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Arvind ASHTA
Finance, accounting and Law
Disciplinary team:
Finance Governance
Research axis:


Discover the
Arvind ASHTA
's publications.
icône tri année
Ashta A. Is an education on the benefits of federalism required to reduce poverty and inequality?. 9th Responsible Management Education Research Conference 27-29 septembre 2022 Innsbruck Autriche.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. The importance of Sustainable development in conferences for boosting your publications. 9th Uniglobe International Management Conference 2022 Uniglobe College de Katmandou Népal 6-7 avril 2022 Katmandou Népal.
Invited keynote speeches
Ashta A. Shifter dans un monde plus dur - ODD n°2 Faim Zéro. 3ème édition des Rencontres du Développement Durable 16 septembre 2022 Paris France.
Professionnal conferences
Ashta A. Constantinou D. SPAC: Winners Losers Robbers?. Artha. A Newsletter of the Finance Lab 2022 vol. 8 n°1 p. 4-13.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Mor S. Parekh N. Kopala M.R. Ashta A. Human capital and its effects on innovation: Understanding what impacts India. International Conference on Role of Higher Education Institutions in Advancing Sustainable Development Goals 22-23 novembre 2022 Sonepat Inde.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Kopala M.R. Ashta A. Mor S. Parekh N. The co-evolution of India’s policy on science technology and innovation with university education: the need for innovation in higher educational institutions. International Conference on Role of Higher Education Institutions in Advancing Sustainable Development Goals 22-23 novembre 2022 Sonepat Inde.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. The importance of news in driving research. 3rd International Finance Conference 2022 (IFC 2022) (online) 29-30 mars 2022 New Delhi Inde.
Invited keynote speeches
Ashta A. States will remain unable to solve global crisis like climate until they let go of their sovereignty. The London School of Economics and Political Sciences Europp Blog 18 février 2022
Hendieh, J., Ashta, A. Financial Inclusion: Trends and Research Agenda for Social Policymakers. Review of Economics and Finance, 2022, vol. 20, p. 556-561.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta, A. Where do we stand on financing the Zero Hunger Target? . Artha. A Newsletter of the Finance Lab, 2022, vol. 10, n°2, p. 5-12.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta, A. What do Green Fintechs do? (Keynote address). Green Money Conference, 16 mars 2023, New Delhi, Inde.
Invited keynote speeches
Biot Paquerot G. Assadi D. Ashta A. Value Creation of FinTech in the Banking and Financial Services Offer: Between Rehumanization and Dehumanization. EURAM 2021 Conference - Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world (online) 16-18 juin 2021 Montréal Canada.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Toutain O. Ashta A. The dark side of entrepreneurial finance through the eyes of Muhammad Yunus. Entreprendre & Innover 2021 vol. 1 n°48 p. 11-18.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta A. Greensill Capital Fiasco: Strategy lessons in supply chain finance. 8th Responsible Management Education Research Conference: Poverty and Prosperity: Implications for Advancing the SDGs 2030 Agenda and Responsible Management Education in a Post-Pandemic World (online) 18-21 octobre 2021 Suzhou Chine.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. Converting to a social business: Institutional motivations for a French business school. 10th Social Business Academia Conference 2021 (online) 4-6 novembre 2021 Nairobi Kenya.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. Ghosh C. Guha S. Lentz F. Knowledge in micro-social milieus: The case of microfinance practices among women in India. Journal of the Knowledge Economy 2021 vol. 12 n°1 p. 146-165.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta A. Kopala M.R. Mor S. Parekh N. The Co-evolution of India’s policy on Science Technology and Innovation with University Education: Are all three functions of a university important for innovation?. Forum Innovation - RRI "Enseignement supérieur et Recherche : vecteur d'Innovations Responsables" (online) 1er-2 juin 2021 Paris France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. It is time to seriously consider the advantages of a world federal government. The London School of Economics Blog 18 mars 2021
Ashta A. In the wake of the COVID crisis Work-sharing from Different Angles: Employment Equality Ecology and Elation. Marché et organisations 2021 vol. 40 n°1 p. 159-186.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta A. Artificial Intelligence for Finance. Conference on “Transformation - Breakthrough Innovation and Creativity” (online) 23-25 mars 2021 Pune Inde.
Invited keynote speeches
Zhang B.Z. Ashta A. Barton M.E. Do FinTech and financial incumbents have different experiences and perspectives on the adoption of artificial intelligence?. Strategic Change 2021 vol. 30 n°3 p. 223-234.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ashta A. Is macro-equity only an answer to country credit risk or can it promote sustainable development?. Annual Event of Finance Research Letters. 2021 Virtual Conference: Frontiers in Credit Risk (online) 5-6 juillet 2021 Valence Espagne.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Ashta A. The Effect of COVID 19 on Financial Inclusion Strategy in Rural France. Cost management 2021 n°35 p. 36-44.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Assadi D. Ashta A. Duran N. Is an Offline Sharing Economy Innovation Transmissible Online?: Exploring the Role of Conformity in The Group Lending. In: Vicente Negrão C.S. Furtado Brito J.A. (coord.). Multidisciplinary Approaches to Crowdfunding Platforms Hershey Pennsylvanie: IGI Global 2021 p. 134-162.
Book chapters
Ashta A. Law business and recapturing innovations. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 2021 vol. 11 n°2 p. 1-2.
Articles in peer refereed journals