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Arvind ASHTA
Axe de recherche :
Département :
Finance, Comptabilité, Droit
Equipe disciplinaire :
Finance Gouvernance (FG)
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Découvrez les
publications de
Arvind ASHTA
icône tri année
Attuel-Mendes L. Ashta A. French Legislation and the Development of Credit Availability for Microenterprise. Global Conference on Business and Finance 9-12 janvier 2008 Hawaii Etats-Unis.
Conférences académiques
Attuel-Mendes L. Ashta A. French Legislation and the Development of Credit Availability for Microenterprise. Global Journal of Business Research 2008 vol. 2 n°2 p. 123-137.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. How Can Beta be Saved in the Face of Loss Aversion?. Cahiers du CEREN 2008 n°25 p. 44-47.
Cahiers de recherche
Assadi D. Ashta A. How Do People Trust on Peer-to-Peer Lending Websites ? Impacts of the Web 2.0 Technologies on Trust Building in Microfinance. 10th Experimental Economics Days 14-16 mai 2008 Dijon France.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Assadi D. Do Social Cause and Social Technology Meet ? Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies on peer-to-peer lending transactions. Cahiers du CEREN 2008 n°23 p. 41-59.
Cahiers de recherche
Ashta A. How does the Internet make retail investors become microfinance players?. Microfinance New Technologies Summit 2008 21-22 octobre 2008 New-Delhi Inde.
Conférences académiques
Ernult J. Ashta A. Caisse d’Epargne: How to Choose Environmentally Friendly Vendors?. European Case Clearing House 2008 n°708-036-1.
Études de cas
Ashta A. How Can Beta be Saved in the Face of Loss Aversion?. 20th Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues 9-12 novembre 2008 Paris France.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Attuel-Mendes L. Ditter J.G. Another ’French paradox’: explaining why interest rates to microenterprises did not increase with the change in French usury legislation. 12-14 novembre 2008 Abbaye Neumünster Luxembourg.
Conférences professionnelles
Ditter J.G. Attuel-Mendes L. Ashta A. La Réforme de la Législation Française en matière d’usure facilite-t-elle l’accès au crédit des Micro-Entreprises ?. 20th Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues 9-12 novembre 2008 Paris France.
Conférences académiques
Galia F. Ashta A. Corgnet B. Sutan A. Team Formation Experiments: Differences In Inequality Aversion And Excessive Cooperation In Lab And Field Experiments. The International Association for Research in Economic Psychology / The Society for Advancement of B 3-6 septembre 2008 Rome Italie.
Conférences académiques
Barbe O. Didelot L. Ashta A. Is There Need for Totally Disconnected Tax and Financial System ? A Post IFRS Evaluation of Evolution of French Tax and Financial Reporting Relationship. 20th Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues 9-12 novembre 2008 Paris France.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. Bush M. Ethical issues of NGO principals in sustainability outreach and impact of Microfinance: Lessons in governance from the Banco Compartamos’ IPO. Cahiers du CEREN 2008 n°24 p. 30-40.
Cahiers de recherche
Ashta A. Panelist in session on C2C and B2B platforms: How does the Internet make retail investors become microfinance players?. Microfinance New Technologies Summit 2008 21-22 octobre 2008 New-Delhi Inde.
Conférences professionnelles
Barbe O. Didelot L. Ashta A. Is There Need for Totally Disconnected Tax and Financial System ? A Post IFRS Evaluation of Evolution of French Tax and Financial Reporting Relationship. Cahiers du CEREN 2008 n°25 p. 66-87.
Cahiers de recherche
Ashta A. A Brief Inventory of Behavioral Influences on the subjective Risk Adjusted Discount Rates in Project Appraisal. Cahiers du CEREN 2008 n°24 p. 65-79.
Cahiers de recherche
Ernult J. Ashta A. Comment mesurer la performance sociétale et environnementale ? Une étude de la crédibilité de la notation de la Caisse d’Épargne par Vigeo. Cahiers du CEREN 2008 n°25 p. 48-65.
Cahiers de recherche
Ashta A. Behavioral Influences on the Calculation of Expectations in Project Appraisal. The ICFAI Journal of Behavioral Finance 2007 vol. 4 n°2 p. 7-32.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ernult J. Ashta A. Développement durable responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise théorie des parties prenantes : Évolution et perspectives. Cahiers du CEREN 2007 n°21 p. 4-31.
Cahiers de recherche
Attuel-Mendes L. Ashta A. La législation française en matière d’usure et le développement de l’accès au crédit des microentreprises. Cahiers du CEREN 2007 n°21 p. 87-100.
Cahiers de recherche
Ernult J. Ashta A. How to measure Global Sustainable Performance in a service enterprise? A case study of Caisse d’Epargne. The second International Conference on Services Management 1er-2 juin 2007 New-Delhi Inde.
Conférences académiques
Sutan A. Corgnet B. Ashta A. The power of words in financial markets: a strategy experiment on soft versus hard communications. European ESA Meeting 1er septembre 2007 Nottingham Royaume-Uni.
Conférences académiques
Ashta A. The Taxation of Mergers Directive (90/434/EEC) as Amended. The ICFAI Journal of Mergers & Acquisitions 2007 vol. 4 n°1 p. 62-78.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Diaz Bretones F. Tolle L. Behavioral Influences in Selecting Restructuring Strategies for Sick Companies. The ICFAI Journal of Behavioral Finance 2007 vol. 4 n°4 p. 7-32.
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Ashta A. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Information Age of Dynamic Inter-systems Connectivity. Conference of the Information Resource Management Association (IRMA) 19-23 mai 2007 Vancouver Canada.
Conférences académiques