photo du learning center de BSB
Angela SUTAN
LESSAC Head; MSc DSOB Co-director
Economics and Social Sciences
Disciplinary team:
Decisions and Behaviour
Research axis:
Organisational Tranformation, Behaviors and Decisions


Discover the
Angela SUTAN
's publications.
icône tri année
Sutan A. Vested vs. non vested experts Workshop "Design of Institutions for Science and Credibility of Empirical Research (DISCERe)" 6 décembre 2019 Marburg Allemagne.
Research seminars
Sutan A. Vranceanu R. Dubart D. Discontent with taxes and the timing of taxation: Experimental evidence. Revue Économique 2019 vol. 6 n°70 p. 1227-1240.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Sutan A. Cabrales A. Branas P. Mateu G. Sanchez A. Around a table: Social facilitators for negotiations. Vox CEPR Policy Portal 22 mai 2019
Press tribunes
Tavilla V. Bonescu M. Brouard J. Sutan A. Le vin : des mots pour le boire et le dire en Beaujolais. Recherches en Communication 2019 vol. 48 p. 47-68.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ajdukovic I. Spiegelman E. Sutan A. Selfish now or altruistic (for) tomorrow? Inter vs. Intra-generational strategies for the preservation of a common resource.. 10th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) 19-21 juin 2019 Toulouse France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Sutan A. Ajdukovic I. Femmes dans la recherche : incitations ou quotas ?. Les É 28 juin 2018
Press tribunes
Sutan A. Grolleau G. Mateu G. Vranceanu R. Facta non verba: an experiment about pledging and giving. Journal of Economic Psychology 2018 n°65 p. 1-15.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Max S. Santoni J. Allemand I. Sutan A. Caseau C. La place de la femme dans les organisations et la société vue par les enseignants-chercheurs de BSB 2018 Dijon France.
Other contributions
Sutan A. Opting-in and contribution to public goods: the case of cooperative members. 35ème édition des Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée 7-8 juin 2018 Bordeaux France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
El Harbi S. Grolleau G. Jedidi M. Sutan A. Do we need more time to give less?. Bulletin of Economic Research 2018 vol. 70 n°4 p. 400-409.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Ajdukovic I. Sutan A. Spiegelman E. What's wrong with the generation? Inter-versus intra-temporal identification and conservation of public goods. 9th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics 14-15 juin 2018 Nice France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Alia H. Sutan A. Spiegelman E. Convertible local currency and trust: a field experiment in the Basque country. 9th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics 14-15 juin 2018 Nice France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Sharman P. Dutoya F-X. Moyaux J-P. Sutan A. Spiegelman E. Panel on Ethical finance. Microfinance Insight Forum 20 1er-2 mars 2018 Dijon France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Sutan A. The Strategic Environment Effect in Beauty Contest Games. ESA World Meeting 28 juin-1er juillet 2018 Berlin Allemagne.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Corgnet B. Georgantzis N. Hernan Gonzalez R. Spiegelman E. Sutan A. "How I met Vernon Smith" - Introduction to the plenary talk of Vernon Smith 2018 Dijon France.
Other contributions
Alia H. Spiegelman E. Sutan A. An experiment on local money in the Basque country. Microfinance Insight Forum 20 1er-2 mars 2018 Dijon France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Sutan A. Bonescu M. Corgnet B. Can consumers be successfully manipulated? On the role of vested vs. non vested reviewers Department of Economics Seminars 2018-19 - Bath University 1er novembre 2018 Bath Royaume-Uni.
Research seminars
Verschuere B. Sutan A. Spiegelman E. Lentz F. Tisserand J-C. Registered Replication Report on Mazar Amir and Ariely (2008) . Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2018 vol. 1 n°3 p. 299-317.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Tavilla V. Bonescu M. Brouard J. Sutan A. Chuine E. Terminologies et vins en Beaujolais. 3ème édition du colloque « Terminologies gastronomiques et œnologiques : Patrimoine et culture » 14 septembre 2018 Tours France.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Mccarthy R.J. Lentz F. Spiegelman E. Tisserand J-C. Sutan A. Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2018 vol. 1 n°3 p. 321-336.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Sutan A. Faire porter le chapeau à un "bouc émissaire" ça marche !. Xerfi Canal 31 mai 2018
Loheac Y. Alia H. Bazart C. Bchir M.A. Blondel S. Bonescu M. Bornier A. Brouard J. Chappe N. Cochard F. Flage A. Galeotti F. Hollandts X. Jacquemet N. Le Lec F. Lefebvre M. Leplat M. Peterle E. Petit E. Rozan A. Villeval M-C. Willinger M. Zylbersztejn A. Sutan A. Hopfensitz A. Peron G. Mantilla C. Mateu G. Rosaz J. Raiber E. Tisserand J-C. Mise en place d'une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche vulgarisation et pédagogie. Revue Économique 2017 vol. 68 n°5 p. 941-953.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Sutan A. Hollandts X. Valiorgue B. Opt in/opt-out and simultaneous PGG: experimental evidence. IMEBESS 26-29 avril 2017 Barcelone Espagne.
Papers in Academic Conferences
Lefebvre M. Buguzzi C. Ginon E. Gomez-Y-Paloma S. Langrell S.R.H. Marette S. Mateu G. Sutan A. Mandatory Integrated Pest Management in the European Union: Experimental insights on consumers' reactions. Review of Agricultural Food and Environmental Studies 2017 vol. 98 n°1-2 p. 25-54.
Articles in peer refereed journals
Sutan A. Simultaneous public good experiments Séminaire Recherche European University Institute (EUI) 25 janvier 2017 Florence Italie.
Research seminars