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Stef, N. Vidéo Recherche FNEGE Médias : « Are banks vulnerable to unstable governments ? », 27 février 2023,https://fnege-medias.fr/en/fnege-video/en-are-banks-vulnerable-to-unstable-governments/.
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Poinsignon, P., Blonski, T., Paris, T. Aggregation dynamics of creative territories, between tangible and perceived factors. The case of the art market transformations in Paris. . Conférence AIMAC - 3ème Workshop international Innovation, Culture et Tourisme, 15-16 mars 2023, Toulouse, France.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Asselineau, A., Monier, H. (Apparente in) utilité de la recherche en Gestion et contraintes stratégiques des écoles de management : réconcilier l'inconciliable par la recherche-action/recherche-intervention ?. Colloque ISEOR-AoM-CNAM, 14-15 juin 2023, Ecully, France.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Sutan, A. A beautiful mind: researcher to speak about the educational system. Libertatea, 1 mai 2023,https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/a-beautiful-mind-o-cercetatoare-romanca-premiata-in-franta-vorbeste-despre-un-punct-tare-al-liceului-facut-in-romania-pe-noi-ne-au-invatat-ca-suntem-buni-acum-se-merge-4529585.
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Sutan, A., Schneider, A., Moffit, M., Bonescu, M., Fares, D. A Comfy Place? Signals for negociation, an Experiment. 13th Conference of the French Experimental Economics Association (ASFEE 2023), 25-26 mai 2023, Montpellier, France.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Martinangeli, A. Institutional quality causes social trust: Experimental evidence on trusting under the shadow of doubt. 2023 Asia-Pacific ESA, 19-21 mai 2023, Séoul, Corée du Sud.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Albert-Cromarias, A., Asselineau, A. Highlighting the territorial dimension of coopetition: a contribution to sustainable strategies. EURAM 2023 Annual Conference - Transforming Business for Good, 14-16 juin 2023, Dublin, Irlande.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Guido, A., Pasin, G. Evidence from 43 countries that disease leaves cultures unchanged in the short-term. Scientific Reports, 2023.
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Articles in peer refereed journals
Guido, A., Tverskoi, D., Gavrilets, S., Sanchez, A., Andrighetto, G. Disentangling material, social, and cognitive determinants of human behavior and beliefs. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 2023, vol. 10, p. 1-13.
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Articles in peer refereed journals
Guido, A. Nudging for sustainable data usage: shifting from mobile to Wi-Fi networks. 13th Conference of the French Experimental Economics Association (ASFEE 2023), 25-26 mai 2023, Montpellier, France.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
Louis, A.S. Did state-owned banks change their dividend policy during the covid-19 period, 2023, Nancy, France.
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Other contributions
Benattar, A-L., Hurtado-Graciet, M-E., Issaverdens, A., Jezequel, M., Poletti, R., Pourquier, C. Mon gros cahier de rattrapage de développement personnel, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois : Editions Jouvence, 2023, 224 p.
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Letierce, C., Truong, Y. L'IA ravive l'enjeu de l'identité professionnelle . The Conversation, 29 mai 2023,https://theconversation.com/lia-ravive-lenjeu-de-lidentite-professionnelle-205789.
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Press tribunes
Ashta, A. Building Humane Advances and Institutions post COVID-19: the need for a Global Federation. Fédéchoses, 2023, n°196, p. 39-42.
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Papers/digital media in professional journals
Mogha, V., Ashta, A. Travail, management, fraude... Les multiples risques de l’intelligence artificielle pour les entreprises. The Conversation, 9 mai 2023,https://theconversation.com/travail-management-fraude-les-multiples-risques-de-lintelligence-artificielle-pour-les-entreprises-204568.
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Press tribunes
Pourquier, C. Une nouvelle ère managériale : le passage du « faire » à « l'être » Regards croisés « De nouvelles relations au travail : expression de pratiques durables et/ou énième mode ? » (Question(s) de Management 2023, volume n°42, p.110), 2023, France.
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Other contributions
Montagner, E., Fornacciari, I. Le point aveugle de la vision. Des éléments pour repenser la perspective visuelle, la comptabilité et la redevabilité avec Merleau-Ponty et Bataille. In: De March, F., Dumont, J-P. (coord.). Un regard critique sur la gestion avec l’œil de Georges Bataille, Caen: EMS, 2023.
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Book chapters
Barbe, O., Pellegrin, C. Mini-Précis Compta - 2023, Paris : Nathan, 2023, 48 p.
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Textbooks/educational books
Pourquier, C. Recentrez-vous grâce à la méditation de pleine conscience. In: Mon gros cahier de rattrapage de développement personnel, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois: Editions Jouvence, 2023, p. 64-97.
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Book chapters
Casoria, F., Villeval, M.C. Social preferences and the transmission of narratives. 71st Congress of the French Economic Association (AFSE), 14-16 juin 2023, Paris, France.
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Papers in Academic Conferences
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