance Microfinance Sandwich Writers Club Meeting 16 avril 2015 Dijon France.
Séminaires de recherche
Ashta A. Skidelsky R. & Skidelsky E. (2013). How Much is Enough? Money and the Good Life. London U.K.: Penguin Books 243p. Ecological Economics 2015 vol. 117 p. 213-214.
Évaluation d’ouvrages
Jayashankar P. Ashta A. Rasmussen M. Moderating Panel on Innovation and Impact. 4th European Microfinance Research Conference 1er-3 juin 2015 Genève Suisse.
Conférences académiques
Alijani S. Assadi D. Ashta A. Can Social Innovation Dynamics be Transposable? Exploration of Offline Microfinance and Online Crowdfunding. 6th International Conference on Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance 18-19 mars 2015 Lyon France.
Conférences académiques
Alia H. Ashta A. Ratsimalahelo Z. Assessing Economic Impact of Microfinance Using a Combined Diary Approach. 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies 7-9 janvier 2015 Ahmedabad Inde.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. A Social Innovation in Cost-Sharing for Micro-Entrepreneurs: The Cooperative of Activities and Employment. Cost management 2015 vol. 29 n°3 p. 12-20.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Jayashankar P. Ashta A. Rasmussen M. Slow Money in an age of Fiduciary Capitalism. 4th European Microfinance Research Conference 1er-3 juin 2015 Genève Suisse.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Ghosh C. Guha S. Lentz F. Knowledge in micro-social milieus: The case of microfinance practices in India Microfinance Sandwich Writers Club Meeting 8 octobre 2015 Dijon France.
Séminaires de recherche
Ashta A. Moderated the session on Risk management products for smallholder farmers and herders in the face of disaster (e MFP University Meets Microfinance Action Group). European Microfinancce Week 18-20 novembre 2015 Luxemburg Luxembourg.
Conférences professionnelles
Alijani S. Assadi D. Ashta A. Microfinance and Crowdfunding Value Creation Dynamics : A Catalyst for Social Innovation. Best paper award. European Academy of Management: Uncertainty Is a Great Opportunity 17-20 juin 2015 Varsovie Pologne.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Khan S. Otto P. Is Microfinance causing suicides in Andhra Pradesh? Recommendations for reducing borrowers' stress when lending money to the poor. European Microfinance Platform 8 mai 2015
Ashta A. The agreeable entrepreneurs. Cahiers du CEREN 2015 n°47 p. 2-19.
Cahiers de recherche
Ashta A. Social innovations: Why they may spread elsewhere rather than at home. The case of Cooperatives of Salaried Entrepreneurs (CAE). 6th International conference on Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance (ITEM 6) 18-19 mars 2015 Lyon France.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Attuel-Mendes L. Ratsimalahelo Z. Another "french paradox": Explaining why interest rates to microenterprises did not increase with the change in french usury legislation. European Journal of Law and Economics 2015 vol. 40 n°3 p. 479-509.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Bumacov V. Ashta A. Singh P. Poverty scoring and social outreach of microfinance institutions. 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies 7-9 janvier 2015 Ahmedabad Inde.
Conférences académiques
Mercier N. Ashta A. Introduction de l'étude : Les relations entre les banques et les réseaux d’accompagnement. Les relations entre les banques et les réseaux d’accompagnement 17 mars 2015 Dijon France.
Conférences professionnelles
Ashta A. Khan S. Otto P. Does Microfinance Cause or Reduce Suicides? Policy Recommendations for Reducing Borrower Stress. Strategic Change 2015 vol. 24 n°2 p. 165-190.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Barnett B. Dayson K. Supka G. Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Information for Competitive Advantage Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholarship Publishing 2015 344 p.
Ashta A. Why Does Creative Destruction No Longer Work? Proposing Actions for a Future with Reduced Employment. Challenge 2015 vol. 58 n°5 p. 428-438.
Articles dans des revues/supports digitaux professionnelles
Ashta A. The Agreeable Entrepreneur. Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2015 p. 63-76.
Articles dans des revues/supports digitaux professionnelles