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Arvind ASHTA
Axe de recherche :
Département :
Finance, Comptabilité, Droit
Equipe disciplinaire :
Finance Gouvernance (FG)
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Découvrez les
publications de
Arvind ASHTA
icône tri année
Hannam M. Ashta A. Learning from Gandhi: Addressing the current dilemmas in microfinance. Strategic Change 2017 vol. 26 n°6 p. 527-541.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Mor S. Fostering Well-Being through Cultural Change: Lessons from Microfinance for Social Entrepreneurs. 3rd International Management Conference 19-20 décembre 2017 New Delhi Inde.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Couchoro M. Musa A.S.M. Microfinance and Entrepreneurship. In: Carayannis E.G. (coord.). Encyclopedia of Creativity Invention Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2ème éd. New York NY: Springer 2017 p. 1-9.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Alia H. Ashta A. Ratsimalahelo Z. A Modified Household Economic Portfolio Model For Assessing Impact of Microfinance Using Diaries. Qualitative Market Research 2017 vol. 20 n°1 p. 2-27.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Cheney G. Opportunities and Challenges in the Diffusion of Social Innovation: French Cooperatives of Salaried Entrepreneurs. Review of Social Studies 2017 vol. 4 n°2 p. 19-51.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Evolution of Mobile Banking Regulations: A Case Study on Legislator’s Behavior. Strategic Change 2017 vol. 26 n°1 p. 3-20.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Towards a Realistic Theory of Social Entrepreneurship: Selling dreams to society. 4th International Conference on Knowledge Transfer and Transformation: Global and Local Business for Competitiveness and Social Justice 27-29 mars 2017 Kathmandu Népal.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Panel: FinTech and Microfinance. European Microfinance Research Conference 12-14 juin 2017 Portsmouth Royaume-Uni.
Conférences académiques
Mercier N. Alia H. Ashta A. Ben Nasr M. Bonescu M. Ndiaye A.B. Does Crowdfunding (Creatively) Disturb the Conventional (Banking) Alliances with Support Networks for Financing (Micro-)Entrepreneurs? Strategic Approaches to Successful Crowdfunding. In: Assadi D. (coord.). Strategic Approaches to Successful Crowdfunding Hershey: IGI GloBal 2016 p. 228-249.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Ashta A. Jayashankar P. Van Auken H. Ecopreneurs in the USA: motivations and perceived impact. Joint ISTOM –Banque Populaire Chair in Microfinance of ESC Dijon conference 21 janvier 2016 Cergy France.
Conférences académiques
Alia H. Ashta A. A Tale of Two Single-Mothers: Understanding the Impact of Handicap through the Use of Diaries. SDMIMD Journal of Management 2016 vol. 7 n°1 p. 29-39.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Demay I. Couchoro M. The Role of Stakeholders in the Historical Evolution of Microfinance in Togo. Economic History of Developing Regions 2016 vol. 31 p. 303-344.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Bumacov V. Mercier N. Ashta A. L'auto-entrepreneuriat” – evolution de régime 2009 – 2015. Microfinance Insight Forum 18 8 septembre 2016 Dijon France.
Conférences professionnelles
Ashta A. Mission Drift data: The impact of China. 7th International Conference on Innovative Trends Emerging in Microfinance (ITEM 7) 15-17 mars 2016 Shanghai Chine.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Microfinance: Battling a Wicked Problem Bruxelles : P.I.E. Peter Lang 2016 224 p.
Ashta A. Dealing with Black Swan Events: An Interview with Vijay Mahajan Founder and CEO of Basix. Strategic Change 2016 vol. 25 n°5 p. 625-639.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Estapé-Dubreuil G. Ashta A. Hédou J-P. Micro-equity for Sustainable Development: selection monitoring and exit strategies of micro-angels. Ecological Economics 2016 vol. 130 p. 117-129.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Ghosh C. Guha S. Lentz F. Knowledge in micro-social milieus: The case of microfinance practices among women in India. 7th International Conference on Innovative Trends Emerging in Microfinance (ITEM 7) 15-17 mars 2016 Shanghai Chine.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Isabelle Guérin I. Marc Labie Jean-Michel Servet (eds) 2015 The crises of microcredit London UK Zed Books 207 p.. Innovations: Journal of Innovation Economics and Management 2016 vol. 3 n°21 p. 180-183.
Évaluation d’ouvrages
Jayashankar P. Ashta A. Rasmussen M. A bio-economic evolutionary view of Slow Money and Microfinance Microfinance Sandwich Writers Club Meeting 20 octobre 2016 Dijon France.
Séminaires de recherche
Ashta A. Sinapi C. The Greek Crisis: The need for a Gandhian Response to the Ravages of Neo-imperialism. SSRN working paper 2016.
Cahiers de recherche
Couchoro M. Ashta A. Analyse de la dérive de mission des IMF à partir des critères de sélection. Savings and Development 2016 vol. 40 p. 103-123.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Bonescu M. Caseau C. Sabharwal R. Moderated Panel discussion on Diaspora and Giving Back to the Home Country . 2nd International Management Conference on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Global Economy 20-21 décembre 2016 New Delhi Inde.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Sinapi C. The Greek crisis: A Gandhian Response?. Development Studies Workshop on "Spirituality Organization and Development" 28 octobre-29 novembre 2016 Gurgaon Inde.
Conférences académiques
Bumacov V. Ashta A. Singh P. The joint use of credit scoring and poverty scoring in microfinance - synergy or confusion?. Oxford Brookes Faculty Of Business International Research Collaborations Conference 16 juin 2016 Oxford Royaume-Uni.
Conférences académiques